You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2512 Happy Children's Day 5

In the end, Ye Lin, who had not thought about it, gave up. He moved his steps and walked straight towards the bronze coffin in front of him.

It's not good to think too much about these things, and it's not good to think about them if you can't figure them out.

Arriving at the bronze coffin, Ye Lin felt a heavy aura from it.

This is the smell of history.

Thick, eternal, ancient, desolate.

Ye Lin put his hand on the coffin and started to push hard. However, no matter how hard Ye Lin tried, he could not shake the coffin at all.


Ye Lin knocked on the coffin in front of him. Well, it was empty. That was correct.

In the end, Ye Lin continued to push hard, but no matter how hard Ye Lin tried, the coffin would not move at all.

This also made Ye Lin lose his temper. The bloody energy rolled over his right hand, and he finally swung out a palm.

Hearing a muffled groan, Ye Lin felt an extremely powerful counter-shock force coming from his arm, and this counter-shock force spread throughout his body along his arm.

For a moment, Ye Lin's body kept retreating.

"What the hell is this?"

Ye Lin complained, what kind of coffin is this? It's so strong.

The palm he just struck could easily turn even a big star into powder, but now he can't even open a coffin?

Too outrageous.

Ye Lin calmed down and walked forward, feeling along the coffin. Ye Lin felt a slight gap around the top of the coffin. If there is a gap, it means that the coffin is not one piece.

But why can't it be opened?

"What a magical coffin? The patterns on the surface are so beautiful."

Luo Yao touched the patterns around the bronze coffin with curiosity.

The next moment, Luo Yao put her little hand on the coffin and started to exert force. In a short time, Luo Yao's little face turned red. It was obvious that this girl had used up all her strength to suck milk, but the coffin in front of her was Not moving at all.

"The coffin itself is a fine weapon-making material. There is a Qi in it, a Qi that belongs to the most powerful person to suppress it. It is normal that you can't open it."

At this time, the sound of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar reached Ye Lin's ears.

"The owner of this tomb has a long history. He uses Jiutian Xuanjin as his coffin."

The slightly surprised sound of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar reached Ye Lin's ears.

"Nine Heavens Mysterious Gold?"

Ye Lin said in a confused voice.

"Yes, Jiutian Xuanjin is an excellent material for refining Taoist weapons. If you take out such a large piece in front of you, you are guaranteed to make a lot of money. Even those old guys will not be able to hold back in the end. ”

"After all, such a large piece of Nine Heavens Profound Gold is quite rare."

After the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar finished speaking, Ye Lin's shoulder flashed with blood, and the blood hit the coffin hard. There was a sudden roar from the coffin, and the next moment, the coffin was slowly opened.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful impact directly flew Ye Lin away.

The breath exploded instantly, circled in the air and then slowly dispersed.

Looking at the opened coffin, Ye Lin let out a breath. Ye Lin stood in the distance and patted his clothes. The sky-swallowing magic jar didn't know to remind him in advance.

In the distance, Luo Yao was lying next to the coffin, looking at Ye Lin with confusion.

"Ye Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Yao's innocent voice reached Ye Lin's ears, making Ye Lin's mouth twitch.

Luo Yao was lying next to the coffin as if nothing had happened, completely unaware of what had just happened.

Even some attacks have little effect on Luo Yao.

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