You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2559 Crazy Shen Qingxue

"Damn thief, don't let me catch you, masked man, don't let me find you, if I find you, you're dead."

Shen Qingxue stomped her feet in anger, holding the ancestor's inheritance, and her white jade feet stepped on the ground, raising dust.

She had already thought of who took the blood wine.

That man was the masked man who took a drop of her blood three days ago. She was wondering what he did with her blood, but she didn't expect him to be waiting for her here.

She was kept in the dark about everything.

But after seeing the treasures piled up in the mountains and still well preserved around her, her expression eased.

"You have a conscience, but if I meet you, you will still die. Is the True Immortal strong? As long as you have the ancestor's inheritance, plus the many opportunities here, the True Immortal is at your fingertips."

"When you reach the True Immortal, you will definitely pay the price."

Shen Qingxue held the jade talisman and gritted her teeth in her heart and swore secretly that when she stepped into the True Immortal, she must make the masked man pay the price.

I have already found out the identity of the masked man. He is the Blood Demon, right?

On the other side, Ye Lin had no idea what happened in the treasure house. At this moment, he seemed to be in some trouble.

"Daoyou, may I ask if we are heading to the central area?"

Ye Lin stood quietly in the air, looking forward with serious eyes.

In front of him stood an old man in a green robe. His face was extremely thin and ugly, and his hands were skinny and wrinkled.

Even so, the aura wafting from his body made Ye Lin unable to despise him.

"Poison Lord?"

That's right, the man in front of him was the Poison Lord that the Eastern God introduced to him three days ago.

"Daoyou, it is my great honor to know me. Daoyou, the central area requires a team of three people. Now I can't find a friend. I see that Daoyou is also alone. Why don't you team up with me and enter together? How about it?"

Poison Lord said slowly.

Ye Lin's expression also eased a little. He originally thought that this guy was here to cause trouble for him, but he didn't expect that he was here to team up with him.

According to the explanation of the Eastern God, no matter how high your cultivation level is or how strong your combat power is, you cannot enter the Central Domain. Only a team of three can enter.

And the reason why the Poison Lord in front of him is powerful but has no teammates is also known to himself. The Poison Lord is famous, but that reputation is not good.

Most people really don’t have the courage to team up with such a ruthless person, for fear of being stabbed in the back on the way.

"Daoyou, you know, I have teammates, I’m afraid I can’t accompany you."

Ye Lin said calmly.

"Daoyou, you are very strong, so strong that it makes me tremble, especially the terrifying power contained in your flesh and blood, which makes me faintly frightened."

"I have already noticed your two teammates, but they are just two ordinary cultivators. Why did you condescend to team up with them?"

"Strong people, shouldn’t you team up with strong people? There are many new faces in the Central Domain this time. They must be geniuses from other places. The two of them will only become your burden in the end."

Listening to the words of the Poison Lord, Ye Lin didn’t know whether he also felt a faint sense of crisis from the Poison Lord in front of him.

If they really fight, it's hard to say who will win. This world has never lacked geniuses.

"They are not as bad as you say."

Ye Lin smiled and responded.

Dongfang Shenming and An Ye are far more than what they seem.

"Since you have made up your mind, I will not disturb you. I will enter the central area. I hope you will show mercy."


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