You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 259: No need, no investment at all

   Chapter 259 No need, no investment

   Early morning.

   Huaxing entrance.

   It should have been a quiet night, but at this time it was full of people and a lot of traffic.

   Countless lens lights illuminate the gate of Huaxing like daytime. The reporters crowded around like zombies and stretched out their hands holding the microphone.

   "Struggle is a low-budget movie!"

   "The estimated investment for this film is about $50,000, and the shooting time is estimated to be about a week..."

   "If it goes well, this movie will officially meet with you around the end of March...


  The starry sky is bright and the night is lingering.

   Zhou Yang smiled and answered every question raised by the reporters earnestly under the attention of all the people.

  In an instant, there was an uproar in the audience.

   Immediately afterwards, the noise swept through the entire Huaxing Building. The reporters were extremely excited and continued to ask various questions as if they were crazy.

The leading reporter, Xu Bei, was holding the microphone, and he was dumbfounded on the spot. After I don't know how long, he took a deep breath, suppressed the complicated emotions that burst out, and asked with great uncertainty. One sentence: "Mr. Zhou Yang, is it fifty thousand dollars?"

   "Yes, it's fifty thousand dollars!" He saw Zhou Yang nodded.

   "Filmed in a week?" His heart trembled slightly, but he asked again.

   "Yes, it's over in a week." He saw Zhou Yang nod his head with certainty again.

   "It's not a documentary, it's a movie?"

   "Yes, it's a movie!"

   Xu Bei.

   One of the reporters who has a good relationship with Huaxing Entertainment. He sent many of Zhou Yang's first-hand interviews before.

   In the early hours of this morning, he heard a little bit of wind from Wang Jing, saying that in the early morning, Zhou Yang would announce the information of the new movie when "Jin Yiwei" came out at the box office.

   He was so excited!

   He rushed here as soon as he received the news. He thought he should be the first reporter.

   However, when he arrived here, he found that countless media had blocked the inside and outside of Huaxing, and even cameras were set up in the corners of some walls.

   At that moment, he realized that Zhou Yang's new movie is not simple...

   He even thought that Zhou Yang might want to make a big movie like "The Golden Armor of the City" with an investment of more than 300 million RMB!

  After all, at the Oscars, Hollywood actor Will Smith personally announced that he would be participating in Zhou Yang's new movie "Struggling".

  Will Smith, his salary in Hollywood is more than 15 million US dollars, and in RMB, it is almost 100 million RMB!

   He was very excited, guessing whether the movie was a war movie, a sci-fi movie, or even a martial arts movie. He thought about it...

   Although the thought of black people playing Chinese kung fu has an indescribable sense of disobedience...

   Thanks to his good relationship with Huaxing Entertainment, and because he is a reporter that Wang Jing focuses on, he is in an excellent position and is the first reporter to ask questions!


   He was stunned.

   The huge gap in his heart made Xu Bei feel like he was dreaming.


   That noisy, frenzied sense of hustle and bustle kept reminding Xu Bei that this was not a dream...

This is real!

   Zhou Yang is serious!

  $50,000 for a movie!

   Finished shooting in a week?

   How to shoot this special?

   What kind of international joke is this!

   The entire Chinese film circle, no, is there such a movie in the whole world film circle?

After a few minutes.

  The security guards worked very hard to open an exclusive channel for Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang looked at the time, and after saying sorry to everyone, he left Huaxing under the protection of the security guards.

  Xu Bei stared blankly at Zhou Yang's back.

   He still couldn't get away from that shock.



"is this real?"

   "A movie with a $50,000 investment? Are you sure Zhou Yang isn't joking?"

   "Wait, that's not right, it's March 3rd, not April 1st, it's not April Fool's Day at all!"

   "It should be a joke, who would foolishly invest fifty thousand dollars to make a movie, what would it be like!"

   "I think it's crazy, too. Will Smith is a celebrity, but he just won the Oscar for Best Actor. Now his worth has skyrocketed. How could he possibly participate in such a movie?"

   "Participation? Partitioning is too ridiculous. A movie made at $50,000 has to be watched. I don't believe Zhou Yang has the ability to turn a stone into gold..."

   "Will Smith's brain was kicked by a donkey? You said he was really generating electricity for love? I don't believe it at all, don't talk about racism and contradiction with me!"


  March 3 morning.

   Netizens woke up and found that Zhou Yangte, after the Oscar for Best Screenplay Award, once again rushed to the hot search headlines of major media.

   After seeing the news, netizens were taken aback and watched Zhou Yang's interview video no less than ten times...

   is not synthetic, nor is it cut out, but a real live interview video.

   Film critic Ba Liming was even more stunned to see the content of the interview video.

   He didn't understand what kind of plane Zhou Yang was planning!

   "The Chainsaw" is now a big hit, and it's time to win more investment and prepare for a blockbuster.

  The films that Will Smith participated in, not to mention Huaxia, the investment in Laomei is very good, after all, is it a celebrity effect!

   Even if Zhou Yang announced that he would make a movie with an investment of 400 million US dollars and make a movie more powerful than "Jurassic", Ba Liming would not be surprised!


   This guy suddenly announced that he was going to take Will Smith to make a movie with an investment of only $50,000?

What does this mean?

   He was in front of the computer and couldn't figure out what Zhou Yang meant after thinking about it for five hours...

   Even, he felt that Zhou Yang had been dropped.

