You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 203 Two Swords, Unintentional Defeat

"Okay, monk, I won't bully you. You just finished the battle, so I'll give you three moves. After that, it will be a fair showdown between us."

Sensing that Wu Xin's aura was unstable, Jian Wushuang slowly pulled out the two swords behind him and spoke.

This monk's aura is now disordered. If he wins, he will not be able to win with force.

"Donor, there is no need to do this. Come directly and open the true body of Buddhism."

Wu Xin shook his head and shouted angrily. His whole body was full of momentum, and the golden Buddha appeared again behind him.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't hold back."

Jian Wushuang's eyes were slightly focused, and he was surrounded by sword energy.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, was fully focused. This was the first time he had seen Jian Wushuang take action, and the first time he had seen the man known as Tianhe County's number one genius take action.

"With one sword, the world opens and the earth is cut."

There is no bells and whistles, Jian Wushuang takes action, it is pure and incomparable sword intention, and the sword intention is mixed with the power of heaven and earth.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong."

Wuxin made a hand seal with his hands, and the golden Buddha statue behind him slowly stretched out his huge palm and slapped Jian Wushuang.


There was a loud noise.

The sword light collided with the golden giant palm.


Just a crisp cross talk was heard, and the golden sound shattered instantly.

In front of Jian Wushuang's sword, the golden giant palm couldn't hold on for even a second.

Wuxin, on the other hand, tried his best to catch the sword light completely.

At this time, he was also extremely uncomfortable. The spiritual energy in his body was rolling, and a mouthful of blood in his throat was forcefully forced back into his body.

"I didn't expect that the young monk couldn't even take one of Jian Wushuang's swords?"

Wu Xin muttered to himself.

He had used all his strength to take the sword just now.

And with the next sword, he will be defeated.

"Okay, good, come again."

Seeing Wuxin taking his sword, Jian Wushuang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Unexpectedly, this monk is quite strong.

Seeing this, Lu Xuan in the sky nodded with satisfaction.

Jian Wushuang is the most dazzling genius he has ever seen, enough to stand up to those monsters in Central Continent.

"The second sword, the sword cuts through nothingness."

Jian Wushuang combined his swords and slashed towards Wu Xin with an extremely hot sword energy.

Tap tap tap.

Wu Xin took three steps back. He couldn't withstand just the sword energy, let alone the real attack.

The power of Jian Wushuang's sword has exceeded the scope of the golden elixir stage, it is too powerful.

It is already comparable to a casual blow from the Nascent Soul Stage Overhaul.

"Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum."

Wuxin's spiritual energy surged all over his body, he spit out six characters in his mouth, and the Buddha statue behind him shone with golden light.

The Buddha statue grabbed the sword light with both hands.

Seeing Wu Xin's move, Jian Wushuang thrust his swords back behind him.

Wu Xin's state was already clear in his heart. He couldn't catch this sword.

Sure enough, the moment the Buddha's hands came into contact with the sword light, the Buddha's arms shattered instantly, and Wuxin's entire body was directly chopped away by the sword, falling hard into the ring behind him.

Wuxin, covered in blood, stood up with great difficulty.

If he hadn't just taken the opportunity to dodge a centimeter, otherwise, his life would have been in danger.

"So strong. I haven't seen you for three years. Is Jian Wushuang already so strong? He is hailed as a rare Buddhist disciple in Foshan for thousands of years, but he can't even take one of his swords?"

"Hiss, under that sword light just now, I felt a fatal threat, as if I was afraid that I would die under that sword light."

"Damn, so strong, Jian Wushuang, Jian Wushuang, indeed Wushuang."

"Monk, you lose."

Jian Wushuang looked at Wu Xin under the ring and said with a smile.

"It's the young monk who lost. Wushuang Donor is really tyrannical and has no intention of being taught."

Wu Xin was covered in blood. He clasped his hands and bowed to Jian Wushuang, then walked towards the spectator seats step by step.

He was completely defeated in front of Jian Wushuang.

