You For Eternity

Chapter 925: Accidentally married into the royal family (4)

Chu Chu didn't react for the first second, and nodded with a "Oh", En Gaoda...

Then the next second, wait...


"Huh?" Chu Chu stared at Qianyi with wide eyes, "Jun...Jun...Jun?"

Bliss thought to the side, yes, this is the correct response after knowing your identity.

Chu Chu looked at Qianyi, he nodded without joking at all, looked at Brown again, swallowed, looked back at Qianyi, and whispered, "Really?"

"What do you think?"


Such a big formation and pomp.

Just downstairs, they had guessed that the identity of the person who kidnapped Qianyi was incredible, but they couldn't think of... the king of a country?

God, is she living in a fairy tale world? You can still see the legendary king even alive?

See you for a long time...

She had met Li Hengzhi with Li Hengzhi, so the fact that he was Li Heng’s father couldn’t be more true. He didn’t have to pretend to be King Butler at all, which would not do him any good.

Chu Chu was shocked, his brain was running fast, and when he looked at the medical team in front of him, he suddenly understood something and held Qianyi tighter: "I don't care if you are the king or the king of the world, Qianyi is me. Yes, I don’t allow anyone to **** it from me, and neither can the king!”

Brown told them to retreat first, let her sit down and talk.

"Miss Qian, we met many years ago. I thought you were a smart person."

"..." Chu Chu said nothing.

"If it is confirmed that Qianyi is a descendant of our Mott dynasty royal family and has a noble royal lineage, this is a matter of only benefits and no disadvantages for him and for you."

In the past few minutes, Chu Chu was thinking about one thing quickly.

He is a king, isn't that Li Hengzhi...

prince? ?

The days when she didn't know him don't count, he has lived in this city as an ordinary person for many years!

All of it explained one thing, the Mott Dynasty could not tolerate him, so he didn't mention his paternal relatives.

Is it because of his mother's identity? Still what Qianyi said, his heterochromatic pupil is an ominous sign in the royal family, so he has been deprived of his identity as a prince?

Chu Chu believes that it is more likely to be because of his heterochromatic pupils. If it is because of his mother's identity, then there is still a grandmother with an unclear identity after a generation of Qianyi, so that His Excellency Brown will not be far away to Haicheng Look for Qianyi.

"Then I want to ask your Excellency, if it is confirmed that Qianyi is indeed a descendant of the royal family, what would you do? At all costs, take Qianyi back to Butler and let him grow up in the court?"

Brown did not answer directly. "Isn't it bad? Although **** is my eldest son now, but if Qianyi also returns to the royal family, no one knows what will happen in the future, he might become the future king of Butler, isn't it? You don't want your son to have a better life?"


To be honest, Chu Chu had never thought of such a fantasy.

She had never thought that these things would be so close to herself. They were obviously things that should only exist on TV, but now she suddenly told her that her husband is a prince and her son is also a prince.

Now the king told her that her son still has a chance to become the monarch of a country. Is there anything more magical than this?

Chu Chu is a little confused now, not really thinking about it, but thinking.

Is there a camera around? Are you playing a prank now?

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