Yi Cheng flew directly to a thousand meters in the air.

After casually disposing of one stage of the five gastrea animals, Isheng immediately started chanting the spell.

His voice is heard around the world

"O God of the Void, hereby declare the defeat of human wisdom."

As the first spell sounded, everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Le Fei, who was standing on the ground, also became excited at this moment.

The moment Icheng's voice sounded, the stars in the entire galaxy shook. Get up

"The eyes are too old, the limbs are weak, and the knowledge has stagnated"

"In the name of the last human being, these countless decisions, many setbacks, and all prosperity are judged to be nothing."

Each of his spells affected all the planets, large and small, in the Milky Way.

Magic arrays lit up in the universe, and the planets were connected together to form a huge magic array.

Immediately afterwards, countless meteorites were Pulled, it began to move in the direction of the earth.

"Such a blow will bring down the gods, let the bells of change ring!"

As I Cheng's last spell fell, countless densely packed meteorites in the sky crashed down.

Then they crashed directly into every corner of the world.

‘Boom boom boom. '

The sound of explosions keeps ringing on this planet.

Seeing this scene, Le Fay looked extremely fanatical at this moment.

"Isumi-sama is awesome"

"Sri Lanka."

This kind of world-destroying magic excited Le Fei and made her crazy.

Now what Le Fei is thinking about is, if she could use it, wouldn't it be cool?

Just seeing the magic array in the sky, Le Fei Fei was drooling.

Such a scenery was too beautiful for a magician like Le Fay.

However, others didn't think so.

Seeing the overwhelming meteorites, Sheng Tianzi and Tendo Mu were even more convinced. Completely stupid.

That guy is actually destroying the world?

Except for where they are now, the whole world is being hit by meteorites.

And after doing all this, Isheng also flew down into the air.

"nailed it"

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back"

"You have practiced enough these days."

Isumi said this as he looked at Kato Megumi and the others.

In just a few days, their strength has broken through to E+.

Koneko's level has even reached D level.

This kind of strength is enough for a first grader. It's so powerful.

Even some second- and third-year people can't compare.

This harvest is enough.

When they heard that Isheng said that he was leaving, everyone naturally had no objection.

But Shengtianzi and Tiantong Kisara were completely dumbfounded. Now.

Are these people going to leave? Just leave after making their world like this?

There are not many people who can survive now.

Thinking of this, the Holy Emperor just wanted to speak, but was blocked by a crack in the space in the distance. The situation was interrupted.

I saw several angels flying in directly from the space crack.

When seeing these angels, the Holy Emperor looked confused.

Even I Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Are the people from the three major forces coming?"

"And it was Gabriel who came."

Seeing that super beautiful woman with twelve wings, Yi Cheng knew that that guy must be Gabriel. She is indeed the most beautiful woman in heaven, she is so beautiful.

When Gabriel entered this world , she also frowned slightly.

Seeing the world with fire everywhere, Gabriel was also a little confused.

After roughly scanning the world, she quickly discovered Yi Cheng and his group.

Seeing Yi Cheng's At that time, without any hesitation, she flew directly towards Yi Cheng with the people she brought.

When Gabriel landed in front of Yi Cheng,

Yi Cheng discovered that these people brought by Gabriel There is actually a human being among them.

And this human being...

Haise Xia Yin?

She has shoulder-length white hair, blue eyes, and a holy aura all over her body.

Isn't this none other than Hase Natsune?

When Gabriel saw Isheng, he also saluted directly.

"First meeting, Mr. Isumi"

"My name is Gabriel, please give me some advice."

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng also smiled and said:

"The most beautiful woman in heaven, she has been famous for a long time"

"I didn't expect you guys to come so quickly."

Gabriel also smiled when he heard this and didn't say anything more about this matter.

Instead, he glanced around and asked:

"Mr. Isumi, can you tell me what is going on in this world?"

Yi Cheng didn't mind when he heard this.

Instead, he said:

"As you can see"

"Everything here is caused by me"

"As for the reason? I think everyone in this world deserves to die!"

Gabriel frowned when he heard this.

Everyone in the world should die?

This Isheng is too cruel.

When she was about to say something, Isheng directly released some cursed children. out

"See for yourself"

"I believe that with your angelic talents, you should be able to tell whether these children are good or bad."

"Of course, there are also some survivors in this world"

"You can also check to see if there is any sinful smell about them."

"I think this shouldn't be a problem for you."

Gabriel heard Yi Cheng's words and his eyes also fell on those children.

These cursed children released by Yi Cheng all hid behind Yi Cheng.

Although he was very curious about who this big sister with wings was. Who, but they believed in Yi Cheng even more.

Because it was Yi Cheng who rescued them from this desperate world.

When he saw these children, Gabriel was also stunned for a moment.

There was a strange virus in their bodies, and There were also serious injuries.

Although they had been treated, Gabriel could still see it.

When he saw this, Gabriel frowned.

Who on earth could do such a cruel thing to these children?

And Isheng He also spoke out loud:

"I think you must have discovered something"

"As you can see, these children are often beaten and abused by others in this world."

"He obviously has great power, but he is treated as a tool and ominous by a bunch of trash."

"There are hundreds of thousands of such children in this world. If this world is not in line with our world, their treatment will always be like this."

"And it is the people of this world who have caused all this"

"So you still think I did something wrong?"

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Gabriel nodded.

"you did the right thing"

"I would do the same if it were me."

She did not continue to say more on this topic.

Although she is an angel, Gabriel is not the Virgin, and she still understands the difference between good and bad.

Since some damn people, then let her die. What kind of things has she not seen in the infinite world?

Don't think that they are easy to bully just because they are angels.

Behind Gabriel, Xia Yin Haise looked at the cursed children behind I Cheng.

Her heart was full of pity.

Seeing this Haise Xia Yin, Yi Cheng tilted his head and looked at her and said:

"Is she a saint of the church?"

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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