You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 289: Better than me!

   Chapter 289 Better than me!

   Early morning.

   Django was sitting in the office, staring at Zhang Lei from the post-production group, checking the video on Weibo.

   His eyes were cold, and his body seemed to be covered with layers of thick haze. Even Zhang Lei couldn't help but feel the slightest chill.

"Have you checked it out yet?" As time passed, Jiang Ge felt that the patience in his heart had been exhausted, and his irritability swept through his body. He wished to unscrew Zhang Lei's bald head and shove it hard into the computer.

   "Director Jiang, I'm sorry, I really can't find any traces of post-processing..." Zhang Lei's face turned red, and he finally turned around and sighed a long time.

  Two hours!

  Yes, he was supposed to be lying in bed when he was sleeping, but Django called him to the office and stared at the screen for more than two hours.

   After watching the video over and over again, he felt his head swell, and even had the illusion that he was having a nightmare.

   "One punch!"

   "One punch for 148 kilograms!"

   "More fierce than a martial artist like Sun Zhongming!"

"is it possible?"

   "The world-recognized Jeet Kune Do superstar Liang Xiaolong's punch is only 175 kilograms, and he is a master-level figure who has been tempered for thousands of years!"

   "Zhou Yang, he is an amateur, how can he hit 148 kilograms with one punch?"

   "You think with your butt, is this possible!"

   "The video is definitely faked using special techniques. You are a professional, why can't you find any traces?"

   "Or, do you think Zhou Yang's box office is very good now, everyone wants to flatter him, think I'm inferior to Zhou Yang, and deliberately cover up him?"

   "That's right, after all, it's from Huaxing. Watching Zhou Yang's rise, he's starting to regret leaving Huaxing?"

   "If you want to leave, I won't stop you!"


  In the office.

   Zhang Lei looked at Django in astonishment.

   Director Jiang Da, who used to be gentle and elegant, and his face full of spring breeze, has turned hideous at this moment, and it has become extremely frightening to him.

  He lowered his head instinctively, with mixed feelings in his heart.

   He even felt that all this was unreal, he never dreamed that such bitter, even chilling words would come out of Django's mouth.

   His face was flushed, and he wanted to respond, but found that he couldn't respond.

   At this moment, he felt that Django was very unfamiliar, as if his body had been taken away by some inexplicable existence.

The huge office suddenly became silent, except for the sound of the clock on the wall passing by. After about ten seconds, Django seemed to realize that he had said a lot of weird things that he shouldn't have said, and he was cold. His face became gentle again, and then a gentle and apologetic expression appeared: "I'm sorry, I was a little rude just now, didn't I scare you? These are all my angry words just now, don't take it seriously, you know I have a relatively straight personality, and I have always been very disgusted by those who cheat in the name of "real shooting", especially those who are obviously treacherous and disgusting, but put on the face of a victim, but secretly do tricks behind their backs to fool the public... …”

  Zhang Lei raised his head, and saw that Django returned to his previous gentle and refined face again in a trance, he opened his mouth, and finally nodded subconsciously.

"It's been hard work at night, I'll ask the finance department to count today's work as extra overtime and double the salary..." After seeing Zhang Lei's expression, Jiang Ge showed a gentle smile again, as if the man with the hideous face just now did not agree with him. not him.

   "Thank you, Director Jiang." Zhang Lei only felt cold all over, he lowered his head again, and said submissively.


  When Zhang Lei left, Django, who was smiling all over, started to look savage again, staring at the videos and various comments on the Internet, his eyes were red, and the flames in his body could not be suppressed.

   At this moment, netizens no longer pay attention to the so-called "fake", the so-called "fraud".

   It was like a piece of paper that was as thin as a cicada's wings and was smashed to shreds by Zhou Yang's punch.

  Sun Zhongming not only did not ruin Zhou Yang's reputation, but made the pre-sale tickets of "Struggling" explode again, and even pushed the film "The Grandmaster" and Chinese martial arts to a new topic!


   For many kung fu fans, the 1970s was definitely a very special and passionate time.

   When Chinese movies were sluggish, Liang Xiaolong was born and spread Chinese martial arts all over the world in the form of movies.

   "Dragon Heart", "Crossing the River and the Dragon", "One Punch Opens the Way of Life and Death"...

  A series of kung fu movies that have been talked about until now, ushered in a new era for Chinese kung fu movies to go international, and also made many Chinese directors realize that Chinese kung fu movies can still be made like this...

  In the movies from the 1980s to the 1990s, we can see the shadow of these kung fu movies more or less, and many movies are based on these movies to learn from, improve and innovate.

