However, Isheng still underestimated Gabriel.

That night, Gabriel came to the door.

Yi Cheng looked at Gabriel who came to him in confusion.

Beside him are Gurefia, Vinette and other demons.

Seeing Gabriel's arrival, everyone who was getting together to play games looked at her.

Gulefia was the first to speak:

"Miss Gabriel, what's wrong with you so late?"

"A man ran into a man's room in the middle of the night. If word spread, it would not be good for your reputation as the most beautiful woman in heaven!"

When she said this, Gulefia's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Gabriel was considered her mortal enemy, and now this guy came here, obviously he had no good intentions.

So Gulefia didn't have any good intentions. What a shameless face.

Besides, now was her time to relieve stress, but this guy came over to disturb her.

How shameless!

Gabriel's face turned red when he heard Gulefia's words.

He said in a panic:

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here..."

Before the words could be said, she hurriedly shut up.

If she keeps talking, she will probably fall!

Yi Cheng looked at Gabriel with a strange expression on his face.

"Did you come here to ask about something?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

He has already guessed the purpose of this guy coming here.

Don't think too much, he must want to ask about the God of the Bible.

Although he knew that Gabriel should know something, he didn't expect this. The guy came to the door so quickly.

Gurefia and others also looked at Gabriel with curious eyes.

If this guy doesn't explain his purpose clearly, tomorrow they will let the most beautiful woman in heaven break into a boy at night. Let’s talk about the dormitory!

Well, it’s such a happy decision.

Several demons thought so darkly in their hearts.

Gabriel took a deep breath, and then asked very seriously:

"Mr. Isumi, can you please tell me the real situation?"

"Things about God are important to me!"

After hearing her words, Yi Cheng's face remained as usual and he said seriously:

"I don't know what you are asking"

"I've said everything I can say."

"I don't think there's anything else I can tell you!"

Isheng won't tell you.

How could he tell you directly just because you asked?

It would be too shameful.

Gabriel saw that Isheng looked like he couldn't get enough of anything.

He felt very helpless. After taking a deep breath ,

Gabriel also sighed.

"Isumi-kun, although you can deceive others"

"But you can never fool me"

"I trust my feelings very much. My feelings will not lie to me."

"You must know something!"

"So please do let me know!"

After saying this, Gabriel bowed deeply.

However, Yi Cheng still refused.

"Really not!"

"Please come back, Miss Gabriel!"

"It's getting late now, but I'm ready to rest."

Yicheng refused without hesitation.

Yi Cheng would not agree to such a request without any benefit!.......................

Seeing that Isheng refused without hesitation again, Gabriel bit his lip, tears flashing in his eyes.

Then I made a bold decision in my heart.

She entered Isumi's room directly and said to Gurefia and the others:

"Excuse me, can you go out for a moment?"

"I have something very important to discuss with Isumi-kun!"

Hearing her words, a flash of surprise flashed in Gurefia's eyes.

She instantly understood what this woman wanted to do.

So Gurefiya didn't say anything more, and winked at Rias and the others. He just left here!

Although Rias and the others were very confused, they didn't ask any more questions.

After Grafia and the others left,

Gabriel said:

"Michael has developed something!"

"This is an item that will keep us female angels from being corrupted even if we combine with other races in the future."

"Originally I planned to leave it for other people or my sister to use."

"But I didn't expect to use it myself today."

After saying this, she took out a white pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then some changes occurred in her body. Then under Yi Cheng's shocked eyes, Gabriel stepped forward and hugged Yi Cheng. Clear

"So, Isumi-kun!"

"I will be yours today!"

After saying this, Gabriel pushed Yi Cheng aside......................

Gabriel, one of the four Seraphs, the most beautiful woman in heaven.

And now this guy has completely handed her over to Isheng because of his god.

Afterwards, Yi Cheng looked at Gabriel, who had messy golden hair and was wrapped in his holy wings.

Yi Cheng couldn't help but said:

"Is it really worth it?"

"Miss Gabriel, do you know that you are committing a crime?"

"You actually attacked me who is younger than you!"

"It's so shameful."

Gabriel looked at Yi Cheng, who was raking him down, and his eyes glazed over for a moment.

Then he said with great dissatisfaction:


"Please don't joke!"

"Isn't this what you've always wanted to do?"

"From the first meeting, I felt it!"......................

Gabriel's words also left Isheng speechless.

This angel is too scary. Can you feel this kind of thing?


"I've met countless men, and you almost all have similar ideas."

"That feeling can't lie"

"You obviously wanted me very much, but now that you got what you wanted, you still pretend to be the victim."

"Isumi-kun, you are so hypocritical."

After saying this, Gabriel looked at Yi Cheng with disdain!

Sure enough, men are all big pigs!

This sentence is correct, and Gabriel feels the same way!

Yi Cheng looked at Gabriel and felt the same in his heart. He couldn't stop complaining.

Looking at something mixed with golden blood, Yi Cheng no longer concealed anything, but directly stuffed the will of the Bible God drawn from the Dusk Holy Spear. At the same time

, He said directly:

"From today on, you have nothing to do with heaven."

"You are now my only angel!"

Gabriel looked at what Yi Cheng handed over, and his eyes were completely dull.

The corners of his eyes that had shed tears before started to shed tears again.

"My God!!"

You can't be wrong, this is their god.

Now only this will is left.

In other words, their god has really fallen!!!

"Woo woo woo~~!!"

Gabriel threw his head directly into Yi Cheng's arms and cried softly.

Only now did she understand that God had really fallen!

Seeing Gabriel crying, Yi Cheng couldn't help but said:

"Okay, stop crying too"

"If you believe me, put this will with me first."

"Maybe, I will be able to resurrect her in the future?"

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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