You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 330 The Sun's True Fire is at hand

"Talk about shit, get out of here, if you dare to talk nonsense again, you'll be the one to die."

Someone in the crowd wanted to act as a peacemaker, but was mercilessly attacked by others.

At this time, the entire battlefield fell into an extremely anxious state, and the Sun True Fire was fleeing in the sky without any pause.

It only needs to hold on until the time is up, and after the time is up, it will naturally be no longer in danger.

But who would have thought that there was Lao Liu under the crowd.

Ye Lin quickly jumped into the sky and controlled the Sun True Fire in his hand.

The captured Sun True Fire began to resist stubbornly, but the next moment, Ye Lin urged the Phoenix Fire in his body to suppress the Sun True Fire directly.

This is a higher level of suppression, even the Sun True Fire dare not move rashly.

"Damn it, the man in front, put down the Sun True Fire, he is not yours to touch."

"I'll give you three seconds to quickly hand over the Sun True Fire to me, otherwise, your life will end here."

"Yes, hand over the Sun True Fire immediately."

Seeing Ye Lin suppress the Sun True Fire, the monks who rushed over became anxious and shouted at Ye Lin angrily.

Each of them was full of aura, and they were ready to attack if Ye Lin didn't hand it over.

"You are so long-winded. If it weren't for the unrest among the tribes now, I would have killed you with a sword."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he swung his right hand, and Zhuxie appeared in his hand.

"But I'll give you a little pain."

"Sword destroys all living things."

"Turn, open."

Ye Lin shouted softly, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body. After noticing the aura around Ye Lin, the monks who were still arrogant just now suddenly changed their faces.

They found that this aura was far beyond their ability to resist.

"Daoyou, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it. We need to discuss the ownership of the Sun True Fire."

"Yes, Daoyou, let's sit down and talk. Everyone wants the Sun True Fire. Why don't we discuss a compromise?"


But Ye Lin's face was cold, and without any hesitation, he dropped the Evil Slayer in his hand.

Suddenly, the monks who were noisy just now suddenly stopped moving in the sky, like puppets.

The next moment, these monks fell to the ground like dumplings.

One by one, they fell hard on the ground and struggled hard to get up.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Lin shook his head and then walked towards the exit.

The Sun True Fire and the sword formula have been obtained. There is nothing attractive to him in this Wanshou City.

The rest of the things are almost like rubbish in his eyes.

There is no need to waste time on rubbish.

He has more important things to do now, that is, to go to Longhu Mountain to get the stone tablet, so as to continue to obtain another sword formula.

"Damn, what kind of swordsmanship is this? So scary."

"Yeah, who is he? He looks unfamiliar, definitely not a cultivator from Tianxu County."

"Such a terrifying strength should not be an unknown person."

On the ground, the cultivators looked painful, holding their heads in agony.

Ye Lin's sword just now severely damaged their souls, but they were not in danger of death.

The future situation is very difficult, keeping them is still useful.

If he kills all these cultivators now and spreads it, it may cause public anger.

After all, the current situation is very chaotic, and coupled with the various actions in the Tiangong ruins last time, the ethnic war may start soon.

Instead of killing them all now, it is better to wait until the end and let them resist other ethnic groups.

Now is not the time for internal consumption.

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