The class bell rang soon, and the first class was Hiratsuka Shizuka's class.

Arriving in the classroom, Hiratsuka Shizuka was very surprised to see Isumi returning to school.

But she didn't ask any more questions. Izumi probably came to school just for fun. It didn't matter whether he learned the things in school or not.

"Now that everyone is here, let’s start the assessment."

"Today is the day to test your strength. In a few days, you will have summer vacation."

"You are all elite students, so I won’t say more."

"You also know what you should know"

"Now follow me to the playground."

After saying this, Shizuka Hiratsuka walked out directly.

But when she just reached the door, she suddenly turned around and said to Isheng:

"Oh, by the way, Isumi, you don’t need to participate."

"Let's watch the show on the sidelines"

"This test is of no use to you!"

"You already have a perfect score."

After saying this, she walked out with a strange expression.

To be honest, this decision was not made by her, but by the school.

Because Isheng is too strong.

If he is allowed to fight with others, , I guess she has to send someone to the infirmary again.

She still vividly remembers the last time this guy blew up the kitten.

This guy is better than her as a teacher, and it is completely useless to participate in this kind of newcomer test. No meaning.

When everyone in the class suddenly heard Hiratsuka Shizuka say this, they were stunned for a moment.

But when they thought of Isumi’s terrifying strength, everyone was relieved.

The so-called test is just a test of the students’ strength. It's just an evaluation.

And Isumi's strength... is well known.

No one will say anything without a test.

Only Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, thinking that this kind of privileged behavior is not very good.

Others did not What did one have to say.

As for the person involved, Isumi, he was eager to take part. Don’t you think your legs look good on the sidelines?

Isumi was delighted when he thought of this.

Although he didn’t have to take part in the test, Isheng still came to the playground with Asia and the others. Come on.

After arriving here, Yi Cheng found a place to sit down and quietly watched the show.

Today, only Yi Cheng and his class were tested, and everyone in the other classes was in class.

But there were many Everyone turned their attention to the playground.

Isheng's class is an elite class, so many students in the school are curious about how strong this class is.

Isheng, who was sitting in the shade of a tree in the distance, looked at these guys as well. I couldn't help but be amazed.

After not seeing each other for a week, these guys must have learned a lot of magic, and their current strength has changed somewhat.

For example, Yukinoshita Yukino's level has reached E.

Several other people in the class have also reached E.

It's just that it's still far behind Koneko and the others.

Even the idiot Satania can't compare. You idiot, Satanya, is still a devil no matter how you say it.

The level is even E-.

Also. Just as Yi Cheng was observing these guys, Gabriel's voice suddenly shouted

"Who wants buff? 100 once"

"All attributes can be enhanced."

As her voice fell, Gabriel was suddenly surrounded by people.

"Gabrielle, please give me one"

"Give me one too"

"I also want!"

In an instant, people in the class started to chirp and start paying.

There were also a few people who didn't do this.

Of course Yukinoshita Yukino, as the class monitor, couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Gabrielle, please don’t break the rules"

"This is very unfair!!"

Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's words, Gabriel said impatiently while counting the money:

"The teacher didn't say there was such a rule"

"Why can't I use the buff that someone bought with money based on their ability?"

Jia Baili doesn't care. As long as he can make money and gold, it doesn't matter. When

Yukinoshita Yukino heard this, she couldn't help but frown.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there really is no such rule.

1 She didn't know how to refute it.

Suddenly something occurred to her and she continued:

"But this is too unfair to other people."

"Wouldn’t it be a big loss for people who didn’t buy your buff?"

Hearing this, Gabriel suddenly became unhappy.

"If you suffer a loss, you will suffer a loss. Who told them not to buy it!"

"It’s not like I won’t sell it to her"

"Monitor, you are very verbose."

"Go, go, don't disturb my business"

"The buff is for sale, it’s 100 bucks a time, if you want it, come over quickly"

"Angel blessing can last for 4 hours"..................

Yukinoshita Yukino's whole body was not feeling well.

Is this guy really an angel?

He was obviously a good student when he first came to school, but since when did he become so greedy for money?

Although Yukinoshita Yukino knows that this guy has changed recently.

But I didn’t expect it would change so much!

Could it be that this angel fell as rumored?

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's head hurt for a moment.

Forget it, she didn't bother to care.

Anyway, she disdains using this method, she wants Tangtang to fight with people honestly!

I don't need any buffs.

And because of her thoughts, Yukinoshita Yukino may be beaten severely by people in society next.

Yi Cheng, who was sitting over there, touched his chin when he saw Gabriel's coquettish move.

Then he shouted directly to Asia and the others:

"Asia, Eri, Megumi, come here!"

Hearing Yi Cheng's cry, the three of them also ran up in a hurry.

Asia looked at Yi Cheng expectantly.

"Lord Isheng, do you have any orders?"

Eiriri and Kato Megumi also looked at Isheng very curiously.

They didn't understand what this guy wanted to do when he suddenly called them.

Looking at the three people, Isheng said with a smile:

"As my team member, you can't be embarrassed."

"Here, this is the weapon I give you!"

Isumi said so and directly projected several weapons.

Seeing Isheng's operation, Kato Kei's mouth twitched.

Isn't this obvious bullying?

How powerful are Isheng's weapons and they are very powerful ? It's clear.

During the previous training, they used these weapons to kill everyone. Just when she was about to refuse,

Asia had already taken the Noble Phantasm projected by Isheng in her hand.

Then she was very happy. He thanked Isheng:

"Thank you Isumi-sama"

"I will work hard."

Eiriri took the staff given by Isheng after hesitating for a while.

Kato Megumi was speechless when she saw this scene.

After struggling for a while, she also took the dagger given by Isheng.

Since Du Gabaili is there Since everyone was buffed, she had nothing to refuse.

Not to mention, Asia and Eiri also got weapons.

After the three got the weapons, they returned to the team.

Yukinoshita When Yukino saw this scene, she also fell silent. mmp, play nmb.

If she could curse, she would probably yell out loud.

These two guys, Icheng and Gabriel, have no intention of giving other people a way to survive..What else are you playing with?

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and tips.)

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