You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2254 Mysterious Place - A Fellow Daoist's Voice of Change

In the end, Ye Lin's injuries were miraculously healed.

After thanking them, Ye Lin followed everyone into the Qingyun Sect.

Everyone knows that cultivating immortals is good, but who knows the dangers on the road to cultivating immortals?

Although the road to the mortal world is vicissitudes, you can think of the leisurely heart.

Once you enter the immortal road, it is as bitter as the sea, and the dilemma of life and death is even more known?

In an instant, the picture in front of him shattered. In the courtyard, Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar scenes around him. Ye Lin smiled bitterly.

Has he not really escaped from the mundane world after all?

Transcending the mortal world on the body is only the first step, and transcending the mortal world on the state of mind is the really difficult step.

"Are you awake? Do you know? You have been trapped in the illusion for ten days and ten nights."

Realizing that Ye Lin woke up, Bai Ziran stood up and said.

"Thank you."

Ye Lin thanked sincerely. This time, his state of mind has indeed improved a lot compared to before. Bai Ziran really helped him a lot.

"Don't thank me. This is just your own opportunity. It has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, I'll consider you as a passer. Now, I can teach you the knowledge of the Dao of Formation. I don't know much, so don't despise me."

After Bai Ziran finished speaking, he came to the hut to teach Ye Lin carefully, and Ye Lin listened carefully. The two sat face to face, teaching and learning, and answering questions.

There is no concept of time when discussing Dao, and you can't feel the passage of time at all.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. On this day, Ye Lin suddenly woke up and calculated the time. The time is almost up, and there are about ten days left.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, I have gained a lot these days. Now I have to go back and digest it myself."

Ye Lin said to Bai Ziran in front of him, and Bai Ziran just waved his hand casually.

"Elder Ye, please do as you please. By the way, Elder Ye, how about you and I go to visit Yang Xiu together in ten days?"

Ye Lin's face did not change when he heard the words, but he was already thinking in his heart. According to the panel prompt, ten days later is the day when Li Shanchang will take action.

Why did Bai Ziran choose this time? Is it a coincidence?


After saying goodbye to Bai Ziran, Ye Lin rushed to his own dojo. After studying for these days, Ye Lin also had a simple understanding of the Dao of Array, which was really beneficial.

As the saying goes, one Dao leads to all Daos. In the past, Ye Lin did not touch other things because he practiced too much and it was not good for him.

But now his Yuan Shen is very powerful and he learns things very quickly. He can often understand what Bai Ziran said in an instant.

So, now is the time to make up for it, otherwise he will suffer a lot if he faces the Tianjiao of the Dao of Array in the future.

After arriving at the dojo, looking at the hall in front of him, Ye Lin's face was gloomy, and he felt something was wrong.

Ye Lin stepped on the ground with both feet and walked up step by step. Finally, he pushed open the door of the hall with both hands.

At the moment of pushing it open, a strong smell of blood came towards him. In the distance, An Xin's young body was lying in the center of the big spot, with a blood-red magic circle around her.

And An Xin was pale and breathless, obviously dead.

Ye Lin just stood there, his face gloomy.

And all around, the smell of blood kept entering his nostrils, as if it was subtly infecting his emotions.

"Boy, be careful, this is a desire array, although the array is very crude, but it seems to be designed to deal with you."

At this time, the Heaven Devouring Demon Jar reminded him in time.

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