Looking at Ye Lin's back, Dan Qingzi sighed slightly. I was promoted to a third-level alchemist thirty years ago. Now, thirty years later, I am still a third-level alchemist.

I want to follow in the footsteps of my master.

After leaving the Alchemy Valley, Ye Lin went straight to the Qingyun Sect. He wanted to go back to retreat. Now that he had conquered the two important forces of the Alchemy Valley and the Giant Hammer Sect, it would be a waste of time to conquer other forces.

As for helping them resist evil spirits and save them from fire and water?

Oh, that's not what he should do.

"Is this the Phoenix Ridge? According to legend, it is the place where the Phoenix fell?"

Looking at the huge mountain forest in front of him, Ye Lin slowly walked into it.

The name Phoenix Ridge comes from someone saying that this Phoenix Ridge is the place where the Phoenix fell. Just listen to this.

"In the valley, the fruit of Nirvana."

Ye Lin stood in the valley, looking around with his eyes.

Suddenly, Ye Lin's eyes lit up and he saw a bright red fruit growing on the cliff in the distance.

Ye Lin stepped forward, picked off the fruit and put it into the space ring, then stepped on the flying sword and flew towards Qingyun Sect.

After three hours of traveling, Ye Lin flew straight towards Dufeng.

When I arrived at Dufeng, I looked around and found no trace of Chu Xue. When I arrived at my residence, I just opened the wooden door and found Chu Xue sitting in the center, drinking tea.


Ye Lin cupped his hands and bowed.

"You're back? How was your harvest this time?"

Chu Xue looked up at Ye Lin and then said.

"Shaoyang Sect, Tiandao Sect, Giant Hammer Sect, Dangu, and Bamboo Sect have all promised to fully support me this time."

"But thank you Master for your help. But Master, it seems that Zongzhu of the Bamboo Sect is your sister."

After saying that, Ye Lin raised his head and glanced at Chu Xue.

"Yes, she is indeed my sister, so I won't tell you more about it."

"Now that you have the help of the two major forces, Pill Valley and Giant Hammer Sect, you will pass the first level."

"As for the second level, just one year later, Enter the Dragon and the Tiger, you still have to prepare a lot."

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded. Although he was now confident that he could defeat the other four direct disciples with full firepower, he should never underestimate your competitors before he really gets the results.

"You have been my master for so many years, but my master has not taught you anything. Today, I will teach you a martial arts skill."

After speaking, Chu Xue took out a book and handed it to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin bowed his hands respectfully, picked it up and looked at it, and saw three big characters written on it.

God-controlling art.

"This martial arts book is just a fragment, and its grade is middle-grade Xuan level. The other fragments are scattered everywhere. If collected, the true grade will only be higher, not lower."

Looking at the Yu Shen Jue in his hand, Ye Lin was slightly shocked. It was just a fragment, and its grade had already reached the mid-level Xuan level. If it were a complete Yu Shen Jue, would its grade be as high as the sky?

"Okay, take it and practice it hard to prepare for the fight between the dragon and the tiger in a year."

After Chu Xue finished speaking, she left Ye Lin's residence. After all, she was under great pressure now.

Because in the past, when the Holy Son began to select the Holy Son, the sect master personally issued it, but now, this order was given by her alone.

Since the sect leader insists on stubbornness, she will wait for the new saint son to come to power, and then she will take care of the sect leader, and then the saint son will successfully become the sect leader.

At that time, no matter what others want to say, it will be of no use.

After Chu Xue left, Ye Lin went straight to his residence on the third floor with Yu Shen Jue in his arms, sat cross-legged on the bed and slowly opened Yu Shen Jue.

After reading the entire book of God Controlling Techniques, he was even more surprised. This God Controlling Art was actually a spiritual martial skill, but an attacking spiritual martial skill.

The God Control Art in your hand is divided into three levels. After each level is practiced, a god will be engraved in the soul to condense a god, which is similar to a spear. After practicing to the third level, three can be condensed.

When the three spears are released, they directly hit the enemy's soul. Even in the middle stage of foundation building, these three spears can kill an enemy in the late stage of foundation building.

"So powerful."

After finishing the review, Ye Lin only came to these three words.

Ye Lin took out the beast control bag from the space ring, opened it, and a fiery red figure flew out with fluttering wings.


Xiaohong flew around Ye Lin with a face full of joy, and made a high-pitched chirping sound from her mouth.

"It seems that Xiaohong has almost recovered."

Looking at the aura on Xiao Hong's body, Ye Lin thought to himself, after all, it was a young beast, and the blood essence and blood lost were not that precious. If it were an adult beast, it would take hundreds or even thousands of years to recover even a drop of blood essence.

"Xiaohong, has there been any change in your bloodline inheritance?"

Ye Lin asked Xiao Hong, "The lineage of mythical beasts has inheritance in their blood, which are peerless treasures given to them by their elders."

Ye Lin, on the other hand, has always been coveting Xiaohong's Phoenix Desire Heaven Art. Lin Zisheng only got a fragment and already reached the top level of the heaven level. What he was waiting for was the complete one.

This is also the reason why he has been practicing the Xuan-level low-grade star technique until now. A monk can only practice the natal technique once in his life.

And it must be below the Nascent Soul stage. Each method operates in a different way. By the Nascent Soul stage, the meridians have already been formed. By that time, unless you practice San Gong again, you will never be able to switch to cultivation.

"Bah, bah, bah."

Xiaohong screamed at Ye Lin several times. Although she couldn't understand it, Ye Lin also understood the general meaning.

That is, Xiaohong must break through to the Nascent Soul stage before she can awaken her bloodline inheritance.

"Nascent Soul stage? There is no bottleneck in the cultivation of the Divine Beast Clan, and the cultivation speed is faster than that of the human race. As long as there are enough resources, they can keep breaking through."

"And I am currently in the middle stage of foundation building, and Xiaohong is at the peak of foundation building. There is enough time."

After thinking everything through, Ye Lin began to sort out his treasures, and all those that were useless to him were pushed to Xiaohong.

Three hundred low-grade spirit stones, ten medium-grade spirit stones, and all yellow-grade elixirs and precious medicines except the very important ones, and all Nirvana fruits.

Seeing Xiaohong excitedly holding the resources and walking into the beast bag, Ye Lin sighed slightly.

So many resources are still not enough. Originally, there were many gold swallowers in his body, and now Xiaohong has been added.

"When Xiaohong awakens the blood inheritance, I will be able to obtain the complete Phoenix Desire Heaven Art. At that time..."

After doing everything, Ye Lin began to practice with his eyes closed. The spirit stones were placed around his body, and spiritual power poured into his body.

During the period when Ye Lin was practicing, the other four disciples returned to the sect to start retreat and adjust their status.

The third elder Song Changsheng waited and waited, but he didn't see Lin Zisheng. Finally, he thought of a terrible fact, Lin Zisheng was dead.

After thinking carefully, Song Changsheng locked onto a person, Ye Lin, and then angrily went to Chu Xue to seek justice.

In the end, he was almost slapped to death by Chu Xue, and fled back to the third peak in a very embarrassed manner to retreat honestly and ignore worldly affairs.

Watch the water flow east in the morning and the sun set in the evening.

In the blink of an eye, ten months passed in a flash.

That day, Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and an extremely majestic momentum spread around, and countless buildings around him exploded into powder.

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