You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 264: Buried alive

   Chapter 264 Buried Alive

  March 7th morning.

   After An Xiao got up, she immediately called Zhou Yang.

   called several times in a row, but in the end they all indicated that the other party was not in the service area.

  An Xiao frowned slightly, looking out the window, her beautiful eyes flashed with worry for a moment.

   Actually, when Zhou Yang told him that "Struggling" would be filmed there, she really wanted to persuade Zhou Yang not to take risks.

   Although the reconstruction of that place has begun, the current situation is still very chaotic, and no one can guarantee that any accidents will not happen...

   But after seeing Zhou Yang's serious and firm expression, An Xiao finally held back.

   She knew that Zhou Yang had his own ideas.

   After looking out the window for a while, An Xiao took out her phone again and made another call.

   As soon as the other phone got through, An Xiao heard chaotic footsteps and explosions coming from the phone.

   "He's in a safe area now, don't worry!"

"How are you?"

   "I'm on a mission here, and there's an attack over there. I'm bringing someone over to shoot, so let's hang up first!"

   In the sound of the explosion, the resolute voice left this sentence, and the phone was hung up.


  The night is too long.

   In the silence, it is full of hustle and bustle.

  Under the light, one after another shocking photos were continuously presented in front of Zhou Yang.

   Zhou Yang silently looked at the photos in the camera and a series of contents under the night, the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

   He felt as if he had been caught up in some kind of vortex, which eventually got deeper and deeper.

  The light of dawn shone on Zhou Yang's face, Zhou Yang stared silently at this hazy sky, and the possibilities were rapidly revolving in his mind.

  In this world, people who know too many secrets often end up not going well.

   He knew this.

  So, at three o'clock in the morning, Will Smith left the base with him and came to the room where the crew was filming.

   At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yang heard the roar of a car in the distance. Not long after, Barrs came with a black photographer and a black lawyer, Frank.

   Candid photography is a serious crime. Although it does not involve issues such as state secrets, if it is really on the line in Laomei, especially in this special place, I am afraid that many things will cause big trouble.

   When Frank came over, he looked very excited.

   Since the last time he helped Zhou Yang win the case that was not considered a case, he has attracted much attention, and his vanity has also burst.

"The old U.S. military's judicial system did not categorize hate crimes clearly, making it difficult to quantify bias-driven criminal motives, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice did not adequately address such incidents, where people of color often face nearly A military court made up of "those people", which may lead to harsher punishments! Our war has already begun, and we want them to change the law..." In the temporary office of the crew, Frank was excited all over his body. Trembling, he seemed to return to hundreds of years ago, experiencing the most exciting black human rights war in the history of the United States...

He is familiar with all the laws of Laomei, and he is very confident. According to the laws of Laomei, although the punishment for so-called candid photography is very severe, and it is very likely that he will be imprisoned for six or seven years, he will think of a suitable method to let him Not only are there no penalties for these things, they don't even have any effect.

   In the temporary office of the crew, everyone was very excited, Will Smith clenched his fists, and a heroic spirit surged like a tide in his heart.

  Balls planned every step, and the precision of the plan made Zhou Yang realize that this group of people had been planning for a long time.

  Zhou Yang silently looked out the window, although his face remained calm, but he was still thinking about the consequences of all kinds of cheating.

"Mr. Zhou Yang, you are our friend, don't will never have anything to do, I thought about it for a long time when I went back yesterday, I realized that I can't call your name directly in the camera, this will give you To bring danger, we cut him out in that section, and replaced your name with a "K" instead... At the same time, we will also use K to replace the director of this documentary..."

   "Also, although you are here with us, your whereabouts are kept secret throughout the process. Many people don't even know that Mr. Will Smith is here. Don't worry, you are absolutely safe..."

   "Of course, next, Mr. Zhou Yang, you just need to be in charge of editing. Don't worry, we won't touch your samples or restrict your freedom..."


  Balls saw Zhou Yang's eyes flash with a brief complication, and he naturally knew what Zhou Yang was thinking.

   He came to Zhou Yang and expressed his gratitude to Zhou Yang for the first time, and then told Zhou Yang their arrangements for Zhou Yang one by one.

