You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 277: premiere

   Chapter 277 Premiere

   In the screening room, Zhou Yang's fans hated Zhou Yilin very much.

   Even if Zhou Yang invited Zhou Yilin to sit down with a very enthusiastic attitude, many fans still stared at Zhou Yilin with vicious eyes.

   They thought he was disgusting.

   Especially under the light of the big screen, the expression made them even more nauseated. Those female fans were holding his back, and they even wanted to grit their teeth and rip him to the bone.

An old senior who is still famous in the circle, but when a junior just rose up, he stabbed a knife in the back at the most difficult time, and used dirty methods. After being exposed, not only did he not apologize, but he sat at the premiere in a grand manner, revealing that pair of A smile that seems to be okay.

   Isn't that disgusting?

  Smiley Tiger!

   Such a thought appeared in many people's minds.

   On the other hand, the group of people in the back row of "Struggling" stared at Zhou Yilin suspiciously. They never thought that Zhou Yilin would suddenly come to the scene, let alone sit with Zhou Yang.

  Everything doesn't seem to be going according to their script...

   Aren't they supposed to fight to the death now?

"How to do?"

   "Look again."

"it is good."

   Under the flickering lights of the screening hall, several people looked at each other, and finally looked at a fat film critic in the lead.

   The fat man's film critic is named Dai Li, and he is a contributor to a well-known column on the Internet, "Fat Man's Film Review".

  The fat man hesitated for a moment, then took out his phone and sent a text message.

   The text message was replied very quickly. When he saw the reply to the text message, the fat man nodded to a few people not far away, then sorted out his clothes, sat upright, and looked at the screen.

   After the end of the on-screen commercials.

   "Struggle" feature film finally started.


The feature film of "Struggling" does not have special lighting to produce alternative visual effects like "The Chainsaw", nor is it like "The Crow", which uses camera skills to pull out a ignorant and backward small mountain village with the beauty of the mountain village. With soothing emotions, advance the plot...

   Its title is more like Zhou Yang's debut work "The Bottom of the Mine".

   is in a documentary style, showing a barren desert and a few staff members in the desert, and progresses layer by layer.

   The vast sandstorm filled half of the sky, and in the hazy distance there were occasional "whoosh" sounds, as if a giant beast was whispering in the wind and sand.

  The camera zooms in gradually.

   Several staff members were chatting with Will Smith...

   It was obvious that the content of the chat seemed to be very lighthearted, Will Smith smiled brightly, the dark skin on his cheeks folded like a layer of melted silky dark chocolate.

  The film critic Ba Liming was extremely uncomfortable. He was used to seeing various camera techniques, and he was very uncomfortable with the random shaking of the camera...

   I feel like I want to retire.

   "What movie, it's so bad!"

   "It's much worse than "The Golden Armor of the City"!"

   "Hey, I'm just here to make money, only those crazy fans will spend money to buy it..."

   "It's just disgusting to watch this scene. How good can something be filmed in a week? Make fans and audiences fools on the spot!"

   "Go away, grass mud horse, waste twenty movie money!"


   There was a burst of scolding from the back row, and one of the young people stood up with an angry expression, and finally turned and left the theater with a scolding.

  Although the young man scolded him quite harshly, Ba Liming felt a certain sense of approval in his heart. He looked at the monotonous and boring scenes on the screen, and his eyes were irritated.


   is too rough!

  It's hard to believe that this is the work of a director who just won the Oscar for Best Screenplay!

   There is no lens language, no regular narrative method, and the whole process is tiled, especially when the bursts of laughter are abnormally matched with this stupid shot, which is extremely harsh.

  Ba Liming even thought that this was a movie that Zhou Yang was insanely poor, and made a random movie to make money.

The first five minutes were filled with a sense of persuasion. There was nothing to watch. It was just that Will Smith wanted to reflect the sense of the limit of life and death, and then he removed a lot of safety equipment. In the end, Zhou Yang was coffined with Will Smith. cover up...

   Even if it wasn't for the name "Zhou Yang" and the real "escape experience" gimmick, Ba Liming would probably have left as soon as possible.

  Baliming's expression is ugly.


   is worse than any movie he has ever seen. It’s like a primary school student shooting around with a camera. It can even be described as “shit”.

After    five minutes later, that disgusting rough lens shake finally disappeared, after all, the camera was fixed in the dedicated camera position.

  Ba Liming's originally ugly expression became slightly solemn at this time.

  The camera position is very well chosen.

   It can intuitively see Will Smith in the entire coffin, and when the lid of the coffin is slowly closed, he feels a sudden claustrophobia and depression.

   It was a visual experience of light being gradually swallowed by darkness, especially when the voice of the staff above accompanied the coffin lid on, Ba Liming unconsciously felt a physiological reaction called unease...

   In the picture, there is no unnecessary dialogue, only two figures lying with their heads staring at the coffin board, and another camera recorded every facial expression of Will Smith.



