You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2252 Mysterious Place-The Final Decision

Ye Lin didn't know how long he slept. In the end, he only knew that he was woken up by Gu Qing.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Gu Qing's anxious face.

"Ye Lin, hurry up, we are late, get up and go."

Gu Qing pulled Ye Lin up and ran forward. They slept all night. Today is the day to accept disciples.

If they miss it, they will be finished, really finished.

Not only did they fail their brothers' expectations, but their efforts along the way were in vain, and the deaths of their two brothers were also in vain.

He didn't want to bear such consequences.


Suddenly, a roar sounded, and the roar shook the ground and the leaves around were rustling.

For a moment, Gu Qing's face was full of fear, but Ye Lin had no emotion at all. He found that he seemed to have lost the emotion of fear.

It seemed that all his emotions were lost.

He seemed not to be a person, not a real person.

Gu Qing picked up a stick from the ground and looked around with vigilant eyes. Children living in the mountains all know that this sound is not something else, but the real king of beasts, the tiger.

There is a tiger hiding in the dark, which is very bad news.

At this time, don't run, if you run, you will die, unless you are sure you can outrun the tiger.

At this time, there was a rustling sound in the distance. Gu Qing looked up and saw a tiger with the word "king" on its head and black and white patterns on its body slowly walking out.

It is more than three meters long and more than one meter high, reminding that it is enough to be three times as big as Gu Qing.

The tiger walked step by step, and Gu Qing retreated step by step with a stick in his hand.

"Ye Lin, I think we may not be able to leave. Ye Lin, promise me that you must become an immortal cultivator, definitely."

"Didn't we always fantasize when we were young? When we grow up, we must become immortal cultivators, high above and free."

"Remember, Ye Lin, you also said that you want to be the most powerful immortal cultivator, marry the most beautiful fairy, and protect us when the time comes."

"We all remember, we all remember, you also said that when the time comes, the four of us will walk together in the world."

"You are the eldest, I am the second, Li Luo is the third, and Qin Feng is the fourth."

"You said you would protect us."

"I remember all these words, but I'm sorry, brother, I can't... I can accompany you to go on, the future road depends on you. "

"Ye Lin, the road is lonely, but you must remember that the three of us are always behind you. When you have achieved success in cultivation in the future, remember to come here and tell us, so that we can be happy too."

"Ye Lin, I am going to accompany them. Let's go. The brothers are all watching you. With the brothers' hope, step into the world of cultivation and become a powerful cultivator."

"Ye Lin, go!!!"

After Gu Qing finished speaking, he turned around and glanced at Ye Lin behind him. Three drops of clear tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. His eyes were full of reluctance. Finally, accompanied by a roar, he rushed towards the tiger alone with a wooden stick in his hand.

Seeing that his closest brother chose to fight the tiger for him, Ye Lin was very sad, but for some reason, he didn't shed a single tear.

Although he was very sad, he seemed to have no grief at all.

"Ye Lin, go, don't waste the precious opportunity I gave you to delay, go quickly, otherwise, I will not forgive you even if I die. "

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