As soon as Yi Cheng opened his mouth, he knew he was an old explosive maniac.

When Mao Mao heard this, his head was full of black lines.

Only this guy would use this precious weapon as a bomb!

Yi Cheng added a lot of materials to the weapons he gave everyone.

If there is any danger, everyone can throw out their weapons and use them as bombs.

The power of the explosion changes depending on the level of the Noble Phantasm.

In other words, each of these Noble Phantasms that Isumi gave to his people are very powerful bombs!

Looking at the weapon in his hand, the kitten suddenly felt so dangerous.

This is embarrassing, okay?

It was obviously a great treasure, but after being processed in Isheng's hands, it turned into a bomb.

How dare the kitten use it easily?

When he thought that this weapon would explode, Mao Mao suddenly felt bad.

And many people in the class saw Isheng giving the kitten weapons, and they felt envious in their hearts.

Looking at the hands of Kato Megumi and the others, they each had a weapon.

Everyone started to feel sour.

Then Yukinoshita Yukino felt equally sour in her heart.

They also want such weapons!

But no one spoke.

After all, Isheng is not familiar with them!

After everyone in the class arrived, Nangong Nayue also walked in directly from outside.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, she said directly:

"follow me!"

After saying this, Nangong Nayue walked directly outside.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed.

All the students in the first grade classes followed the class teacher towards the playground below.

When everyone arrived From now on, the new principal and Gulefia will also be waiting here.

When Gulefia saw Isheng, she also gave a slight salute to Isheng.

Isheng couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

When everyone lined up Good team, after the principal started having sex, Gulefia stood up and said:

"Next, I will be the one responsible for sending you to another world."

"If you want to go to the first world, please go to the left. If you want to go to the second world, please go to the right."

Hearing what Gulefiya said, the first-year students present quickly formed a team.

But Isumi and his class did not move at all.

Seeing the situation of Isheng and his class, many people were very excited. Surprised.

Did the entire class go to one world?

Other classes chose one of the two and then divided into two groups, but everyone in Isumi’s class all chose one world.

Do these people have any special strategy skills? ?

But no one answered their questions.

And the head teachers also appeared again at this time, each handed out a bracelet, and then stood aside.

Isheng was also very surprised when he looked at the bracelet.

This is Magic Technology Right.

A product that combines magic and technology.

Seeing that everyone was ready, she also got the contact device.

Gurefia directly used magic, and a huge magic circle appeared at everyone's feet.

Isheng glanced It was to see through the essence of this magic circle.

This is teleportation magic.

The next moment, everyone present disappeared with a burst of light.

The students who were seen disappeared.

The class teachers of those students He also saluted Gurefia.

"Then, Lady Grafia, these students are in your hands."

The principal said this very respectfully.

After hearing her words, Gurefia nodded, and then disappeared in a flash.

Many people also saw the hand exposed by Gurefia. I have to sigh.

Grafia has become stronger again!.................

Isumi and the others were transported to a special space.

This space has neither earth nor sky.

Everyone seemed to be standing in the void.

There are two huge vortices in the sky above the void.

This is a corner of the dimensional rift.

And behind those two vortexes are the two worlds that Nangong and the others introduced before.

Gulefia came here and looked at the students present.

He also said directly:

"You've got the liaison device"

"This thing allows you to connect with other people across the world"

"It also comes with a teleportation circle."

"If you encounter any danger, you can teleport directly back here"

"I will send you out then!"

After hearing her words, everyone realized what the use of this thing was.

At this time, Yi Cheng had already started playing with it.

This bracelet is like a holographic projection, with all the functions on the mobile phone.

But it can only be used in certain situations. Local use.

Looking at this thing,

Yi Cheng also said directly to the people around him:

"Very good stuff"

"Add a friend and let's create a group!"

Yicheng said this, and instantly started operating with bright eyes.

The classmates around him saw this scene and hurriedly came over.

"Isumi-kun, how about just setting up a class group?"

"In this case, we can communicate easily if something happens"

"You can even share any information you have."

Hearing what this unknown sidekick classmate said, Yi Cheng didn't refuse.

Instead, he couldn't help but say:

"That's no problem"

"It comes with its own software, and I have already set up the class group."

"Add it yourselves"

"Lillie's chat group"

"That's the name."

Icheng casually made up a name and told the class.

Then Icheng also pulled Le Fay and the others in.

After finishing these things, Icheng, the administrator and so on, will all be given to him.

As a result, as soon as he joined the group, Gabriel started advertising.


【The old rule is to sell various BUFFs for 100 yuan a time.】...................

Yi Cheng's face darkened when he saw Gabriel who advertised whenever they disagreed.

The backhand was to ban her.

"You fallen angel, shut up."

"If you want to make money, go somewhere else!"

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Gabriel curled his lips.



After saying this, Gabriel yelled directly

"Does anyone want a buff?"

"Angel's buff, one hundred yuan a time"...................

Looking at this fallen angel who was madly throwing away his integrity, the students in the class were speechless.

Grafia glanced at this weird angel and then said:

"calm down"

"It seems that you are already familiar with the functions of the bracelet"

"Then I won’t say much more"

"This bracelet has a small space for you to put some valuable things"

"It also contains some currencies from those two worlds."

"This is some of the start-up capital we sponsored for you"

"As for other things, I won’t say much."

"I wish you can find your own path!"

As soon as Gurefia's words fell, the people on both sides took off directly, and then were thrown into two huge whirlpools by Gurefiya.

The experience of the second half of the first grade also officially began.

(Please give me flowers, please give me a try) Monthly ticket, please give me a reward.)

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