You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2362 Li Mu's Request

"Senior, are you out of seclusion?"

Looking at Ye Lin walking out of the hall, Li Mu was stunned, and then said excitedly.

"Well, I'm out of seclusion. What you said is true. It is indeed a supreme law."

"I appreciate your kindness, tell me what you want."

Ye Lin looked at Li Mu in front of him and said calmly, this is a supreme law, and the cause and effect involved in it is extremely large. Ye Lin must completely eliminate this cause and effect.

It's not a good thing to owe karma. You won't be able to see it in the short term, but when you break through, Lei Jie will teach you how to behave.

If you owe a cause, you must return the result. It is natural and right.

"Senior, this junior has nothing to ask for. I just hope that I can teach those bastards of the Ice Bird Tribe a lesson."

After saying that, a trace of hatred flashed in Li Mu's eyes. Although on the surface he was very majestic after dealing with the eight immortals of the Ice Bird Clan for tens of millions of years, in fact, the Ice Bird Clan had been extremely disgusting for these tens of millions of years.

Hunting down the geniuses of the Earth Spirit Tribe and sealing off the starry sky around the Earth Spirit Tribe, so that the Earth Spirit Tribe can only survive in the stars where they were born.

This move is tantamount to killing them all, directly blocking the upper limit of the Earth Spirit Clan. This approach is even more cruel than directly annihilating the Earth Spirit Clan.

But he could only watch helplessly. The reason why the Ice Bird Clan didn't take action directly was because they were afraid that he would die together. If an immortal had a death wish, it would be very terrifying.

As a result, he could only endure it all the time, helplessly watching the children he had grown up with being assassinated by the Ice Bird Clan and being helpless.

"Okay, you only have one chance, have you thought about it?"

Looking at Li Mu in front of him, Yelin continued to ask, which was equivalent to the fact that he owed Li Mu a favor, a favor from a true immortal.

"I've thought about it and ask senior to take action."

Li Mu looked firmly and bowed deeply to Ye Lin.


After Ye Lin finished speaking, he slowly raised his palm. In an instant, all kinds of strange phenomena suddenly appeared in the distant sky. The next moment, a big bell flew towards this side.

"Have you had enough fun? It's time for us to go."

The Xuanhuang Universal Clock floated quietly in his hand, Ye Lin asked with a smile.

"Five thousand years, enough fun."

Lin Yunlu's figure appeared in Ye Lin's hands. She stretched and said with a tired face, "She has been playing day and night in the past five thousand years. She has read everything she has never seen and eaten everything she has never eaten." Played it once, and played it again for those who had never played it before.

She is very satisfied now and has not been so happy for a long time.

"In that case, let's go."

Ye Lin smiled and put away the Xuanhuang Universal Clock.

"Senior, do you want to leave?"

Just when Ye Lin was about to leave, streaks of light flew from the distant sky and finally stopped in front of Ye Lin.

The six immortals stood quietly in front of Ye Lin. Two of them had weak auras, which was obviously because their realm had not yet stabilized.

"I have to leave, this place doesn't belong to me."

"Get stronger."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he tore the void apart and left.

Simple and neat, not sloppy at all.

"We send you off respectfully, senior."

All the great masters bowed deeply to Ye Lin's leaving figure. Ye Lin had a great kindness to their human race. They had no way of repaying it, they could only remember it in their hearts, deep in their hearts.

In the boundless starry sky, a huge continent floats quietly in the center, with countless stars rotating around it.

There are glaciers everywhere on the continent, and snow-white birds are constantly flying over.

These birds look extremely beautiful and are all white. If I had to describe them, they would be somewhat similar to the legendary mythical beast Suzaku.

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