You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 23 Obtaining Spiritual Fire

"The cause and effect is over here. Zhang Liang died. The only one who knows about this is Wang Yun."

"Let's see what my fate is first."

Name: Ye Lin

Cultivation: Seventh level of Qi training

Fate: Black (bad luck)

Numerology: [bad luck] [insight and understanding]

Destiny: Zhang Xiao died. Wang Yun, the only insider knew that he was no match for you, so he swallowed the matter in his stomach and never mentioned it again, for fear of being killed by you. Three months later, during the treasure hunt in the secret realm , so I looked at other people's opportunities and discovered the location of the treasures of the Xuanjie high-grade elixir, so I went to search in the secret realm. After I found it, I happened to be discovered by the inner disciple Lin Ziyou, who then forced you to hand over the treasures. You refused to obey, and fought with He fought, but was eventually defeated and was beheaded by Lin Ziyou.

Recent opportunities: None

[Additional bad luck]: Bad luck, such as falling when walking, being cheated on getting married.

[Intelligence and Enlightenment]: The understanding is transcendent, and it is extremely fast to comprehend various exercises. For the same exercise, it takes others three months, but you only need a few days.

"Since you are so understanding, I will spare your life. Anyway, after three months, you still can't escape death."

Ye Lin muttered to himself that Wang Yun died three months later when the demon drained his blood of his predecessor.

When the time comes, there will be no need for him to take action at all.

"Duobao? Lin Ziyu?"

Looking at the panel, Ye Lin murmured to himself that Duobao is a medicinal material similar to Ganoderma lucidum. It is the main medicine for refining the Foundation Building Pill and is priceless.

"It seems that we should pay more attention to this Lin Ziyou. Since I can fight with him, it means that he must be at the ninth level of Qi training, not the foundation building stage."

Ye Lin thought in his mind that if Lin Ziyou was in the foundation building stage, he would not even have a chance to fight back.

"It seems that in these three months, I must break through to the eighth level of Qi training, and I also need to plunder a few more opportunities. It would be even better if I could have a trump card like Fu Lu."

After arriving all the way to his residence, Ye Lin began to retreat and hit the eighth level of Qi training with all his strength.

After swallowing the demon pill, with the experience from the last time, it is obviously much easier to suppress the demon pill this time.

Half a month later, Ye Lin had refined all the demon pills.

"Huh, the seventh level of Qi training is not far from the eighth level of Qi training. Once I get the chance from Wang Yun, I will retreat for two months and break through the eighth level of Qi training in one fell swoop."

"When the time comes, challenge the inner disciples again. The time is just right, just in time to catch up with the opening of the inner sect's secret realm."

Ye Lin estimated that this time, there must be people in the outer sect who had the same idea as him. Qingyun Sect had no record of an outer sect disciple challenging an inner sect disciple in ten years.

It's because the benefits are not big enough, and this time, the secret realm of the inner sect is opened. Such benefits are enough to make people crazy.

The group of people who have been in retreat in the outer sect will definitely start to challenge the inner sect disciples one after another.

Zhang Xiao is just the beginning.

"It's time to seize Wang Yun's opportunity."

Putting away the middle-grade spiritual stone in his hand, Ye Lin quickly went out and walked towards the depths of the mountain.

Before leaving, Ye Lin made a special trip to the Scripture Collection Pavilion to check out the specific steps for refining the spiritual fire.

The Qingyun Sect is located on the outskirts of the Hundred Thousand Miles Mountain, and its purpose is to suppress the monsters within a hundred thousand miles from coming out to invade the human race's territory.

Within the 100,000-mile mountain, monsters and beasts are everywhere, and all kinds of treasures emerge in endlessly, so this is also a place where countless casual cultivators frequently move.

The casual cultivators who came here were all brave and resourceful, and the brave and reckless ones all died.

Sheshan is located in the middle of the 100,000-mile mountain range, and this place is undoubtedly dangerous. It is rumored that a demon king is here.

The Demon King is a demon beast in the Golden Core stage. Once it is dispatched, it will destroy the world and destroy the world.

"Huh, be careful. Once discovered by the Demon King, you will definitely die."

Ye Lin jumped among the trees and moved forward at a high speed without attracting the attention of any monsters along the way.

The monsters around were all in the Qi training stage, and they couldn't catch Ye Lin's traces at all.


Ye Lin, who was advancing at great speed, suddenly stopped. He saw a vertical crack appearing at the bottom of the mountain in front of him. When he got close to the crack, a hot air rushed towards his face.

"It must be the spiritual fire inside."

Ye Lin's eyes were fiery, he stepped forward and squeezed into the crack with difficulty, slowly walking towards the inside.

Once he fuses the spiritual fire, even Zhang Xiao from before will not be his opponent.

Walking into the crack, there is a deep cave in front of you. The further you go inside, the higher the temperature becomes. Ye Lin, who is halfway there, is obviously thirsty.

After gritting his teeth and walking to the deepest point, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear, and he saw a green flame floating in a huge empty space, which looked extremely beautiful.

But under this beautiful appearance, there is a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees. Of course, this is only the core temperature of the spiritual fire. The temperature on the outside of the spiritual fire is extremely low, otherwise the whole thing would have disappeared long ago.

"Phew, such a strong temperature."

Ye Lin is holding a medium-grade spirit stone in his hand, and a green barrier appears on the surface of his body. This is the manifestation of the externalization of spiritual energy. Only with the supply of spirit stones can he stand here safely.

"To refine the spirit fire, I need to swallow it in one gulp. Are you sure this thing won't turn me into gas instantly?"

Looking at the spiritual fire in the distance, Ye Lin already had some doubts about life. On the books in the Sutra Pavilion, it was clearly written that after swallowing, he would use his skills to suppress the spiritual fire for his own use.

"No matter what, if you don't take it when you have the chance, you're crazy."

The next moment, Ye Lin grabbed the spiritual fire and put it directly into his mouth. He immediately sat on the ground and absorbed the spiritual energy in his hand with all his strength to start running the technique.

The next moment, Ye Lin's face changed. It hurt, it hurt too much. His internal organs seemed to be melted. A piercing pain rushed directly into his mind.

The spiritual power that was originally intended to suppress the spiritual fire was directly absorbed by the spiritual fire, and it was completely useless.

If you look from a distance, Ye Lin's abdomen is extremely red, as if it will explode in the next moment.

"No, I can't hold on."

The huge pain made Ye Lin's consciousness gradually disappear. The next moment, Ye Lin fell to the ground unconscious.

Three days later, Ye Lin woke up slowly.

"Good... such a strong power."

Ye Lin clenched his palms and found that his strength had doubled. He felt an indescribable sense of comfort all over his body.

Not only did his strength increase, but a ball of green flame suddenly appeared in his dantian and floated quietly.

"Is this, spiritual fire? The spiritual fire has merged with me? That means, I can now borrow the power of the spiritual fire?"

Ye Lin's face was overjoyed, and then he stood up and operated the Seven Killing Fist. Suddenly, a green flame appeared on his right arm and rotated along his arm.

He punched the wall on the side, and in an instant, a big hole suddenly appeared in the wall that was originally extremely solid.

The whole mountain was shaking slightly.

In the big hole that was blasted open, green flames were burning the stone wall, and the temperature was so high that the rock was burned as firewood.

Ye Lin stretched out his hand, and the originally extremely hot flames were like a naughty child when they touched Ye Lin's fingers, floating along Ye Lin's fingers, and Ye Lin could not sense any temperature at all, but instead had an indescribable feeling.

The next moment, the green flame seemed to have had enough fun, entered Ye Lin's skin, and disappeared.

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