The sudden appearance of Isheng's battleship also attracted the attention of both sides of the battle.

When those angels saw the arrival of these battleships, their hearts sank, thinking that they were battleships from the exe world.

After all, there is no such high technology in their world.

However, the expressions of the mechanical soldiers in the exe world changed and they hurriedly began to distance themselves from these angels.

Because they have detected that this is not a battleship that belongs to their world.

At this time, Yi Cheng also directly ordered:

"All attack!"

With this sound ringing in the void, the hatches of these battleships opened one after another.

Then Loli flew down from the battleship one by one, and then rushed towards the people in the exe world.

The huge number directly The angels who were originally stationed here were stunned. At this time, they also came to their senses.

It turned out that these were reinforcements.

At this moment, these surviving angels and demons were also excited.

The reinforcements finally arrived..

With the addition of these lolita, the battle situation reversed instantly.

These BA-level mechanical soldiers were no match for lolita like Isheng.

It may be difficult to win one-on-one, but Isheng has more than one lolita.

But there were hundreds of thousands. As this wave of siege continued, the other side had no power to parry.

At the same time, Lan Yu Qiancong also began to launch an electronic invasion.

A wave of data flowed down, and countless mechanical soldiers instantly fell to the ground, completely lost.

These low-level soldiers had no ability to resist in front of Lan Yu Qiancong. It only took a few minutes from Isheng joining the battlefield to the end.

Isheng was also very surprised when he saw this scene

"Sure enough, light onion sauce is very useful at this time!"

Speaking of this, Yi Cheng also laughed.

And Lan Yu Qiancong naturally heard Yi Cheng's words.

She blushed while sitting in front of the Moon Spirit Crystal.

"Yes, this is the powerful calculation ability of the Moon Spirit Crystal."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to invade them so easily."

Although her computer skills are very powerful, without the support of the super computer called Yueling Crystal, she would not be able to invade these mechanical soldiers so easily.

Yi Cheng also smiled when he heard this

"Because only if you are powerful can you unleash its power!"

"Okay, light green onions, we’re going to be busy next"

"Start setting up the defensive Internet cafe here!"

"Now there's a mess left here waiting for us to clean up."

Although these mechanical soldiers were eliminated as soon as they came here, the battle is not over yet.

Yi Cheng and the others still need to set up a defense network and form a patrol team.

Thinking of this, Yi Cheng has a headache.

And Lan Yu Qian Cong also nodded after hearing what I Cheng said.

"Got it, leave it to me to set up the patrol net!"

"I'm going to set up a defense plan right now!"

These things are what she is good at.

As long as she can use computers, it doesn't matter.

She is an expert in computers!

Isheng nodded and had no objection to this.............................

Isumi landed the battleship.

Then they started sending lolita out to help clean up the battlefield.

These mechanical remains are also useful to Isheng. He throws them directly into his own space for Lan Yu Qiancong to study.

Maybe Lan Yu Qian Cong can also create some mechanical life forms of their own.

With the help of Moon Spirit Crystal, all this is possible!

After the battlefield was cleared, Isumi also began to let Rias and the others take command.

Rebuild the camp that had been destroyed.

The surviving angels and demons, Isumi, were left to Rias and Raphael to deal with.

He has no intention of getting involved in these guys' quarrel.

When the time comes, I believe Rias will tell her what is going on here.

As for why Yi Cheng didn't hand over the angel to Gabriel?

Sorry, I guess if I leave it to that guy, he won't mind the trouble.

The camp was quickly set up again by Isheng.

With the help of many students and lolita, a decent camp was built directly.

After setting up the camp, Isheng and Lan Yu Qiancong started to build a protective circle.

The entrance to the exe world is on the other side.

They have also set up a camp here.

Therefore, Yi Cheng needs to build a safe patrol dog and defense circle in all aspects.

This space is also equivalent to a transfer station.

The exe world invades here through the dimensional channel, and then uses this as a springboard to invade the dimensional crack and enter the dxd world.

If Yi Cheng had arrived a little later, this continent would have been completely occupied by people from the exe world.

Then the battlefield for Isumi and the others will directly turn into a dimensional rift....................

After roughly surveying the surrounding environment, he determined the location of himself and others.

Isheng started to set up with Lan Yu Qian Cong.

One warship after another also took off again, and then centered on the camp of Icheng.

A fan-shaped protective circle was constructed.

At that time, Isheng will also have people patrolling continuously to make sure that no mechanical life forms will invade here again.

Lan Yu Qian Cong even deployed his own newly developed modern magic surveillance methods around the area.

Not only that, in order to prevent the exe world from sending some weak scouts over.

Lan Yu Qian Cong also used some electromagnetic prevention and control methods!

Coupled with various radar and magic detection, it is estimated that not even a mosquito can enter here!

When Yi Cheng finished all this, the sky also turned dark.

Only Yi Cheng can carry out such a large project.

By relying on object creation, various devices can be easily created.

Coupled with the help of other people, some of the magic methods arranged were quickly completed.

After finishing all this, Isumi also summoned Rias and the others and began to arrange work for them.

Looking at the people present, Yi Cheng said directly without talking nonsense:

"Next we need to form a patrol team and a reconnaissance team, so you will be busy next."

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, everyone became serious.

"We didn't come here just to play"

"If you have any instructions, just make arrangements!"

Cang Na pushed up her glasses and said this very seriously.

In this kind of war that is related to the life and death of their own world, they still know the importance.

So she also said it directly. If Isheng has any arrangements, just say it.

Others also nodded.

Isheng also smiled when he saw this.

Then he stopped talking nonsense and started to make arrangements.

"Natsu Shi-chan, we leave the resource management in our rear to you."

"is that OK?"

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Xia Shi nodded.

"No problem, Brother Isheng"

"These are things I'm good at."

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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