   When others make movies, the more they make, the higher the investment, and the bigger the plate. However, when Zhou Yang makes movies, the more the investment is, the lower the investment and the shorter the shooting time.

   After Ba Liming saw the popularity on the Internet, he felt that he suddenly...

   This should be another hype planned by Zhou Yang!

The purpose of    is also very simple, just to catch the eye.


After    suddenly, he fell into a deeper daze.

   That's not right, Zhou Yang just won the Oscar for Best Screenplay, and now his popularity is booming, does he need to use this kind of gimmick to hype it?

   Isn't this enough to support it?

   Could it be that this guy really wants to shoot?


  Django lost sleep.

   He was lying on the bed, tossing and turning for a long time, unable to understand what Zhou Yang was doing.


   A little Django is sure!

   Even if Zhou Yang said that he was breaking the sky, he would never believe that Zhou Yang would suddenly take 50,000 dollars and follow Will Smith to make a movie at this time.

   Isn't this an insult to his IQ?

   How could anyone at their peak go to make some bad movies that will hit the streets?

   Nerve problems are almost the same!

   Nine o'clock in the morning.

   He followed Cao Bangguo to the relevant departments for a meeting.

   Django, with dark circles under his eyes, asked Cao Bangguo this question.

   Cao Bangguo did not answer directly, but shook his head slightly and narrowed his eyes.

   "He's a smart guy!"

   "You'll find out later."

   After saying this, Cao Bangguo turned his head to look out the window, his eyes were a little complicated.

  The car did not go straight to the relevant department as usual, but stopped when it drove to the side of Huaxing Entertainment.

   Huaxing Entertainment was still surrounded by reporters.

   Jiang Ge didn't know what Cao Bangguo meant by these two sentences, but he didn't ask, just looked at Cao Bangguo with his eyes fixed on the gate with doubts.

   About half a minute later, after seeing someone, Cao Bangguo suddenly took out his mobile phone and made a call as if he was confirming something.

   "Wanda Group's Wang Sikai and Wang Shao went in?"

   "Oh, okay, I see, the person in charge from Yongxin also went in?"

"Okay, I know."

   After the phone call.

   The car continued to drive.

   Django was taken aback when he heard the familiar names from Cao Bangguo's mouth.

  Wanda Group and Yongxin Group are well-known companies in the Chinese film industry.

In particular, Wang Sikai, the young master of Wanda Group, is a big moneymaker in the film industry. He just took over the investment business of Wanda Group the year before, and he invested money in many blockbusters, including "Heroes" released last year. This year's upcoming "Golden Armor" and even Django's own film "Mechanical Man" have Wang Sikai's millions of investment in it...

  Wang Sikai, why did you come to Huaxing for no reason?

   Is it.

   "He's a wise man..."

   "He's taking advantage of the situation..."

   "Actually, since his debut, every path he has taken has been taking advantage of the situation to hype..."

""The Chainsaw" was a hype, and by smearing the United States, it resonated with some black people, and then pulled the box office. "The Crow" was a hype about the abduction and trafficking of women, which aroused public opinion and resonance, and even the former "Mine" It is very likely that "The Bottom" is also a hype, don't you think it's ridiculous? Not long after I came back from Berlin, the big case of "The Bottom" happened. In fact, a police friend of mine told me that in fact "The Bottom" The police have been tracking the case before Berlin, which seems to be a coincidence, but in fact, it is very careful to analyze it, I am afraid there must be something tricky that we don't know about..."

   "He suddenly appeared at the premiere of "Jin Yiwei" with a lot of media, and he was also hyping up the Oscar for Best Screenplay Award..."

   "He is using his method to explain to all the capital that he has a very large influence in China, and this influence is enough to affect the box office trend of a movie!"

   ""Jin Yiwei" is a very successful case!"

   "Think about it, the total investment of 7 million yuan, and now the daily box office is more than 10 million yuan. With such a crazy income ratio, which capital is not crazy?"

   "And "Struggle"? He seemed to announce in front of all the media that he was making a movie with $50,000, but in fact, how could a $50,000 investment be enough for a movie that Will Smith participated in?"

   "He is telling capital that his new round of hype has begun, and he is implying capital, so that capital can come in..."

   "Let's go!"

   "Now, this kid is probably in the company, chatting with Wang Sikai and others about investment!"


   After Cao Bangguo said this series of words, he looked out the window, and his face suddenly became a little more regretful: "This kid, if you don't sing the opposite of the association, it will be easy to break..."

  When Django heard Cao Bangguo say these words, there was a trace of unspeakable discomfort in his heart, and he felt that these words were extremely harsh.

"Director Cao, a person's character is the most important thing. In my opinion, scheming and hype, these are just trails... It won't go far." Jiang Ge couldn't help but say a sentence. Not enough, I added another sentence: "I don't have a sense of reverence for my seniors, and I am blind and arrogant. How can this go far? Which senior in the association has never been brilliant?"

   Cao Bangguo smiled, but did not respond.

   About half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the relevant department.

   "Huh? Wanda Group?"

   "Sister Jing, tell me this, we don't accept investment..."

   "Really, we just need to invest in the movie ourselves."

   "Yes, you don't need a penny of investment. Help me reject them all."

   "No, no, I'm in the relevant department right now, Sister Jing, tell Mr. Wang and the others, and say that this movie really doesn't accept any form of investment..."

When a few people got out of the car, he saw Zhou Yang holding his mobile phone and walking straight down from the other car, just walking up to them, saying this sentence in a helpless and serious tone .

   (end of this chapter)

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