After everything was done, Jian Wushuang sat cross-legged in the center of the ring, but none of the subsequent disciples dared to step onto Jian Wushuang's ring.

They didn't dare. They had already lost before they even fought.

"Donor, the young monk has been defeated."

Wuxin came and sat down next to Ye Lin, with a wry smile on his face.

He knew that Jian Wushuang was very strong, but he didn't know that Jian Wushuang was so strong.

Ridiculously strong.

"You've done your best."

Ye Lin's face was extremely solemn. From the two swords just now, he already understood that this sword Wushuang was not a good thing.

He had to face the second sword seriously.

During the entire process, Jian Wushuang never really made a move.

Even Ye Lin couldn't see through his true strength.

"Donor, are you going to challenge Jian Wushuang?"

Seeing Ye Lin staring at Jian Wushuang, Wu Xin asked curiously while adjusting his breath.

"Not urgent."

Hearing this, Ye Lin shook his head. Sooner or later, he would fight Jian Wushuang, but not now.

He will go to one of the other two major arenas. As long as he holds on until the end, he will be among the top three.

He came here only for the mission. As long as he can get the top three, the mission has been completed.

When the time comes, he can feel at ease to learn Jian Wushuang's brilliant moves.

No matter how heavy or light it is, he can still carry it clearly.

He is not a reckless person, and he is not completely sure about Jian Wushuang.

Not to mention that not only did they lose to Jian Wushuang, but they also failed to get into the top three, that would be really bad.

The fundamental reason why he was afraid of Jian Wushuang was that his destructive sword intent had just awakened.

Jian Wushuang, on the other hand, had awakened three years ago and had been raising his sword for three years.

If he is the same, what is a Jian Wushuang? Three swords can defeat him.

"Let's go."

After a moment of silence, Ye Lin stood up and walked towards one of the three arenas.

Wu Xin looked at Ye Lin's back with curiosity.

He was very curious about Ye Lin.

Ye Lin walked to the leftmost arena. In the center of the arena, a young man was sitting cross-legged. Next to the young man, there was a golden spear.

"An outer disciple of Wuming Mountain, Ye Lin?"

Looking at Ye Lin in front of him, the young man stood up slowly.

"I am the first disciple of the leader of the Spear Sect, Xuanming."

Xuanming clasped his fists and bowed to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin also returned the greeting.

"Please teach me."

After Xuanming finished speaking, he grabbed the golden spear beside him. On the golden spear, golden light flowed.

Ye Lin took out Zhuxie from the space ring, and his sword intent burst out.

The spear intent flowed around Xuanming, resisting Ye Lin's sword intent.

He is also a genius who has comprehended the artistic conception.

How big is Tianhe County? How many young people are there? There are also many geniuses who have comprehended the artistic conception.

"Fellow Daoist Ye Lin, be careful."

Xuan Ming pulled out his spear, and the spear intent flowed all over his body.

"The ultimate spear technique, the ultimate song of the king."

Xuan Ming roared, and stabbed Ye Lin in the face with a spear.

The breath of his whole body surged, and a domineering aura came towards him.

Ye Lin did not dare to be careless about Xuan Ming's attack.

"Liuyun sword technique, cut."

Ye Lin performed Liuyun sword technique, and the sword energy flowed around.

Liuyun sword technique tends to be feminine, which is most suitable for resisting such domineering attacks.

To cut the soft with hardness, it must be hard enough.

Ye Lin performed the magic shadow without trace, cleverly dodged Xuan Ming's spear, turned around and stabbed Xuan Ming's back with a sword.

However, how sharp is the intuition of the peak of the golden elixir? Xuan Ming immediately turned around and opened Ye Lin's sword with a spear.

The two of them fought back and forth, and the more they fought, the more frustrated Xuan Ming became.

He could never hit Ye Lin, no matter how powerful his attack was, in the end, he couldn't even touch the corner of Ye Lin's clothes.

Throughout the whole process, it seemed as if Ye Lin was playing a trick on him, which made him extremely angry and helpless.

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