You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 285 Heading to the Heavenly Palace Ruins

"Every one of you is the future of my Wumingshan. Even if one of you dies, my Wumingshan will bleed."

"So, life comes first, opportunity comes second."

"When you enter it, look after each other. Remember, those who are not from my race will have different intentions. For foreigners, kill them if you can. For humans, if you can protect them, do so."

After Taiheng finished speaking, the ten people nodded indifferently. They knew this in their hearts.

Prodigies from all races in Dongzhou will come. On the surface, they come to the Tiangong ruins to find their own opportunities, but secretly, they will definitely kill them if they can.

Those who can come are not simple. Even killing one is enough to make a tribe feel heartbroken.

And every time when the ruins are opened and the geniuses of all races enter it, they do this.

If I can kill, I will kill you.

"Okay, I've finished what I need to say, let's go."

After Taiheng finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a golden war boat appeared in front of everyone.

Under the sunlight, the war boat emitted a dazzling golden light.

The ten major sequences boarded the war boat one after another, and Ye Lin also stepped out and came to the war boat.

"Hey, who is that? Why did he board the war boat?"

"That's Ye Lin. He's only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. And historically, every time our Wumingshan enters the ruins of the Heavenly Palace, the top ten sequences have taken action. Why is he there this time?"

"Haha, I heard that he only entered the inner gate for a short time. I'm afraid he thought he was entering the ordinary secret realm to hunt for treasure this time. Just watch, he will be mercilessly blasted down in the next moment."

"It's so funny, does he really know nothing? I'm really embarrassed for him."

Seeing Ye Lin boarding the war boat, the disciples watching the battle were shocked, and then laughed at him.

They all thought that Ye Lin was just a dumb guy who didn't know anything.


After boarding the war boat, Ye Lin cupped his fists and bowed to Taiheng.

"Well, just find a place to sit. This trip lasts for three hours."

Taiheng nodded towards Ye Lin and then spoke.

"Thank you, senior."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he found a place to sit on the ground.

The Ten Great Sequences glanced at Ye Lin indifferently and then closed their eyes.

In their hearts, they all look down upon monks of the same level.

Monks of the same level all use the same move.

Because they have reached the end of their Nascent Soul stage.

They didn't even want to take a second look at the Nascent Soul Stage monks.

Taiheng looked at Ye Lin, his face full of satisfaction.

Ye Lin is the disciple recognized by his younger brother Taichu. Looking at it this way, it's okay, not so crotch-stretching.

After preparing everything, the war boat suddenly shined brightly, then broke through the space and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the monks who were waiting for Ye Lin to be thrown off the war boat were dumbfounded.

"How is this possible? Flying away?"

"Holy crap, a middle-stage Nascent Soul can participate? What the hell is going on? I'm already at the peak of the Nascent Soul. Why don't you take me? You'd rather bring a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk. I don't understand."

"I don't understand either."

The monks below yelled, expressing their incomprehension.

Everyone knows what entering the Tiangong ruins means, so everyone dreams of entering the Tiangong ruins.

But now, a middle-stage Nascent Soul actually has a chance to enter?

Ignoring their complaints, the war boat shattered the space and drove at high speed amidst the turbulence of space.

The turbulence in space is extremely terrifying. If you are not careful, even a cultivator in the realm of gods will be in danger of falling.

As for the Nascent Soul stage monks, they don’t even have a chance to enter the turbulent flow of space.

The world is divided into surface and inner layers. The surface is the world we live in, and the inner layer is the turbulent flow of space.

There is no aura or law here, in the world

The distance that originally took three hours to fly normally can be reached in one second when it enters the turbulent flow of space.

Even so, it still takes a full three hours, which shows how far the destination this time must be.

However, there is a layer of light on the surface of the war boat, and it is this light that protects everyone. Otherwise, it would be a joke if all the geniuses he brought died in the turbulence of space before they could reach the place.

"The ruins of Tiangong are in the demon area. We are now heading to the border to join other human forces."

While walking, Taiheng explained.

Upon hearing Taiheng's words, the top ten people sitting including Ye Lin opened their eyes and nodded respectfully towards Taiheng.

No matter how indifferent you are in the Ten Great Sequences, you will not dare to show your face to the True Lord Hedao Qi, otherwise he will give you a big mouth every minute.

A genius is a genius who can grow up. If you can't grow up, you are nothing.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. With the sunlight shining on them, they had completely stepped out of the space turbulence and entered the outside world.

The surroundings were extremely desolate, with almost no hair at all.

However, there were dozens of warships parked all around.

On the battleship, there will be young monks.

Taiheng stood in front of the battleship with his hands behind his hands, watching the arrival of these forces.

"Let's meet our seniors."

The leaders of these forces are all real people in the realm of gods.

After all, among these forces, at most there is only one True Lord of the Hedao stage who is in charge. They are all approaching their end and are lying underground to protect the sect and rarely come out for activities.

Only Wumingshan is so wealthy and powerful that it sends a True Lord of the Hedao Stage to personally escort him.

But this time, these geniuses all need to be escorted by Taiheng alone.

The reason why the True Lord of the Hedao period is required to escort is because the ruins of the Tiangong are in the demon area.

If we change to another Transformation Realm Realm to escort, if there is any problem, the whole army may be wiped out, and the overall strength of the human race will be greatly reduced.

After all, those who can come here will grow up to be the pillars of the human race.

If one dies, the human race will lose a great man in the future.

No one can afford such a loss.

"Okay, everyone get on board, we need to go as soon as possible."

Tai Heng waved his hand and said casually.

Suddenly, the cultivators on other boats came to the warship where Ye Lin was. Ye Lin counted carefully, including himself, there were exactly one hundred.

"Thank you for the personal escort."

The Transformation Realm Realm from various forces bowed to Tai Heng with fists.

Tai Heng is enough, and it is useless for them to go.

Although the Transformation Realm Realm is very strong, ridiculously strong.

But in the final analysis, the Hedao Realm Realm is the real pillar of a race.

In other words, the Hedao Realm Realm Realm can go to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace alone to make a scene, and then leave safely.

As for the real people in the God Transformation Realm, they might be killed before they reach the Ten Thousand Demons Palace. This is the difference.

"Okay, you all wait here. We will return in a month."

After Tai Heng finished speaking, he waved his hand, a stream of light flashed, and the space in front of him was instantly shattered.

At his level, shattering space is no different from eating and drinking cold water.

The black hole appeared again, and the war boat turned into a stream of light and entered the black hole. The next moment, the black hole slowly healed.

After seeing the war boat disappear, many real people in the God Transformation Realm sat cross-legged in the void, waiting for their own genius to return.

In their hearts, they have prepared for the fall of their own genius, but they hope that it will not be too outrageous.

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