It was already midnight when Isheng finished all this. Fortunately, Le Fay did not sleep with Isheng today, otherwise he would have been very confused when he saw Isheng like this.

After all, it's really weird for Isumi not to sleep.

And he smiled so obscenely!!

After finishing things in the small world, Isheng didn't sleep, but began to try some of his own ideas.

Use astrology to lay out a galaxy made of star particles in your own little world.

Then use the star particles as the core of those magic arrays.

The more Yi Cheng thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible, so he just did it.

The whole person's mental power is completely put into the small world.

Then his figure also appeared in the sky above this world.

Although it is said to be a small world, it has no stars, sun or moon.

What Isheng wants to do is to completely construct a universe.

This requires the use of his astrology!

Looking at the pitch-black space, Yi Cheng raised his head and silently began to mobilize the third star particles in his body.

Then he started chanting the incantation

"O God of the Void, hereby declare the defeat of human wisdom."

As Isheng spoke, the sky in the main film began to shake.

At the same time, Isheng's aura completely exploded, and the entire Einzbern...No, it can be said that the whole world has fallen into depression.

The faces of the magicians also changed drastically at this moment.

What kind of person can exude such a terrifying momentum? ?

In the guest room of the Einzbern family, Le Fay, who was just about to sleep with Sakura, also opened his eyes.

Le Fay raised his eyebrows after feeling the momentum.

"Hey, what is Isumi-sama doing?!"

She was naturally very familiar with this aura.

Although it was terrifying, it didn't seem to have any effect on Le Fay.

Who knew that Le Fay had been contaminated with Isheng's aura before?

The terrifying aura made Eiinz even more... Many of Belen's androids are down, including Ahad.

So no one is bothering Isheng now.

Although Le Fay doesn't quite understand what Master Isheng is doing, he must be doing something important. It's something that happened.

So I was very sensible and didn't bother.

Isheng didn't know that the noise he made would affect the entire world.

Even people outside the world felt it.

A sexy purple-haired woman came out of the throne Opening her eyes and looking outside the palace, she seemed to see something, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"What a powerful person!"

"Another world? It seems that there are beings in that world who can kill me!"

Speaking of this, she also became excited.

When she was thinking about whether to go to that world, she suddenly received a message.

This was a message from Alaya and Gaia.

Alaya and Gaia tells this woman to stop moving, or you will be fired!!..................

"whispering sound!"

The woman curled her lips and felt a little unhappy.

But she didn't say anything. Although she had been ejected from the outside of the world, she didn't have to give face to Alaya and Gaia at all.

But if she was expelled, she would also She's in trouble!

Well, yes, it's expulsion.

Expell her from this world!!

The expelled person will be completely ejected from this world, and it will be troublesome to survive in that huge dimensional rift.

Even if you find a new world to enter, you will still encounter hostility.

Maybe drinking water will fill your teeth!

That's why she calmed down!

"But does this make it difficult for me?"

"Thinking too much."

Speaking of this, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, obviously thinking of a good idea................

Isheng didn't know it yet, but he was nailed by an old woman because of the noise he made!

Now he is continuing to recite the mantra

"The eyes are too old, the limbs are weak, and the knowledge has stagnated"

"In the name of the last human being, these countless decisions, many setbacks, and all prosperity are judged to be nothing."

As these mantras were recited, planets began to appear in the dark void under the control of Yi Cheng.

Driven by astrology, with the third star particle as the core.

Stars were constructed by Yi Cheng..

Violent magic spreads in this small world. With the appearance of stars, the entire small world seems to have undergone some changes and become more energetic.

If anyone is in the small world, he will find that Yi Cheng This small world has fallen into darkness at this moment.

The dense magic arrays in the sky are clearly visible on the ground.

When Isheng built this huge celestial body, he also discovered a terrifying thing.

The magic power in his body The recovery can't keep up with the speed of consumption!

You know, his magic power is unlimited!

But at this moment, this terrifying scene makes him feel a sense of emptiness.

But that feeling of emptiness will soon disappear. It was filled up again by the magic power that came out of nothing, and then emptied out again.

It lasted for a long time, and after the Milky Way was constructed, this feeling of emptiness stopped. At the same time, Isheng also felt that his various attributes seemed to have begun to You have become stronger.

Although there is only one point to guide you, Isheng can really feel it!

Thinking of this, Isheng's body was shocked. This method works!

Thinking of this, Isheng no longer hesitated.

Looking at the quilt The constructed universe still lacks the two most harmonious places.

The sun and the moon!

Thinking of this, Yi Cheng continued to control the star particles in his body to build the two most core things.

After everything was settled, Yi Cheng Cheng was relieved.

No, and soon he felt melancholy again.

I have constructed my own view of the universe, but I don’t seem to have anything to stabilize it.

Thinking of this, Yi Cheng suddenly felt puzzled and said:

"So, is this work all in vain?"

This is always something constructed by magic. If nothing is stabilized, it will dissipate sooner or later!

In other words, everything will return to its original form by then!! When

Isumi was depressed, a sudden burst of energy came from his body. The strange movement, those star particles seemed to feel something.

Suddenly, the universe constructed by Isheng began to emit light!

And the simulated star creation diagram in Isheng's body also began to boil, and then began to slowly interact with the universe constructed by Isheng. The universe that comes out merges together!

‘The simulated creation star diagram itself is a gift that infinitely magnifies one's own view of the universe to interfere with external things.

And now the universe, even the world, appears in Isheng's body, which directly attracts it.

Not to mention, this is a universe built by Isheng using the third star particles.

The fit with the simulated star creation chart of Unknown Truth is 100%.

Isumi has never developed this simulated star creation diagram, but it is now beginning to slowly integrate with the universe.

(Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for rewards. )

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