You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 436 Meng Yun's Anxiety

"I need to discuss this matter with the Grand Elder. You guys watch here. If he stops at the 40th floor, notify me immediately."

After Meng Yun finished speaking, he flew towards a towering mountain in the distance without looking back.

The two old men were left staring at each other.

On the huge mountain, there was an ordinary small courtyard. An old man was sitting in the courtyard. There was a small stone table in front of the old man.

The old man picked up the teacup on the table and drank one cup after another, just like an ordinary old man.

"Master Meng Yun, I pay my respects to the Grand Elder."

The next moment, an inappropriate voice sounded.

Meng Yun stood outside the small courtyard with trepidation in his heart. The real master of the Taikoo Divine Sect was the master of the small courtyard in front of him.

He had previously determined that Ye Lin could not pass the 40th level, so he made a vow. Now that he saw that Ye Lin was about to pass the 40th level, he panicked.

The matter of evil demons involves a huge amount of things. Once they enter the world, they will be involved in this chaos.

Otherwise, they are just a few evil demons. They can easily control them by sending a few people from the Ancient Divine Sect.

Now, he can't make up his mind, so he can only ask the opinion of the real controller of the Ancient Divine Sect in front of him.

"Come in."

The old man sighed when he heard it, and then spoke softly.

The next moment, Meng Yun pushed open the wooden door in front of him with trepidation, and walked into the courtyard on tiptoe.

It is really hard to believe that a real person in the Transformation Realm can be scared like this.

"Meng Yun greets the master."

Meng Yun came to the old man, clasped his hands and bowed respectfully to the old man.


The old man waved his hand, and a stone bench appeared beside Meng Yun, and a teacup appeared in front of Meng Yun. The teacup was filled with light yellow tea. Just a simple smell would make people feel refreshed.

"Grandmaster, this matter... you see..."

Meng Yun's hand holding the teacup was shaking a little, and his voice was trembling.

After all, he was beaten up by the old man in front of him all the way. He was beaten by the old man in front of him when he was young. Thinking about it now, he trembled in his heart.

"The moment he stepped into my Taikoo Divine Sect, the ending was already determined, wasn't it?"

Hearing the old man's words, Meng Yun suddenly realized.

Thinking carefully, it is true that from the moment Ye Lin stepped into the Taikoo Divine Sect, the ending was already determined. No matter what, Ye Lin is just a disciple of Wuming Mountain.

There is no way to influence the decision of Wuming Mountain.

Even if Ye Lin loses at this time, Taikoo Divine Sect cannot get rid of the deadlock. After all, Ye Lin's identity in Wuming Mountain does not have the slightest say.

Even the top ten sequences of Wuming Mountain are not qualified to influence the decision of the upper echelons of Wuming Mountain.

This wave is a confrontation between Wuming Mountain and the entire Black Sand County. In other words, when the top ten sequences of Wuming Mountain step into Black Sand County, there is only one ending for all the forces in Black Sand County.

Either obey or be destroyed.

"Meng Yun, you must remember that you are different now, different from the young and frivolous boy before. You are now the leader of Wuming Mountain. As the leader of a sect, you must have the corresponding courage."

"You have always been so afraid to make decisions. Now I am here, I can still calm you down, but one day, I am gone? What will you do?"

"Now you can't even see through the essence of such a small matter. You dare not make a decision. How can you calm those two old guys? At the beginning, I pushed you to the position of leader against all odds."

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