You For Eternity

Chapter 927: Accidentally married into the royal family (6)

Brown originally wanted to take some samples today, but he hasn't got them now, and he doesn't intend to force them to stay.

This woman, and this child, sang and harmonized with each other. They were not afraid, and they were very courageous to be able to say those things.

"You have a word, it will be long in Japan."

With permission, Chu Chu turned and left with Qianyi.

What else does Bliss want to say: "Your Excellency..."

Brown raised his hand to stop: "Forget it."

That child has very independent opinions, even if he is forcibly taken back, he will probably resist. If you want to bring back to the royal family, you can only ask him to actively agree.


Before the supporters arrived, Chu Chu and Qianyi came out from inside.

Seeing them all well, Zhan Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately reported with Erye.

"Madam, young master, are you all right?"

"It's okay..." Chu Chu waved his hand, bent down, and let out a sigh of relief.

Qianyi gave a thumbs up and said, "Little Taozi, very handsome, please give me a thumbs up!"

"Don't praise my son... Your mother and my heart are going to jump out!"

Zhan Yan was also a little strange: "Who are they? How come you let you go so easily?"

In fact, when that person came to lead Chu Chu in, Zhan Yan also analyzed the situation. The situation should not be too dangerous, and it didn't look like kidnapping.

But because he was uncertain about the situation, he couldn't jump to conclusions.

Chu Chu looked back at this place, still feeling like a dream.

who is she? where is she? What have you experienced just now?

Thousand One: "..."

He patted her hand and said meaningfully: "It's hard for you."

Although Zhan Yan didn't know what was going on, he was still afraid that something might happen, so he said hurriedly: "Madam, young master, get in the car first, and let's go back. Everyone is worried."

After getting in the car and driving a long distance, Chuchu's heartbeat was still very fast. She turned her head and looked at Qianyi again, still as if nothing had happened.

She had to wonder if she had just experienced an illusion by herself?

She touched her forehead, still hurt.

"Son, tell me, am I dreaming? Do I wake up with a pinch?"

Qianyi calmed his face: "It's not a dream."

Zhan Yan looked confused: "Madam, what happened? How did they agree to let you go?"

Kidnapped people with fanfare, and released them within half an hour?

"Zhan Yan...Do you know who the person who was inside just now is?" Chu Chu squeezed his face, it hurts, it's really not a dream? ?

"Who is it?" Zhan Yan wondered.

"Sovereign of Butler, Brown!"

"...Who?" Zhanyan, who has always been relatively calm, was also stunned this time, "King Butler Brown? Really?"

"I hope it's fake too..."

This dream hasn't woken up yet, it seems to be real...

At this time, Zhan Yan’s cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. Then I remembered: "Madam, this is from Fourth Master Li. I just forgot to tell you that when you were inside, Fourth Master Li called. Many phone calls."

As soon as he heard Chu Chu's voice, Li Hengzhi's nervous voice relaxed.

Chu Chu didn't say anything else, only said that when we meet, we will discuss in detail.


Returning to the Glory Private Hospital again, seeing Nianxin, who had only recently separated, Chu Chu felt like a world away, and suddenly felt that the things and people around here were so kind and real!

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