You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 27 Obtaining the Sword Talisman and Taking a Herbal Bath

After many monsters present left, Ye Lin came step by step to the Deep Purple Spring. Looking at the crystal clear spring water in front of him, Ye Lin pondered for a while.

On the panel, Huang Xiong seems to have obtained the sword talisman at the bottom of the spring.

In this way, Ye Lin no longer hesitated, and immediately jumped into the spring water and swam towards the deepest point. When he arrived at the bottom of the spring, Ye Lin searched everywhere.

This is also thanks to the extremely clear water of the spring, which allows you to see the entire bottom of the spring.

"found it."

At this time, Ye Lin punched a stone. In an instant, the stone shattered into powder, and a sword talisman was stuck behind it.

Ye Lin picked up the sword talisman and swam upwards. When he came to the ground, his whole body was wrapped in green spiritual fire. The next moment, his clothes were dried.

"I didn't expect spiritual fire to have such a use."

Ye Lin was full of admiration and took out the sword talisman.

The sword talisman is in the shape of a triangle and is made of unknown material. You can vaguely feel the fluctuation of the sword intention from it.

"I didn't expect it to be sword intention."

Ye Lin was shocked. All kinds of weapons and martial arts in the world can be divided into entry level, advanced level, Dacheng level, meaning level, domain level, law level and Tao level.

Anyone who can cultivate sword intent is a powerful person.

"The person who can condense the sword intention into a sword talisman is definitely not a monk in the foundation-building stage. He doesn't have that ability yet. Perhaps the sword talisman has been placed here for a long time and the sword intention has faded."

"Even with the faded sword intent, you can still unleash a strike in the early stages of foundation building. It's really powerful."

Ye Lin put away his sword talisman, looked around, and left quickly.

After all, humans and monsters are two races, and their hatred is not small. If they stay here for a long time, they may attract the attention of high-level monsters, and then they will be in big trouble.

Monsters are everywhere in the mountains that are hundreds of thousands of miles away, and the Qingyun Sect, as the overlord sect within a radius of ten thousand miles, only dares to intimidate them and does not dare to enter the mountains to slay the monsters. The fundamental reason is that they cannot defeat them.

There were no dangers along the way, and finally we arrived at Qingyun Sect. With the strength of the eighth level of Qi training, one has to be careful in the outer area of ​​​​the Hundred Thousand Miles Mountain, let alone the middle area.

"By the way, I almost forgot about this."

At this time, Ye Lin suddenly stopped and walked towards the former residence of the handyman.

After arriving at his residence, Ye Lin looked around and then breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one came in.

Then he took out the blood soul tree from under the bed. The most valuable things in his body were the blood soul tree and acquired soil. If these things were missing, he would have no place to cry.

Ye Lin put the Blood Soul Tree into his chest and hurriedly walked toward the inner door. His steps were so fast that no one could see clearly what he was holding.

After arriving at his residence, Ye Lin placed the Blood Soul Tree under the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

The sect is very good at protecting the privacy of inner disciples. Those who dare to enter other people's residences without their consent will be half-disabled if discovered.

So this is the reason why Ye Lin dared to take the Blood Soul Tree to the inner gate. No one dared to break into his residence.

The day passed by in the blink of an eye. Ye Lin got up and got dressed. After washing, he walked towards the office.

Because today is the day for him to take a medicinal bath.

When I arrived at the office, I saw Zhao Li closing his eyes to rest.

"Senior brother, I'm here to take a medicinal bath today."

At this time, Ye Lin spoke. After hearing this, Zhao Li slowly opened his eyes.

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Ye. Everything is ready. Come with me."

Zhao Li nodded and led Ye Lin towards the back door.

Medicinal bath is a benefit that only inner disciples can enjoy. All kinds of medicinal materials are distributed. The whole process is worth one hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

It can be said that Qingyun Sect truly treats its inner disciples as their own sons.

Also, when the inner disciples grow up, they will become the backbone of Qingyun Sect and have to be carefully cultivated. As for the outer disciples, they will be marginal figures.

It can be said that if the outer disciple died, the Qingyun Sect could only investigate it.

If an inner disciple dies, even the senior officials of the Qingyun Sect will take the matter seriously.

This is the obvious gap.

"Junior Brother Ye, please enter this medicine bucket, and I will prepare the medicine for you."

At this time, Zhao Li pointed to a medicine bucket as tall as a person in front of him and said, Ye Lin was silent for a while.

"Senior brother, can you not take off your clothes?"

After thinking for a long time, Ye Lin finally said this.

"How can I do it if I don't take it off? If there are clothes blocking it, the efficacy of the medicine may be reduced. You have to think clearly."

"Junior Brother Ye, we are all men. What are you afraid of? I will not take advantage of you."

Hearing this, Zhao Li said very normally that he had long been accustomed to these things, not only Ye Lin, but also the five in front of him, all acting coquettishly like girls.

It’s not like I don’t have what you have, so why are you so coy?


Ye Lin nodded, took off his clothes, and jumped into the bucket. Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain.

"Hey, senior brother, is this boiling water?"

Ye Lin asked Zhao Li in surprise.

"That's right, only boiling water can better extract the medicinal effects of medicinal materials. What's more, to be able to defeat Lin Ziyou, your strength must be at least the ninth level of Qi training, right?"

Listening to Zhao Li's explanation, Ye Lin nodded. Once he breaks through the fifth level of Qi training, the so-called boiling water will not harm the monks at all.

You can even take a bath with boiling water.

"Okay, close your eyes later, run your skills, and absorb the effects of the medicine with all your strength. Once this medicine is absorbed, it will lay the foundation for you to break through the foundation building period."

"It can be said that the benefits are endless. If not every inner disciple can only have the opportunity to take a medicinal bath once in his life, I would like to take a few baths."

Zhao Li looked at Ye Lin with some envy, and then put the medicinal materials in his hand into the water one by one. These medicinal materials had specific amounts, and the amount used must be registered, leaving no chance for him to steal the medicine.

When the effect of the medicine began to enter the body, Ye Lin's face turned red and his whole body tingled extremely, as if there were ants crawling again, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, his internal organs seemed to be roasted on a fire, and the severe pain made him grit his teeth.

Ye Lin quickly activated the Star Technique and began to refine it in detail.

He could bear the huge pain of refining the demon pill. Although this pain was very painful, it could not mess up his Taoist mind at all.

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed, and Zhao Li, who was guarding the road, became more and more frightened.

"Hiss, in the past, none of the disciples could last for an hour. Junior Brother Ye can actually last for three hours. It's really rare."

Zhao Li's face was full of shock. The medicinal power in this medicinal bath was so arrogant that few disciples could last for more than an hour.

I couldn't stand the pain at all.

But as for Ye Lin, he had experienced the pain of refining the demon pill, so this pain was nothing to him.


At this moment, the medical pain in front of him suddenly exploded, and countless water splashes dispersed in all directions. Zhao Li seemed to have known it for a long time, and directly picked up the table in front of him to block it.

In the past, this was how the disciples took a medicinal bath for the first time, and the bucket would explode every time.

After absorbing the power of the medicine, my whole body was full of strength, and I urgently wanted to vent it, and the way to vent it was to explode the barrel.

This has made him extremely experienced.

"Okay, it feels so comfortable."

After absorbing all the effects of the medicine just now, Ye Lin always felt that his heart was filled with panic. Now that he released the excess power in his body, his whole body felt extremely comfortable.

And the whole body is full of power, and the group of spiritual energy in Dantian has become condensed.

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