However, in the late 1990s, with the advancement of science and technology, and after Hollywood movies ravaged China, kung fu movies inevitably encountered changes, and began to move towards another path, which is based on vision, whether it is "Heroes" or that. The movie "Sword and Sword", which is generous in Hollywood, is all this way.

   In a sense, this is the inevitability of the times. Following those old ways not only fans don’t like it, but the director’s filming is also disgusting. It’s hard to break through Liang Xiaolong’s movies, and the final outcome is only a dead end!


  The advancement of technology is not all bad.

As kung fu movies pay more and more attention to special effects and visual experience, it is inevitable that countless follow-up works will emerge in the market. With a few swipes of the sword flower and some special effects, anyone can become a kung fu superstar.

   At first, it was pretty cool to watch, but if you watch it too much, you will inevitably feel aesthetic fatigue and feel very fake.

   And can the visual effects you shoot be as strong as "Sword, Sword and Shadow" and "Heroes"?

I don't know since when, many fans started to like watching old movies. Movies like "Dragon Heart", "Crossing the River and Henglong" and "One Punch Open the Way of Life and Death" were turned over and over again by fans to watch, Decades later, although the film is blurry and there is no repaired version, the smooth and dripping feeling of punching to the flesh is still very enjoyable!


  Yes, realism!

   This is the real kung fu movie.

  Some time ago, the appearance of Sun Zhongming undoubtedly disappointed many fans. The mystery of Chinese Kung Fu seemed to be humiliatingly unveiled, and then fell to the ground.

   Martial arts lacks actual combat, no matter how good the routines and methods are, they are all soft jokes!

   And at this time, "Grandmaster" appeared.

   "Do you want to really understand the fighting scenes of Chinese martial arts? Come on! Let's see the real Chinese martial arts combat in "The Grand Master"!"

   "No tricks, no routines, every punch is a life-and-death struggle!"

   This sentence on the official Weibo is really attractive.

   Their appetites were hung up!

   Fight for life and death!

  Fight to the flesh fighting screen?

   What kind of movie is that?

   "Remember those news?"

   "News of burning the Nine Palace Hall!"


   "It was an accident, but everything was real!"

   "All the actors were in a sea of ​​scorching fire. The real shooting, and even the cameras, burned out several frames!"

  March 31st!

   Huang Jiacheng showed a serious smile on his face when he was interviewed.

   Huang Jiacheng's interview caused an uproar among all the media and netizens.

   Immediately afterwards, many news from last year were turned over one by one again...

  【The shooting area of ​​"The Grand Master" was suspected of being caught by an open fire, the fire brigade and medical team have rushed to the set, and many actors were trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire, and their lives and deaths are unknown...]

  【Director Huang Jiacheng has a flustered expression and refuses any interviews, claiming that this is just a filming, but does not allow anyone to approach the fire scene】

  【Shocked, the shooting scene of "The Grand Master" was in full swing, and several staff members entered the hospital for emergency treatment...]


   Shocking news and videos, combined with Huang Jiacheng's serious face.

this moment……

   Everyone gasped!

   This guy is crazy!

   Is it another extreme movie like "Struggle"?


   April Fool's Day.


  There are countless reporters around the company, and everyone wants to do an exclusive interview for Zhou Yang...

   However, Zhou Yang did not go out to give any interviews, nor did he talk about that punch.

   Zhou Yang's arm was not healed enough to be removed. After the stitches were removed, the scar was miraculously invisible. Zhou Yang felt incredible about this.

   "Dong Dong Dong"

   "Come in, ah, Director Huang, wait a moment, I should write more and I'll be done..."

   Huang Jiacheng knocked on Zhou Yang's office, ready to chat with Zhou Yang about the promotion of "The Master".

   When he saw Zhou Yang staying in the office to write the script, he nodded and sat next to him subconsciously.

   Inevitably, he saw the name of the script.

   The name of the script is "I am not the God of Medicine"?

   After seeing the name, Huang Jiacheng frowned.

   That's a really weird name.

   After Zhou Yang finished writing, he checked it out and was quite satisfied. When he was about to speak to Huang Jiacheng, his cell phone suddenly rang.


   "Mr. Christian? What's the matter?"


   "Struggle was shortlisted in Cannes? I didn't sign up, ah? Did you sign up for me?"

"Yes, I'm shortlisted, but I still don't know which award I've been shortlisted for? The film jury is still holding a meeting to discuss which award I should be shortlisted for? I'm one of the jury members, and I'm calling you during the meeting... "

   "By the way, the jury is arguing about this movie. I'll tell you what's going on when there is a result..."

  Huang Jiacheng listened to the voice on the other end of the phone, then looked at Zhou Yang who was innocent in confusion, thinking that this kid can pretend better than me in TMD.

   I'm sorry...Today is my birthday, there is only one update...

   Hope to approve…



   (end of this chapter)

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