You For Eternity

Chapter 917: Young Master is a guest with us (6)

"A Ye, didn't I say, what do you think about Bai Nianxin? Didn't you look down on the girl from the Bai family before? Now she still carries an oil bottle, and you are a cheap father. ! What do you think?"

"Sister, you haven't seen her. She is really in good shape, white and tender. At first glance, she is a young girl who has not been touched. As for the man back then... I'm still checking to see if I can find anything. , I found it, when their Bai family handles it well, don't you think?"

Even Lan Fei didn't want to talk to him anymore, "Just do it! You will die one day! I don't bother to care about you!"

This incident appeared to have passed, but Lan Fei still took a gift to apologize to Nianxin.

Nian Xin's elder sister of the Lan family, except that she is her future young aunt, actually has nothing to dislike, so she did not transfer her anger towards Lan Ye to his sister.

"Don't worry, Auntie, this matter is over. I will help persuade the uncle. It won't hurt the entire Lan family. As long as Auntie, you look at Lan Ye well, don't let him come out and die.

"Definitely! I kept him locked, not letting him out to harm him, now he is limping on one leg, and he can't do anything evil."

This younger brother has never made her worry less since she was young.


In the afternoon, Chu Chu brought Qianyi to the hospital and let the two children meet each other.

Chu Chu and Nianxin discussed, otherwise when they went to Sun Island, they would let Qianyi stay here to play with Wei Young.

"Are you not going with Qianyi?" Nianxin asked.

"That guy doesn't want to go with us. If Wei Young goes too, he might want to go. He is a big man, knows everything, and says he doesn't want to be a light bulb."

"Puff......" Nianxin also laughed, "Qianyi has indeed inherited my brother's fine genes, so smart. Weiyang in our family really hasn't inherited my cleverness at all, little fool."

"What little idiot?" Wei Young ran over when he heard a word.

Qianyi faintly followed, and the overbearing little president said, "Apart from you, who else is worthy of the term dumb?"

Wei Yang made a mouthful.

No matter how stupid she is, she knows that the idiot is definitely not complimenting her!


Qianyi asked Nianxin and said, "Auntie, is your uncle back?"

A little curious.

Just now, Xiao Pangyang kept talking about how handsome and good her father was, and he was almost boasting to the sky.

"Uncle?" Chu Chu was strange, looking at Nianxin again, "Weiyang's father is back?"

Nianxin had a headache, and I didn't know where to start, so I briefly explained it.

Qianyi can understand, let alone chuchu, understand in seconds.

Qianyi shook his head and said helplessly: "I said, Xiao Pang Yang will be abducted by the strange Shu Mi one day, aunt, you must look at her carefully, IQ is worrying."

Chu Chu looked at the time and stood up: "It's almost time. I should go to my aunt's house. I will finish eating early. I will send Qianyi to you. It is safe and the two children have a companion. They will not be bored."

Nianxin smiled and said: "I'm sure it's fine, it's cheaper, Weiyang, and I eat and sleep with her favorite brother."

Chu Chu looked at Mr. Qian's joy hidden in his heart, and said with a smile: "Who is happier than whom is not necessarily."

Although they eventually became brothers and sisters, Qian Duo Wei Yang's likes remained undiminished, and she disliked her IQ while despising her integrity while protecting her.

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