You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 483 Ye Lin shows his sword skills

Ye Lin still stood in the air, as steady as a mountain. No matter how strong Jian Wushuang's sword light was, he crushed it with his hands.

"Waste, is this all you can do? I'll show you what a sword is."

Ye Lin said angrily, then raised his right hand above his head and grabbed the air. Suddenly, there were bursts of sword sounds above the air above his head.

The sound of swords resounded throughout the Divine Sword City, and mysterious auras ran rampant throughout the Divine Sword City. That was Ye Lin's destructive sword rules.

At this moment, in the Divine Sword City, whether disciples or elders, they all sat cross-legged on the ground to comprehend Ye Lin's sword rules.

Even the elders who comprehended the power of rules were full of joy, sitting cross-legged on the ground to comprehend.

Learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses.

Millions of long swords appeared above Ye Lin's head, and each long sword exuded an extremely strong sword rule.

"Rules are shackles and restrictions."

"Understand the rules, and you will be the rule maker. Watch, what is a sword."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the long swords in the sky all made sword sounds, and the sword sounds resounded through the world. In the Divine Sword City, all the swords flew into the sky.

The swords on the waists of all the disciples of the Divine Sword City began to fly uncontrollably towards the top of the Divine Sword City, and the elders were helpless and automatically let go of their swords.


The Sword Master looked at the trembling wooden fish beside him and said with a smile. The next moment, the wooden fish tore through the space and disappeared.

And within thousands of miles around the Nameless Mountain, the long swords of many scattered cultivators or small forces gathered towards the Divine Sword City.

At this moment, the whole situation was directly controlled by Ye Lin.

"What happened? My sword is out of control and flew away by itself? This is too strange."

"Mine is the same. It's a top-grade Xuan-level sword. I got it with great difficulty. It's gone in a snap."

"Someone powerful is using the power of his own sword rules to cause the sword to resonate. Don't worry, your sword will eventually come back. This time there may be a great opportunity, don't miss it."

The disciples in the Divine Sword City looked up at the direction where their swords disappeared, frowning.

At this time, a disciple suddenly spoke, and the eyes of other disciples lit up.

Someone powerful is using his own sword rules to cause the sword to resonate? There is such a good thing?

In the world of cultivating immortals, no matter who they are, they are extremely selfish. Unless they are in a master-disciple relationship, no one will preach with good intentions.

Some casual cultivators rely on step-by-step exploration to cultivate themselves, and now there is a powerful person who personally releases his own sword rules. How can such a good thing be missed?

The reason why everyone can't go further is that they don't know what the sword meaning and sword rules look like.

As long as they can comprehend even a little bit this time, it will be of great benefit to them in the future.

At this moment, countless streams of light appeared in the entire Divine Sword City and flew towards the center, and outside the Divine Sword City, scattered cultivators were rushing towards the Divine Sword City frantically.

Their long swords suddenly disappeared, and after investigation, they all flew towards the Divine Sword City. Now they just want to go to the Divine Sword City to ask for an explanation.

You know, although some of the long swords are of low quality, they are also their assets. They are scattered cultivators who originally have very little assets, and now they have lost even their own life swords.

This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury.

One or two may not dare to cause trouble to the Divine Sword City, but there is nothing to be afraid of if there are ten thousand or twenty thousand.

Just like now, I don’t know how many scattered cultivators are entrenched outside the Divine Sword City.

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