Zhou Yang nodded after hearing what Bals said. He carefully recalled when he came in. He found that his and Will Smith's itinerary after entering here was indeed kept very secret. Except for those who were involved, the base The rest of us don't even know that Zhou Yang has been here, or even know where the movie "Struggle" will be filmed...

After Barrs finished talking with Zhou Yang about his plan, he talked with lawyer Frank, photographer Fry and others about the plan for the next period of time again. The plan did not avoid Zhou Yang during the whole process. Yang regarded him as a member of his own faction.

   After about half an hour...

  Balls stood up, and then took Will Smith, Zhou Yang and others to another place where the yellow sand filled the sky.

   They have prepared four coffins with different patterns and materials for Will Smith in accordance with the requirements. Each coffin is strictly customized according to the requirements in the movie "Struggling".


   March 7th.

  The yellow sand in the sky fluttered in the wind, rolling up a sense of desolation and desolation.

   Black soldiers disguised as civilians encircled this area, and it was strictly forbidden for anyone to approach…

   Even the most advanced anti-jamming and anti-monitoring equipment was put in the surrounding area. Except for the things used for filming movies, everyone's mobile phone had no signal.

   Except for a small number of people, no one knows what is going on here, and some aborigines are even more afraid to approach here.

   "Mr. Smith, this is your prop..."

"it is good!"

   "In addition to the official camera, I also arranged another relatively obscure photographic equipment..."

   "What equipment?"

"cell phone!"


  At first, after Will Smith got the "Polari" brand mobile phone, he had no interest in mobile phones.

   But when he saw Zhou Yang set up a few mobile phones in addition to the camera, an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

  For some reason…

   Cell phone photography is a pain point for Will Smith. Unless there is a strong exposure, if it is a little dark, Will Smith will only take a row of teeth.

  This is embarrassing!

   And when he saw this copycat mobile phone, he found that these mobile phones could take pictures of his face, even in relatively dim conditions, they could still take pictures of his face!

   He felt that this phone was specially tailored for those with heavy skin tones. Although the overall pixels and effects seemed to be different from IP phones after shooting, IP phones simply did not have such amazing photo effects.

   After playing with the mobile phone for a while, Will Smith was deeply moved by the power of Huaxia Shanzhai when he learned that the mobile phone manufacturer had solved this technical problem in two days.

  The function of the mobile phone is especially more powerful...

Zhou Yang stared at Will Smith who was playing with his mobile phone, and then glanced at the deep pit and the staff who were preparing to shoot. He hesitated for a long time, then narrowed his eyes, and then he seemed to think of something Things are normal, I took the script and read it for the first time.

  Why was the protagonist buried alive?

   Why was he buried alive for no reason?

  The original world's "Buried Alive" was a terrorist who buried the protagonist, and this version of "Struggling" is obviously not suitable.


The reason    is more reasonable is that the protagonist captured something with his mobile phone.

   What exactly did you photograph?

   Zhou Yang hesitated for a moment, and then slightly changed a few lines next to the script...

After    finished making changes, he glanced at Will Smith, and finally shook his head again.

   After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Yang suddenly realized that if the film "Struggling" was made like this, I am afraid that it would not be able to be released in Laomei.

   He scratched his head, do you want to stop making a version that will be released in the old beauty?

   Just when Zhou Yang was silent, Will Smith seemed to have made a decision, came to Zhou Yang with his mobile phone, and said this sentence in a very serious tone.

   "Mr. Zhou Yang..."

"What's wrong?"

   "This phone is buried in the ground, can it still signal?"


   "I want to cancel all these protective measures. I want to really try to find out how to escape after being buried alive..."


   Zhou Yang saw those deep pits, his eyes filled with a trace of hesitation.

"Struggle is a very meaningful film, and I have to put my heart into it, not only that, but I also enjoy the desperation of this extreme filming, and if I know I can escape at any time, then I can't help it. Continue to immerse in and shoot..." Will Smith's eyes were very serious.

   Zhou Yang looked at the surrounding protective equipment and was silent for a while, then finally nodded.

   But then another question came to mind.

  If Will Smith was really buried alive, how would it be filmed?

   Is there just one camera left?

   After Zhou Yang took another look at the big pits and the coffins, a very crazy idea suddenly flashed in his mind.


  Me too...

   Buried in it?

   Push the book "The Strange Attack"

   There will be an update later



   (end of this chapter)

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