
Gu Aotian actually sent a death knight to guard the boss room. This was something that Tang Hao never thought of. A level 40 death knight was definitely not easy to deal with, and the surrounding light was flashing, and one after another skeleton soldiers were summoned by the death knight. , faced with such a battle, even if they could attack by force, they would suffer heavy casualties.

After Tang Hao shouted to retreat, the players immediately evacuated, but then someone shouted, "President, the door is closed, we can't get out!"

Tang Hao looked back and saw that more than a dozen players were pushing the door hard, but the latter was motionless. Obviously, the boss on this floor had some different settings and could not exit normally after the battle started.

"Use the teleportation crystal!"

Under Tang Hao's order, the players took out the teleportation crystals one after another, and then as the crystals turned into overflowing fragments, the players disappeared from the place one by one.

Tang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the teleportation crystal could be used and it was not too fatal.

Immediately, Tang Hao turned his head again, looked at the death knight who had rushed five meters away, and said solemnly: "Kirito, Asuna, you guys hold me back, I want to see these level 40 death knights. How strong is it!"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Hao rushed forward quickly. He had actually given up on the strategy for this level of boss, but before that, he still needed to confirm the strength of the death knight. If he could find its weakness, he would be better prepared for the next strategy. It will also be helpful.

Tang Hao was very fast. The moment he rushed forward, the cold blade of Lou Guanjian had already slashed towards the death knight's head. Then with a clang, the death knight raised the shield in his left hand and parried his attack. At the same time, the heavy sword Falling down, trying to split Tang Hao in half.

Although it looks clumsy, the actual response is not slow.

Tang Hao had the confidence in his heart, and he flashed sideways, slashing the death knight's arm with a flash of light.


Three-stage slash, cross slash, moonlight slash, horizontal slash, half-moon slash... Taking advantage of the moment when he and the death knight were separated, Tang Hao exploded with hand speed. Five or six skills were launched almost at the same time, causing the death knight's head to fall. Words about HP reduction kept floating around, but even the maximum damage was less than 300!

Even the death knight's health bar did not drop significantly.

Tang Hao's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. This death knight was much more powerful than he imagined. Even Lou Guanjian couldn't cause obvious damage to it. Was it specialized in defense or strengthened in resistance? sex?

Although no matter which game the special attack is, it is a game after all, and other attributes cannot be ignored. This death knight is obviously specialized in a certain aspect, not to mention that both sides have six levels. The gap... I don't know if I can kill it with a sword Shura?

Just as Tang Hao was thinking about it, the death knight suddenly roared loudly. His ferocious face seemed to be split open. The heavy sword raised high fell down, and there was a faint sound like metal being cut.

It's a skill!

Tang Hao immediately pulled back. In terms of speed, he was still faster than the Death Knight, but for some reason, facing the Death Knight's attack, his movements paused slightly, and then the sword edge followed his right side. The shoulder fell...


A bloody mark was cut on Tang Hao's chest, and his HP dropped by two-thirds in an instant as if he was free of charge.

Such a loss of health even made Tang Hao break into a cold sweat. Just one skill cost two-thirds of his health. It was simply too terrifying. Is this just pure strength? Or is it dual specialization on offense and defense at the same time?


Seeing that Tang Hao was severely injured, Kirito and Asuna were no longer calm. They rushed over quickly, attacked the death knight from the left and right, and forcibly cut off its attack, allowing Tang Hao to withdraw from the battle circle.

"President, are you okay?"

Tang Hao felt his body being caught by someone. When he looked back, not only Kirito and Asuna, but also the team leader in the guild had not left, and they were all guarding him at the moment.

Tang Hao couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He originally only let these people serve as team captains because of their ability and level, but now it seems that he has a good eye for people. At this time, he can still stay behind. , is definitely a trustworthy existence.


Suddenly, the death knight in front roared. Faced with Kirito and Asuna's flanking attacks, it seemed a little impatient. It raised its heavy sword and struck directly with a whirlwind. Amidst the clanging swords, the two swords clashed. The man was immediately ejected and hit the stone pillars on the left and right sides hard, with half of his health remaining.

"Vice President!" The expressions of the team captains changed drastically. They never expected that this boss would be so powerful that even the three presidents were defeated.

Tang Hao also frowned, and found that the team leaders seemed to be frightened. His face suddenly turned serious and he shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? It's time to dodge!"

Only then did the team captains come to their senses and activated the teleportation crystals one after another.

Returning to the entrance of the maze at the boss point, everyone's expressions were a little uncertain. Although no one died in defeating the boss this time, and the occasional failure was not intolerable, many people still felt huge pressure, especially a few. A squad leader, in a battle that lasted less than half a minute, even though they had not experienced it personally, they still felt the overwhelming power of the Death Knight.

How to defeat such a boss?

Tang Hao did not issue any more orders, but asked everyone to find a place to rest temporarily. He took Kirito and Asuna to a relatively quiet corner nearby, looked at the two of them, "There are some things, it is time to talk to you Tell me."

The two were stunned, and Asuna asked: "Is it about the boss? It's really strange. Not only the level, but also the boss's attributes in all aspects have been greatly improved."

Tang Hao shook his head, "We'll talk about the boss later. What I want to say now is...about me, you and your future direction...don't look at me like this. In short, just listen to me slowly..."

"...That's the basic situation." Tang Hao spent about ten minutes explaining the whole story, including the reasons for the appearance of skeleton soldiers and death knights, as well as some of his guesses, and then raised his head, ready to listen to the two men. Thoughts on this, and then saw Kirito and Asuna looking at Chuunibyou.

"Um..." Kirito scratched his head and made gestures that he probably didn't know clearly, "Is it like [the power of the black flame dragon resides in my arm], [I am walking alone in the darkness] , I am the real master】Similar to the second grade speech?”

Tang Hao rolled his eyes, you understand very well, have you ever been in the second grade?

Asuna looked a little worried, and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch Tang Hao's dog head, "President, you won't be frightened by that boss, right? How about I find a doctor for you?"

"Go, go, you two, stop being ridiculous, I'm serious!" Tang Hao waved his hands angrily.

Asuna frowned, "Even if you think what you said is serious, but... well, if you think about it carefully, since the death game exists, then the existence of a chat room that can connect to other worlds doesn't seem to be a problem. !”

Kirito looked distressed, "The situation is serious now, so please stop joking with us."

Tang Hao looked at them, but he didn't expect that these two people were quite troublesome. Should he say that they were too realistic or too serious?

"Well, since you don't believe it, I can only use the last resort." Tang Hao sighed silently, took out his mobile phone from his backpack, and then said to it, "Sage Hui, help me buy it. It doesn’t matter if some Kirito or Asuna’s books come over, I think your world should also have them…”

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