Tang Hao originally thought that this mission, with Yakumo Purple leading the team, would be a success even if it was a little difficult. However, when he heard Yakumo Purple's last words, he suddenly felt a surge in his heart. A strong foreboding feeling.

“Don’t ever get separated… Never get separated… Never get separated…”

There is such an ultimate road fool like Zoro in the team, so trying not to get separated seems... unrealistic!

And plans are often meant to be disrupted...

However, the time limit has come and Tang Hao has no time to remind him. In other words, what is the use of reminding him about this kind of thing?

The erratic feeling came to his consciousness again. Tang Hao didn't know what it was like when others traveled through time, but he still felt a little uncomfortable, as if he had had a short dream.

When I opened my eyes again, my vision was dim, and there was a faint sound of a little girl crying in my ears, mixed with some tiny rubbing sounds, as if there were countless tiny creatures crawling, and then my vision gradually became clear...

"What the hell! What the hell is this!"

When he saw countless black bugs crawling on his shoes, Tang Hao was almost scared to death. He instinctively raised his feet and stepped on them hard! Bang! Bang!

Damn, it's disgusting, but it's so enjoyable.

Hey, wait?

Tang Hao suddenly came back to his senses and looked around...the dark basement, the damp walls, the environment where even a little sunlight could not penetrate, and countless bugs crawling all over the ground. When he turned around, there was a man with wet tears on his face, The little girl's eyes were full of fear, as if she had been frightened. Such a scene...

"Who are you? Why are you here!"

At the front of the stairs, a mummy-like skinny old man was leaning on a cane, his sunken eye sockets revealed a slender light. Matching the extremely weird atmosphere of this basement, he looked so spooky and terrifying.

"I see, it's such an unexpected coincidence." Tang Hao pinched his chin, completely ignoring the old man's words, and then picked up the mobile phone in his other hand, "Hey, I've arrived at Matou's house. Are you there? Where?"

The empty basement only had his own echo and the sound of squirming insects, which made Tang Hao frown. Although he had been worried about getting separated before, it wasn't like he couldn't even receive the team's voice. Could it be said that again? What accident happened that caused him to come to this world early?

"Kid, what am I asking you?" Matou Zangyan stared. Tang Hao's ignorance made him feel angry. With a little crutch, the countless bugs on the ground jumped up and rushed towards Tang Hao in dense numbers. .

However, Tang Hao still lowered his head and kept tinkering with his phone.


There was a sound like firecrackers in the basement, and all the insects that rushed towards Tang Hao stopped when they were half a meter away from his body, as if they had hit a transparent wall, and then fell down with a splash, falling to the ground. He was motionless, and he didn't know whether he was dead or fainted.

Tang Hao's eyes were fixed on his phone. At this moment, he had already clicked on the mission page.

[The limited time mission is in progress, countdown: 1 hour, 58 minutes and 20 seconds]

[Captain’s permissions: In limited-time missions, only the captain has the authority to randomly teleport himself and any object touched by his body within the protection range of the world interference value to any location within ten kilometers, limited to 3/3 times]

[Note: The transmission range fluctuates according to the user's interference value]

Tang Hao immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Since the countdown to the mission had begun, it meant that there should be no accident. As for no one replying in the voice channel, maybe it was because the interference value of others was higher than his, so the time travel was delayed?

After all, it is a mobile phone, and the signal will always be slow or slow.

But having said that, this captain's authority is quite interesting. It is randomly teleported, and it is the carnival of Europeans and the crying of Africans. It is really suitable for gamblers like me.

Just when Tang Hao was checking his phone, the little girl who was huddled in the corner and crying was surprised to find that the terrifying bugs that originally wanted to attack her were now retreating, as if they were afraid of something. Don't dare to come any closer.

What are they afraid of?


The little girl raised her head and looked at the back of the man in front of her. Hope suddenly rose in her heart. She pursed her lips tightly and hesitated for a few seconds. Finally, she mustered up the courage, stood up tremblingly, and pounced on the man.


The little girl hugged Tang Hao's thigh and begged: "Brother, please save me, those bugs... I'm scared, please take me away from here."

Tang Hao lowered his head and looked at the child who was only as high as his waist. Her face, which had turned pale due to fear, still had wet tears. Her frightened eyes revealed strong expectations and pleadings, just like that. looking at himself.

Sakura Matou, the second daughter of the Tosaka family, was adopted into the Matou family by her biological father, Tokiomi Tosaka, due to the twisted roots of the magician family. With the negotiation of Matou Zouken, she was adopted by the Matou family when she was only five years old. After receiving inhumane treatment, he was completely reduced to Matou Zangyan's puppet, and finally ushered in a sad and dark future.

Thinking of what this girl was going to face, Tang Hao sighed secretly.

He is not the kind of person who is nosy. The task posted in the chat room this time is extremely important, and the time is so limited. He actually doesn't want to waste this small amount of time on other things, but... look Looking at the little girl's hopeful eyes and feeling the other person's trembling hands, he still couldn't ignore her.

Maybe he just appeared here by chance, but since we met him, it was fate.

Just like when he invited the Moon Night Black Cat Group into the guild in the world of Sword Art Online, at least taking the girl out of this terrifying basement was just a matter of convenience for him.

"Sakura, what are you talking about? This is your home. Your surname is Matou. Where can you go if you don't stay at Matou's house? Quickly, leave that dangerous man and come to grandpa."

Matou Zangyan, who also heard the girl's cry for help, squeezed out a kind smile on his thin face and waved to the girl.

The little girl shook her head desperately and hid behind Tang Hao, her young body trembling.

"Old bug, you'd better put away your ugly face." Tang Hao looked at Matou Zangyan and sneered, "I know exactly what you are, and you still want to pretend to be a kind old grandfather. I almost vomited when I saw it...Maqili Zolgen!"

"You...!" Matou Zangyan's expression changed, a strange aura surged around him, and even the air in the entire basement seemed to condense. Machili Zolgen, this is the name he has buried for countless years. He never expected that the kid in front of him would know it.

"Who are you?" Matou Zangyan asked in a deep voice.

"I'm your father!"

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