You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2557: Finding the Treasure House

Ye Lin seemed to be walking very slowly, but each step was a hundred meters, and he had arrived in front of the stone statue in a few breaths.

Even though it was just a stone statue, Ye Lin felt a strong sense of oppression from it.

"This stone statue seems to contain a trace of the breath of the ancestor of the blood-moving monkey clan."

"Just a trace of breath makes me feel a lot of pressure. It seems that the ancestor of the blood-moving monkey clan must have been at least a Taiyi Xuanxian when he was alive."

Standing in front of the huge stone statue, Ye Lin murmured in a low voice, and his body was like an ant in front of the stone statue.

Ye Lin walked forward along the belly of the stone statue. After passing the stone statue, Ye Lin saw an extremely majestic gate.

The gate was completely made of a special black material, which Ye Lin had never seen before.

Ye Lin put his hand on the gate and pushed it hard, but the gate did not move at all.

You know, with Ye Lin's current cultivation, even a little force is enough to shatter a big star.

But the gate in front of him did not move at all.

Ye Lin then stopped hesitating and pointed his finger. Suddenly, a drop of blood with a terrifying aura flowed out from Ye Lin's fingertips. This was Shen Qingxue's blood.

When the blood just came out, the air was slightly distorted. Suddenly, the blood escaped from Ye Lin's control and flew towards the door in front of him. Then the blood sank directly into the door.

The next moment, blood-colored lines roamed on the surface of the door.


A heavy sound was heard, and the heavy door in front of him slowly snapped to both sides.

When the door was fully opened, Ye Lin saw the true face of it.

Countless immortal stones and various spiritual plants, including some immortal plants of the best grade.

Dragon blood grass, void flower, Poria cocos flower, Poria cocos fruit, million-year spiritual milk.

These are all absolute treasures in the outside world.

Low-grade immortal stones, medium-grade immortal stones, high-grade immortal stones, and even a little bit of the best immortal stones.

What Ye Lin valued most was the black wine jar at the highest point at the back.

This wine jar is the real purpose of Ye Lin coming here.

This is simply the treasure left by the ancestors of the blood-moving monkeys for their younger generations.

Ye Lin ignored the treasures piled up like mountains around him, walked straight to the front, and then put the jar of blood-moving wine into the space ring without hesitation.

The value of this jar of blood-moving wine is enough to surpass the sum of all the treasures in the entire treasure house.

"Everyone says that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way."

Looking at the treasures piled up like mountains around him, Ye Lin randomly adjusted a few useful ones and turned away, leaving the rest to the upcoming Shen Qingxue.

Among them, Ye Lin picked up the Poria cocos flower, the million-year-old spiritual milk and the void flower.

Among them, the Poria cocos flower can be used to refine a kind of elixir, a blood-bursting pill that can increase your combat power by 50% in a short time.

When you reach the level of a true immortal, there are too few treasures that can increase your combat power, and the blood-bursting pill is one of them.

The main thing is to squeeze the blood and potential of the human body to obtain a short-term increase in combat power, and the Poria cocos flower is the main herb for refining the blood-bursting pill.

Increasing combat power by 50% is a life-saving method for Ye Lin, an absolute life-saving method.

And the million-year spiritual milk is even more precious. This thing is naturally formed between heaven and earth. It takes a million years to form. One drop can make up for its own losses. One drop can also revive the dead. It is a holy medicine for healing wounds. Even for true immortals, it has a lot of value.

And here there is a small bottle, which is more than 30 drops.

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