By the next day, there were even more heroic spirits in Fuyuki City.

Sensing this, Isheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Not only that, almost all the residents of Fuyuki City have been evacuated, and those staying here are either magicians or heroic spirits.

After feeling that it was almost done, Yi Cheng glanced at the gunman and the master who had been called over by Le Fay, and he said directly:

"Now that the heroic spirits are almost here, let’s start the feast!"

"Alaya, Gaia, you are listening."

Hearing Isheng's words, two supreme willpower descended over Fuyuki City.

With the arrival of these two willpower, all the heroic spirits raised their heads.

Some were unhappy, and some were respectful.

And As Isumi said before, the moment Alaya and Gaia appeared, rules appeared in the minds of those heroic spirits.

The largest Holy Grail War in history is about to take place.

1. Free team formation, each There are 7 heroic spirits in each group, and 7 heroic spirits can only occupy one job.

2. The competition is 7v7, and the winning side advances to the next game.

3. The heroic spirit that wins the final victory can propose a proposal to Alaya and Gaia Requirements.

4. When registering for the competition, you need to divide your own spiritual base.........................

The above are the rules customized by Isheng, Alaya and Gaia.

This is also Isumi’s way of harvesting the spirit bases of the heroic spirits!

When seeing this information, all the heroic spirits were excited.

You can freely form a team to compete, and you can find the teammates you want.

This is a good thing.

Zhongerdian also burst out laughing at this moment

"Hahahaha, interesting!"

"The champion is about to be decided!"

However, as soon as he finished laughing, Young Shining started to curse.


"You really think you are invincible!"

Xian Wang Shan on the side also looked at Jin Shining with the eyes of a fool.

This guy is so embarrassed!

Being stared at by the two people, Jin Shining's face suddenly became unnatural.

To be honest, Jin Shining wanted to scold her now.

It's so stupid. From time to time, these two people despise him and criticize him.

You must know that they are one. Are these two guys despising him so much that they are scolding themselves?

Although they are very unhappy, there is nothing they can do about it.

He There is really nothing that can be done with the two of them.

At this time, Young Shining also spoke:

"Since the rules are like this, then find someone!"

"Together we now have three"

"Including Enkidu and Siduri, there are five, and two more people need to be found."

Hearing what Young Shining said, Zhong Ershan snorted coldly. He didn't express any opinion.

Anyway, in his opinion, no matter who they bring, they will win.

It's not just Jin Shining's group who are discussing. Even several groups of people in other places were having heated discussions.

Isumi also began to prepare at this time.

The terrifying creative ability began to activate.

In the central area of ​​Fuyuki City, a huge and empty building appeared out of thin air.

A sudden scene It also attracted the attention of many people.

And the people with the Ruler job agency were all thrown over by Alaya and Gaia.

Joan of Arc, Martha, and Gundu.

These three people who had the Ruler job were all thrown over by Alaya and Gaia. Gaia is used as a referee.

At the same time, there are also some heroic spirits who were forcibly captured to work as wage earners.

When Joan of Arc and Martha saw Isheng, the two saints also bowed directly.

Although Isheng did not know Who it is, but they also know that Isheng is now the person in charge of this competition.

Looking at Joan of Arc and Iron Fist Saint, Isheng couldn't help but said directly:

"So, you two, please divide your spiritual base into one share."

After hearing Yi Cheng's words, the two of them looked at each other without any hesitation.

Giving away a share of their spiritual bases would not affect them at all. This is just similar to making a clone. That's it.

What they have descended now is the main body, and the spiritual base they are given is just like the Holy Grail War, just a clone. If you die, you will die, it doesn't matter!

Isumi is very hungry after getting two spiritual bases. Satisfied.

The Saint of Iron Fist's spirit base can be used by kittens, and as for Joan of Arc, Asia can use it.

After putting away these two spirit bases, Isumi began to make arrangements.

"Then, let’s summon the heroic spirits next"

"Let them form their own teams and start our game."

Icheng didn't plan to write ink anymore.

He started making arrangements directly.

Hearing Icheng's words, Jeanne d'Arc and Martha nodded.

Then they started to take action.

Illya and the others also came with them. When they saw Icheng When things got busy, they were not idle and started to help.

Not only them, Isheng even released some lolita from his own world.

Let them start to help at the scene and even maintain order.

Now The strength of the lolita is no worse than that of others.

Even some ordinary heroic spirits, they still have the strength to fight.

Therefore, letting them help is undoubtedly the best choice.

As time goes by, each heroic spirit Everyone arrived one after another.

After a while, the entire venue was filled with heroic spirits.

The venue was also in a mess now. After all, some heroic spirits are born with hatred.

Now there are ghosts only if you don't tear them apart when you see them.

Stand on top and watch The corners of Isheng's mouth twitched a few times as the following heroic spirits were operating. He glanced at the heroic spirits present. Sure enough, a bunch of Takeuchi faces were staring at each other, obviously shocked to see each other.

After all, there were so many identical faces. Being together was too inconsistent.

Many heroic spirits looked at the Saber faces standing together with strange expressions.

Especially Nero, who looked very proudly at these guys who looked exactly like her.

"Oh, what a bunch of fakes!"

After hearing her words, several identical faces stared at her angrily!

"What qualifications do you have to say this!"

The first person to speak was Lan Dai. She was very unhappy with this woman.

Souji Okita did not dare to speak and was trembling.

Because she found that these people who looked the same as her seemed to be better than her. Strong.

Nero puffed up his chest very proudly, and then pointed to certain parts of himself to compare.

"Look, this place is bigger than you"

"Legs are longer than yours"

"My eyelashes are longer than yours too"

"Although we all look the same, in reality, you guys are just a bunch of fakes!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like poking a hornet's nest.

All Takeuchi looked at her very angry.

Heizhen wanted to take action directly!

At this time, a clear voice also sounded behind her.

It's just the gunman


"If you say that, then you are also a pirate of mine?"

The Southern Hemisphere expressed dissatisfaction!

Naturally, she also heard what this guy said, so she stood up directly.

Lan Dai and Bai Dai were also shocked when they saw the person in front of them.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.)

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