Yi Cheng looked at the things he had obtained. Yan Hui and Mechanical Mastery were used by himself. Yi Cheng decided to give all the remaining modern magic and CAD production methods to Lan Yu Qiancong.

These are all electronic things, and the title of Empress of Electronics is not for nothing.

Leave it to her, she will definitely shine, and maybe even get the title of modern magic master?

Modern magic also has the benefits of modern magic, without the wrinkles at all.

Especially the blue scallions and moguwai, the combination is simply perfect.

Lan Yu Qiancong also came with Le Fay and the others, and had already made a decision to join I Cheng's team.

So there is nothing wrong with giving these things to her.

When I woke up the next morning, Isumi suddenly discovered that Hestia had started dressing up early.

Seeing Hestia like this, Isumi asked with a strange expression:

"Where are you going? Going on a blind date?"

Hearing this, Hestia was immediately dissatisfied.

"You just went on a blind date"

"I'm going to the gathering of the gods!"

"Do you understand the gathering of gods?"

Damn it, does she need a blind date?

Although she has never been in love, there are still many gods who are willing to pursue her, okay?

Although Hestia is a Chunv god, she is not the kind of Chunv god who cannot get married.

Hearing Hestia say this, Isumi suddenly understood

"I thought you were going out on a blind date."

Speaking of the gathering of gods, Yi Cheng also suddenly remembered something.

Thinking of those drunk guys last night, Yi Cheng suddenly changed the subject and asked Hestia:

"Has Apollo, the sun god, returned?"

Suddenly hearing Isheng asking this question, Hestia was also stunned for a moment.

"how do you know?"

"He just came back the day before yesterday, so few people seemed to know about it."

Now, it's Hestia's turn to be confused. How does Isumi know that annoying guy from Apollo?

And Isumi finally understands.

Those guys yesterday should be Apollo's people!

Think about it in your own body Sun Sovereignty.

This is being targeted!!

Thinking of this, Isheng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

He looked at Hestia in front of him and said directly:

"Just heard about it"

"It's a gathering of gods, I understand, you go"

"If someone challenges you to a clan challenge, just accept it regardless of any conditions."

"I will take care of everything."

Isheng has already predicted what will happen next.

That guy will probably make an excuse and launch a family confrontation against Hestia.

Since he is being targeted, just get rid of him directly.

Moreover, Isheng I'm also curious, if Apollo is killed and sacrificed, will the system give him another share of the sun's sovereignty?

This is very possible.

Therefore, Apollo must die!

Hestia suddenly heard that Cheng said this with a confused look on his face.

He didn't understand what happened at all.

And Isheng didn't explain much.

After saying a few words, he turned around and left.

Hestia still wanted to ask What to ask, but after she found out that Yi Cheng was gone, she stopped asking any more.

However, she still kept in mind what Yi Cheng had just told her.

She always felt that Yi Cheng knew something.

And this gathering of gods was also That guy Apollo initiated it.

Hestia looked at Isumi's leaving figure thoughtfully.

After curling her lips, she didn't think about it anymore.

This guy was very mysterious, and he was also too strong..

Even if she unlocks her divine power, she may not be this guy's opponent. There is no need to worry about him.

Thinking of this, Hestia continued to dress up.

Now her life is better and her life is nourishing.

So. She must show off tonight!

Although it is embarrassing to tell about being kept by others, she is used to it...................

Yi Cheng came to the dining hall of the family members. At this moment, many lolita people were already standing up.

Seeing Isheng's arrival, they were very excited and waved their hands to say hello to Isheng.

Seeing so many lovely faces early in the morning made me feel even better.

Isheng also saw Lanyu Qianzui, Xiaomao and Megumin in the dining hall.

Lan Yu Qian Cong came here with Le Fei and the others yesterday.

And Le Fay and the others were in Isheng's room yesterday. In the morning, she, Kitty and Megumin were the only ones eating together.

The three of them sat together and chatted wordlessly.

Seeing Yi Cheng's arrival, the three of them were also very surprised. They didn't expect this guy to get up so early. Shouldn't he be immersed in the gentle land at this time?

Cat snorted when he saw Isheng.

Obviously very dissatisfied with Isheng.

As more and more women surround Isheng, she becomes less and less important.

So she was very unhappy!

Seeing the awkward look on the kitten's face, Yi Cheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, reached out and rubbed her head and said:

"I always feel like you are jealous!"

‘Snapped. '

Koneko slapped Isheng's paw away.

Then he glared at Isheng and said:


"Do not touch me."

Yicheng is disgusted.

Seeing the resentment in the kitten's eyes, Yicheng was a little helpless.

At the same time, he also made a decision in his heart. He will stroke the kitten tonight!

However, it is not the time to tease her now. At that time, he still had important things to do.

Yi Cheng’s eyes fell on Lan Yu Qian Cong

"Classmate Lan Yu, have you already thought about it?"

"Want to join my team?"

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Lan Yu Qiancong put down the things in his hands, straightened his back and said:

"It's been decided. If it hadn't been decided, I wouldn't have come here."

"Tell me what conditions you have!"

"I want to become stronger!"

Yicheng gave her a long time to think before.

So she also made a decision.

If she can't find a suitable way for her talent, she will have no future.

And her Lu Yicheng has already explained , so she thought about it for a long time and came with him.

Hearing her say this, Yi Cheng suddenly laughed.

"In this case, then sign this contract!"

"I have just what I need for you!"

After saying that, Icheng's third method was activated.

A contract made of soul power appeared in front of the two of them.

Several conditions were clearly written on it.

①, becoming a substitute in Isumi’s team

②, no information in the team may be sold.

③, things given by Isumi are not allowed to be disclosed to others without permission.

④, after joining the team, Lan Yu Qianqing will be Isheng’s person, and Isheng can do whatever he wants...................

When he saw the fourth article, Lan Yu Qiancong's face instantly turned red.

"you you you you...are you serious?"

"This is a contract of sale!!!"

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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