You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 250 Water and Fire Cannot Compatible

Xiao Ling nodded hard and said.

"Xiao Ling, do you have any magical powers that hide your body?"


After Xiao Ling finished speaking, a blue light flashed in front of his eyes. The original Xiao Ling had turned into a bracelet, wrapped around Ye Lin's arm.

And no matter how you look at it, this bracelet is just an ordinary bracelet.

Even if a real person in the Divine Transformation Realm were here, he would not notice it at all.

This is a unique life-saving method for this kind of creature in the world, otherwise it would have become extinct long ago.

"Very good."

Ye Lin had a smile on his face. This way, it was perfect.

"What level of spiritual stones do you need? The lower-grade spiritual stone Xiaoling can cultivate ten in one hour, the middle-grade spiritual stone can cultivate ten in three days, and the high-grade spiritual stone Xiaoling can cultivate thirty in one month. However, the top-grade spiritual stone can cultivate ten. It takes a little spirit stone a year to cultivate one."

"But the little spirit can grow. As long as it grows to its final form, the little spirit can continuously cultivate the best spiritual stones for its master."

"Xiao Ling suggested that the master roast the flamingo and eat it. Xiao Ling was afraid of him."

At this time, Xiaoling's voice reached Ye Lin's ears.

Hearing this, Ye Lin couldn't help but be surprised. He could store thirty high-grade spiritual stones in a month. If he were to store low-grade spiritual stones, he could store a full 3,600 in a month, which was simply outrageous.

It can completely support a small force, and according to Xiao Ling, she can continue to evolve if she grows to her final form.

It is really terrible to be able to support the consumption of a large force. Fortunately, such a heaven-defying creature now belongs to him.

The grumpy Xiao Hong couldn't help it anymore and shouted angrily at Xiao Ling.

"Who are you talking about, the Firebird? I am a mythical beast. Do you know the mythical beast? Phoenix, believe it or not, I will eat you right away."

Xiaohong's eyes were fixed on the bracelet on Ye Lin's arm, her face full of anger.

He is the mythical beast Phoenix, a figure who will stand at the top of the pyramid in the future.

He hates people calling him a big fire bird.

"Mythical beast?"

The next moment, Xiao Ling's surprise came.

"of course."

Hearing this, Xiao Hong thought Xiao Ling was frightened by her identity, and then raised her head, ready to listen to Xiao Ling's praise.

"I do not believe."

Hearing this, Xiao Hong became even more angry, spreading her wings and spinning around Xiao Ling.

"Do you believe I'm going to eat you now?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori, the little spirit is scared, the master is protecting me, the big fire bird is going to eat the little spirit."

Xiaoling cried and wrapped her arms around Ye Lin.

"Okay, okay, Xiaohong, don't scare him."

"You two must live in harmony in the future."

Seeing Xiao Ling and Xiao Hong, who were incompatible with each other, Ye Lin had no choice but to hold his forehead to break up the fight.

"Xiao Ling, from now on you will try your best to cultivate high-grade spiritual stones. As for the middle-grade spiritual stones and low-grade spiritual stones, forget it."

"Call me boss from now on, call me master, it always feels weird."

Ye Lin shook his body and said.

A lolita voice called him master, and he always felt that something was wrong. He, Ye Lin, didn't have that kind of weird hobby.

"Okay, Xiaoling, listen to the boss."

After Xiaoling finished speaking, he became silent, and then began to concentrate on his work.

They are naturally nourished by the creatures of heaven and earth and do not need any external objects at all. Over time, they will evolve independently.

Compared to other living beings, it is not at all comfortable.

"Hmph, I'll eat you sooner or later."

Xiaohong snorted coldly, grabbed Ye Lin's shoulders with her claws, closed her eyes and adjusted her breathing.

The heavy injuries he suffered since the last war have not been completely repaired.

After all, that is the power of one bird to resist tens of millions of monsters, and that is no joke.

"Okay, let's go."

After saying that, Ye Lin left the cave and walked straight towards the steel fortress group.

At this time, the Steel Fortress has begun to prepare for war.

Cannon barrels appeared one after another around the huge fortress, and these barrels were all shaped cannons.

Different from the previous ones, this time the energy-gathering cannon can unleash the power of the Nascent Soul stage in one shot.

After all, the human race has also heard about the Shura clan's pressure on the demon clan.

So this time, if the fighting power of the Transformation God Realm does not end, you can do whatever you want for the rest.

The Monster Clan are not idiots. Now that the Shura Clan is ready to make a move, they don’t want to make the Human Clan angry again.

After all, rabbits bite people when they are anxious.

Once the human race is angered, it will be a big deal.

Ye Lin came to the casual cultivator camp and found the commander's residence in the steel fortress. Then he sat in the room and began to take care of himself.

In the blink of an eye, a day passes by.

On this day, Ye Lin was recuperating when a knock on the door sounded, and then Xu Qing's voice appeared.

"Is the commander here? The task you gave me has been completed."

Hearing this, Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes and spoke.

"Come in."


The door was slowly pushed open, and Xu Qing came to Ye Lin with a pamphlet.

"Commander, this is the task you gave me. It has been completed. Please take a look."


Ye Lin reached out and took the pamphlet handed over by Xu Qing. He glanced at it and all the information in it was imprinted in his mind.

"Well done."

Ye Lin smiled. He already knew all the information on the booklet, and the details were highlighted. It must be said that Xu Qing had really put his mind into it.

The captains of the ten teams all have peak Nascent Soul cultivation levels, and among the teams three and nine, they are all monks with the strongest combat power.

The total number of people in these two teams is as high as 9,000, which is enough for a head-on battle.

The rest of the teams, those who are good at refining equipment and those who are good at making pills and setting up formations, were all divided out.

"Okay, I remember that there are many resources provided by many forces in this war, and there are also many medicinal materials."

"Gather all the alchemists, gather all these medicinal materials, give them to them, let them make pills with all their strength, and supply them for battlefield consumption."


After listening to Ye Lin's words, Xu Qing nodded.

What is the most important thing in a battle? Of course, logistics.

As long as the logistics are done well, the battle is already half won.

If there is no logistics, a Yuanying stage cultivator will finish the battle and his spiritual energy will be exhausted. It will take a day to recover the spiritual energy. After recuperation, he can join the battle.

If he is injured, I'm sorry, he may not be able to continue fighting the second battle after this battle.

If there is logistics support, there will be a continuous supply of pills.

When the spiritual energy is exhausted, swallow a spirit gathering pill, and it will be instantly full, and then immediately join the battle.

If you are injured, you can swallow a pill to recover from the injury, and you can continue to join the battle within half an hour.

This is the difference.

"By the way, Commander, the commander-in-chief asked you to go to the main hall for a meeting."

Seeing Ye Lin lost in thought, Xu Qing spoke in a low voice.

"Okay, do as I say first, and arrange the rest when I come."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he handed the booklet to Xu Qing.

Currently, only the alchemist can be arranged.

As for the weapon refiner, who has not got a handy weapon in the hands of the casual cultivator who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage?

Moreover, the lowest that a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage can use is the lower grade of the Xuan level.

The refining speed of the lower grade Xuan level weapons is very slow, and by the time they are refined, the battle is over.

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