You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 287 Entering the Heavenly Palace Ruins

Ranked first in the top ten sequences, he is also the strongest genius of the human race and the most powerful competitor for the position of the leader of Wuming Mountain, Zhao Huaian.

"Okay, let's go."

After saying that, a hundred of them flew towards the huge portal.

And every ethnic group chooses to move forward in groups.

After entering the ruins of the Heavenly Palace, the scene in front of us suddenly changed, followed by ruins.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Lin couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Buildings floating in the sky, spears broken into two pieces.

It was as far as the eye could see, and it was filled with all kinds of broken things.

There is simply no place that is complete.

They were standing on a long corridor.

As the geniuses of each major ethnic group entered, more and more creatures stood on the corridor.

"Get into a square formation and look out for each other."

Following Zhao Huaian's words, the surrounding human monks began to move. Everyone formed a square back to back, looking at these foreign geniuses with vigilance.

"People from the demon clan, come up and fight."

In the sky, hundreds of geniuses from the Shura tribe stood in mid-air, each of them looking extremely arrogant.

The one standing at the top shouted towards the demon clan genius in the distance.

"The Shura tribe is too arrogant. We have just entered the ruins of the Heavenly Palace. If we attack now, do we want other tribes to take advantage?"

In the demon clan formation, a demon beast that resembled the mythical white tiger spoke.

After listening, the Shura people looked at the geniuses of other races.

"Okay, it will last for one month. On the 29th, there will be a battle. If you are afraid, just run away."

"Okay, there will be a battle on the 29th. By then, the treasures will be almost collected. Let me wait and get a bargain."

After the two of them finished speaking, they glanced at the human phalanx on Ye Lin's side, and then began to look for treasures.

Here, only the human race is enough to see.

After all, the three most powerful ethnic groups in Dongzhou today are the demon tribe, the Shura tribe, and the human tribe, forming a tripartite force.

Seeing that these two powerful ethnic groups did not fight, the other ethnic groups sighed.

There actually wasn't a fight. It would be great if there was a fight. Then we could still get a bargain.

"Okay, I know you all have your own purposes. Here, one for each of you. This is a communication jade talisman. Once you encounter danger, you will activate it immediately."

"The rest of the people will receive the message. Remember, if you encounter people from other ethnic groups who are malicious towards you, immediately provoke them without hesitation."

Zhao Huaian took out a lot of jade charms and distributed them to everyone, and said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll understand later."

The others nodded to show that they understood.

"Okay, on the 29th, everyone comes here. There is a battle between the Monster Clan and the Shura Clan. We, the human race, cannot be idle. When the time comes, we will raise our status to the peak."

"That's it for now, everyone, take care."

After saying that, Zhao Huaian and the other nine sequences flew in all directions.

"Take care, I'm leaving first."

Ye Lin patted Jian Wushuang's shoulder and then flew away.

"Hey, you..."

Jian Wushuang looked at Ye Lin's back, waved, and wanted to say something, but finally held back.

They made a promise to look after each other, but in the blink of an eye they abandoned themselves and ran away.

And Ye Lin doesn't have the free time to play with Jian Wushuang. His first priority is to get the Night Pearl, and everything else is easy to talk about.

"The Temple of the Queen Mother is 30,000 miles away from here, which is a bit far. How big is the ruins of the Heavenly Palace? It is indeed a giant that has been able to suppress the East Continent for hundreds of millions of years in ancient times."

While flying, Ye Lin admired this heavenly palace more and more.

It is unimaginable how powerful Tiangong must be during the period of total victory.

"Hey, what an unexpected surprise, I caught a lone human, little human. I've been keeping an eye on you for a long time."

At this time, Ye Lin stopped and looked at a white tiger in front of him. This tiger was the one who had just spoken.

"Human race, I am Bai Jin, a descendant of the ancient mythical beast White Tiger. Please give me your name."

Platinum eyes looked at Ye Lin teasingly.

It seems that he has already eaten Ye Lin.

"Ye Lin, but you are the only one around?"

Ye Lin shook his wrist, and immediately, six sword pills flew out and turned into a long sword, Zhu Xie spinning around Ye Lin.

"I am enough, little human being, to blame you for your bad fate."

After Bai Jin finished speaking, his expression became fierce, and the entire tiger turned into a white afterimage, and one claw clawed at Ye Lin.

Ye Lin's heart was ringing with alarm, he held Zhu Xie in his right hand, held a sword flower in the air, and then raised his sword to resist.


Just hearing a crisp sound, Ye Lin's body retreated quickly.

And his whole arm was trembling slightly.

"What a strength."

Ye Lin looked at Bai Jin with an extremely solemn expression.

With just this move, he already knew in his mind that the platinum in front of him was the strongest opponent he had ever encountered at the same level.

"It's strange. You're still only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I don't know what you, the great human race thinker, want to do, to let you come to die in the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"I'll give you a chance to call for help. Start calling for help."

Bai Jin raised his steps and began to approach Ye Lin slowly, unhurriedly, as if he was teasing Ye Lin.

"Help? I can't use that thing."

"Interesting, I'll be more serious next time."

After Bai Jin finished speaking, he exuded a majestic aura. In an instant, Ye Lin's whole body was suppressed by Bai Jin.

"Windclaw, die."

Bai Jin's face was full of murderous intent, and a snow-white claw shadow appeared behind him, which was filled with extremely fierce power.

"Sword One, the sword breaks the sky."

Ye Lin did not dare to be careless at all. He mobilized all his spiritual power and made his most powerful attack.


The sword light collided with the white claw shadow, generating a huge air wave.

The next moment, the sword light shattered, but the white claw shadow also turned into nothingness.

"A mid-stage Nascent Soul is so powerful, interesting, but can you take this move?"

Seeing that his attack was resolved by Ye Lin, Bai Jin was full of surprise.

The move just now would kill even an ordinary Nascent Soul peak cultivator.

Ye Lin in front of him could actually resolve it easily, interesting.

Originally thought Ye Lin was a fool, but now it seems that it is not the case.

"Sky-breaking claw, die."

Bai Jin turned into a white afterimage and approached Ye Lin at a very fast speed.

In an instant, Bai Jin's figure was in front of Ye Lin.

"Sword Two, one sword to split the mountains and seas."

Ye Lin's whole body exuded a purple-red light, and the sword intent of destruction was completely integrated into Zhuxie.

A sharp sword intent came out, and even Bai Jin couldn't help but squint his eyes. This sword intent was dazzling.


With Ye Lin's light shout, the two collided with each other.

In an instant, the world was eclipsed.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and no sound came out.

Only white air waves spread around.

"You guy, you have some skills. I will let you go today. Next time, you will die. I will remember you, Ye Lin."

Bai Jin jumped with his limbs, stepped on the void, and ran away. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

"Damn it."

On the wall next to Ye Lin, a stream of blood was left.

That's right, he was injured in the previous blow.

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