Is it really good for these guys to imitate him?

Yi Cheng looked at the eagerness of the guys in the class and didn't know what to say for a moment.

But he was too lazy to think about it.

The dungeon world is very dangerous, and the people in it are not very kind.

After learning the skills, you might be able to find a good kinsman to join you, thereby gaining a rapid increase in power.

As for how to operate it, that's beyond Isheng's control.

After Hiratsuka Shizuka registered everyone's names, she said:

"OK, you go back and make arrangements for the funeral!"

"By the way, remember to write a suicide note"

"Although I don’t hope you can use it, if you have anything to explain, please explain it quickly."

"Once I go, I don’t know if I can come back."

After saying this, Shizuka Hiratsuka left here without looking back.

Isn't the reason why I gave them a day to prepare is to let them arrange their funeral arrangements?

When you go out to experience, sacrifice is inevitable.

Just I hope this time, there won’t be another group annihilation.

Hearing Shizuka Hiratsuka’s words, the students in the class were also stunned.

This is very embarrassing.

After giving them one day, they were asked to go back and make a will?

Not only Only in this class, other classes also started to have heated discussions.

It was said to be one day, but in fact it was two days.

One day today, one day tomorrow. After today's things are finished, it is already time for class to end.

Students It was time to leave.

Of course, Isumi and the others had nothing to do, so they left the classroom directly and went to Rias's old school building.

There was no one else in the old school building, except for Kuroka, who was lying on the sofa and watching in boredom. Comics.

The black cat's tail was dangling over there.

Seeing someone coming in, Kuroka raised her head.

When she saw it was Isheng, her eyes lit up.

She dropped the book and pounced Go up


"Isumi-kun, have you finally come to see me?"

"That's great."

Looking at Heige rushing towards him, Icheng directly used a space displacement to change positions with Koneko.

Heige jumped directly into the air.

Seeing his sister like this, Koneko was really speechless.

"Sister, you've had enough"

"It’s getting more and more hentai."

Although Kitty has reconciled with Heige, he is still very helpless towards his sister's increasingly hentai behavior.

If he couldn't beat her, Kitty really wanted to beat his sister up.

Although he was beaten by Isheng He threw it on the kitten, but Kuroka didn't care.

Instead, he hugged the kitten and rubbed it.


"Kittens, don’t you have to go to class today?"

"Why did everyone come back?"

Hearing what his sister said, Kitty had no choice but to tell everything.

After listening to the words of the two kittens, Heige also suddenly realized

"I see"

"These two worlds"

"It’s really good to choose both together."

"If you arrive in the second world, I suggest you join the Loki Familia"

"The Loki of that world is different from the Loki of our world."

"Although he is average, he is still very talkative."

"Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to be a flat A"..................

What kind of nonsense is this?

Isumi was very interested in hearing what Kuroka said.

Looking at the stupid cat in front of him, Yi Cheng asked curiously:

"Do you know these two worlds, Kuroka?"

Hearing Isheng's words, Heige said matter-of-factly:

"That's natural"

"Vali has also been to these two worlds to find opponents"

"It's just that I haven't found them. Some people may be very good, but they are no match for Vali."

"And those gods sealed their own power"

"No one is willing to fight him, because after the seal is lifted, those gods will be forcibly sent back."

"So facing a bunch of weak gods, Vali lost interest."

"That world is completely for novices!"................

Everyone was speechless when they heard what Heige said.

Yi Cheng was also very surprised. Has Vali ever been to those two worlds to find people to fight with?

Thinking of this, Isheng also became thoughtful.

There must be many people in this world who have been to that world, and have even established communication channels and the like.

The people in that world also know that their world is very different from the original work.

Thinking of this, Isheng also started to look forward to it.

What changes have taken place in that world now?

This also makes Isheng very curious!

After everyone chatted in Rias' mobile classroom for a while, Rias and the others also ended get out of class.

Rias also ran back.

After seeing Isheng and the others were there, Rias said to Isheng:

"Isumi-kun, when we get to the other world, I will leave the kitten to you."

Rias has known about the arrangements in the school for a long time.

Koneko is the only freshman in his family, and the only person she can ask for help is Isumi.

After hearing Rias's words, Isumi clicked Nod.

This is not a problem. Even if Rias didn't say anything, Isumi would do it.

Looking at the people around him, Isumi's eyes fell on Kato Megumi and Eiri.

He also said directly:

"Yinglili, go back and tell your mother-in-law!"

"There is no need to prepare a suicide note or anything like that."

"It's okay for everyone to protect you, a noob."

Yinglili's eyelids jumped when she heard what Yicheng said. She always felt offended.

As a weakling, I'm really sorry.

Yinglili complained crazily in her heart.

But she still said:

"Got it!"

As for danger or something, she really isn't worried.

Each of her friends is more powerful than the last, and they are even said to have a super big wet nurse.

Isheng also nodded when he saw this.

Then he looked towards Megumi Kato.

Isumi didn’t need to speak, she just said aloud:

"I'll go back and report the situation to my mother in a moment!"................

Well, very conscious.

In this case, Yi Cheng stood up and said:

"Then go back"

"When you have your things ready, I will give you your weapons!"

After saying that, Isumi said goodbye to Rias and went back with a few people.

He also wanted to arrange for Ophis and the others.

Just leave them all in their own little world.

Since we are going to the dungeon Go to the world, then find some lolita to come out and practice.

Let them also improve their strength.

See those little cuties who are willing to run out and fight.

Isheng doesn't mind training them.

Those cursed children , the upper limit of potential is still very high! If cultivated properly, it can become a good combat force in the future.

With this thought, Yi Cheng returned home directly with everyone. The others also went back to their rooms to pack their things.

To They need to bring a change of clothes.

In the next six months, they may have to spend time in another world!

At the same time, the demon world also began to send people to arrange for these people who were going to another world.

And the person in charge of this time is Gulefiya.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.)

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