   "Crack, snap."

  Ba Liming heard the sound of burying outside the coffin.

  In the confined space, Will Smith's facial expression went from relaxed at the beginning, to a stiff smile, and finally became solemn, and finally flashed a trace of panic, and then pretended to be relaxed again.

At first, the sound of the burial was loud, and there were occasional stones of different sizes smashing the lid of the coffin, but as time passed, the sound on the screen became weaker and quieter. getting lighter...

The layering of the sound from strong to weak is exceptionally clear, rendering the atmosphere of the whole movie, and giving Ba Liming a sense of auditory discomfort, as if it were a hint before suffocation. At the same time, Will Smith's facial expression is even more This suggestion is enhanced through the lens...

  They were buried alive!

   "Mr. Smith, we are buried at a depth of three meters, and various emergencies are prone to occur. Oxygen will probably be supplied for a few hours... If we don't get help in time, we may really die."

   When Zhou Yang's words appeared without warning, Ba Liming's emotions suddenly tightened.

   Then, he started to be unbelievable!

   He found that Zhou Yang used this rough and extremely realistic lens style to pull him into this small and depressing space.

When did    start?

  What shooting skills did he use?

  Ba Liming thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't understand why.

   His attention has been on the screen, and after watching it for a long time, he still can't see any shooting skills, not even the most vulgar shooting skills like "The Bottom of the Mine"...

   However, as if there was magic, his eyes were drawn by the picture, and he even started to hold his breath unconsciously.

  The movie is still playing.

   is still in that tiling way, and even Will Smith took the time to take a look at the script.

   The overall atmosphere is depressing, but Will Smith on the screen has been trying to reduce this depressing feeling with a relaxed expression language.

   During the shooting interval, he even joked with Zhou Yang!

   With his performance, Ba Liming's emotions began to ease slightly, and his nerves were not as tense as before, but for some reason, the suppressed emotions were hanged by the two people on the screen.

Especially when he saw a trace of sweat on Will Smith's forehead, his breathing was very easy at the beginning, gradually increased in frequency, and then when his voice gradually became heavier, Ba Liming, who was off the screen, actually felt a slight trace in his chest. Stuffy feeling.

   "Mr. Zhou Yang, put down the oxygen above, I feel a little dizzy...I want to rest for a while."

"it is good!"

  Ba Liming saw Will Smith on the screen suddenly become very tired and lay on the ground and said this sentence, the sound of breathing passed through the screen, making all the screens feel the lack of oxygen in it.

  Ba Liming saw Zhou Yang take out the walkie-talkie and shouted a few words to it.

   However, there was no sound on the walkie-talkie.

   There is no sound on it.

   He saw Zhou Yang shouting two more sentences, but there was still no response...

   "Hey! Hey! Where's the person?"


   "Put down the oxygen tube, we're a little hypoxic now..."


"anyone there?"

"anyone there?"

   Zhou Yang's voice on the screen became more and more rapid, revealing vague unease, and even raised the decibel.

  Outside the screen, Ba Liming's breathing began to be rapid, and his nerves became extremely tense again...


   The explosion sounded.

I don't know if the sound effect of the theater line was too good, or if the explosion sounded too suddenly and for no apparent reason, Ba Liming's body trembled, and then he stood up uncontrollably, his heart seemed to be jumping out. !

   At this moment, he realized that he had completely substituted into this movie.


   "This is an unprecedented bad movie!"

   "It was so bad, I wanted to vomit!"

   "Zhou Yang is making money. You guys can refund your tickets. You really don't care about movie fans and use shoddy footage and pictures to deal with people. This is disgusting for this kind of person..."

   "What a waste of money! What a hype!"

   "I will tell you as a film critic that this is Zhou Yang's most bottomless film. I don't even want to say it. Whoever watches it will regret it!"


   Outside the theater.

   Several young people who came out kept calling on those movie fans not to go in and watch in front of the "Struggling" screening hall.

   There were indeed a few fans who ran out to refund their tickets in disbelief.

  Perhaps they were tired of appealing. They sat on chairs and took a sip of mineral water, but they didn't see another group of accomplices coming out.

   "Why haven't you come out yet!"

   "I don't know, it seems to have suddenly become a little quiet inside... Shouldn't we be scolding?"

   "Let's make a phone call first!"

   "No one seems to answer the phone?"

One of the skinny guys with glasses took out his mobile phone and called the person inside. When no one answered, he frowned, and then followed his accomplice to put on a mask and walked into the screening room as a film critic. .

After    walked in, they sneaked up to their original seats.

   They found that they had made an appointment to scold together, and the accomplices who left after scolding, kept staring at the screen for some reason.

   Hold your breath...

   turned pale.

   I'm sorry, there are only two updates today. After reading it, I deleted the chapter of the third update... It was almost meaningless, so I couldn't post it, so I had to rewrite it...



   (end of this chapter)

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