You For Eternity

Chapter 915: Young Master is a guest with us (4)

He wanted to tear off her scarf, but Nianxin caught it in response: "Uncle..."

"Let go!"

How could Nianxin **** him, the scarf was torn off, and sure enough, many marks were left on his neck.

This is not the answer, Bai Yujing tore her collar to pieces.

"Uncle!" Nianxin looked in horror.

Nianxin's collar was torn apart, and the traces left on his bare snow-white skin were shocking, which made his anger even higher.

"Does it mean nothing?"

Looking at all this, Lan Fei was also stunned. She hated iron and waited for Lan Ye: "A Ye! What have you done to Nianxin! Why are you so ignorant!"

Thousands of warnings, Bai Nianxin is different from other women, different! Can't treat her in the same way as other women, why don't you listen? !

Bai Yujing grabbed her hand again and opened her sleeves to take a look.

Sure enough, both wrists were bruised.

This shows that Lan Ye has a strong mind, and such bruises must have taken a lot of effort to stay.

"How do you want to die?"

Lan Ye sneered: "Whatever, best, she can be pregnant with my child, so that when the child grows up, he can still learn from elsewhere that its little grandfather killed its father. It’s fun."

"Lan Ye!!" Nianxin glared at him, "Are you crazy? Why are you talking about these vain things? If you miss, you can run to the road and be hit by a car. Why do you want my uncle to do it? "

Go to his kid!

They didn't do anything, where's the kid!

Bai Yujing and Lan Fei saw the real Nianxin and Lan Ye.

It turned out that the harmony between the two of them was pretended. Now they are the real ones.

"Uncle! Believe me, don't kill him, it's not worth it," Nian Xin looked at him most sincerely, "Don't be fooled by him... Uncle!"

Bai Yujing put the gun away and touched Nianxin's head: "Uncle believes you."

Lan Fei's heart fell and she gave Lan Ye a fierce look.

Lan Ye still said unwillingly: "Okay, but I saw her body is real, 36D at least it is."

"A Ye!"

The anger in Bai Yujing's eyes rose again, but at this time Nianxin suddenly rushed over and hugged him: "He deliberately made you angry, don't be fooled."

He understands.

Lan Ye was deliberately angry that he was true, but it was true that he had seen Nian Xin's body. If he was punished according to this crime theory, Lan Ye would have to die.


If he stays here again, he will definitely kill him.

Seeing that his brother had also been shot, Lan Fei made a final conclusion: "I must educate A Ye when I go back, and I won't let him go wrong again."

After speaking, he untied Lan Ye and helped him up.

Lan Ye limply walked to the door, and turned around and said unconsciously: "Second Lord, since I have seen this body of Nianxin, and kissed me, why don't you marry her to me?"

Before Bai Yujing could speak, Lan Fei hit him: "You shut up!"

What are you talking about at this time? It's good to save a life!

If something like this happened, how could he still marry Nianxin to him?


When Wei Young shouted, Lan Fei was also terrified.

She knew that this child was Nianxin, but how could she call A Ye's father?

"Little Miss!" Zhan Yan grabbed her.

"Good girl!" Lan Ye limped on one leg, bent over to touch her head, "Daddy will look back at you again."

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