He knew it when Isheng just said that the day of peace was coming soon.

This compatriot from another world wants to challenge Ashtel.

With his clever mind, it's not difficult to guess Isheng's plan!

Hearing his words, Yi Cheng also laughed.

"You are very good!"

"Come on!"

After saying this, Isheng took Mash and the others out of here and returned directly to his own world.

If you want to challenge Ashutel, you still need to make some preparations.

Is there anyone on Ashutel's side? Shaotian Winged Type.

Isheng also needs to pull out an army that can compete with him!

When they first entered Isheng, Jibril and Hubi were also shocked.

Is this a different world?

Hubi this It was also a time when I was doing crazy calculations.

"Interruption of body connection"

"The cause is being ascertained"

"An unknown signal was found and is being analyzed."......................

Before she could continue speaking, Isheng spoke.

"Okay, Hubby!"

"This is my world, no need to analyze it."

Yicheng, who was so finished, snapped his fingers, and immediately the group left the place. In an instant, they arrived at a huge tree.

This kind of green environment was something the two of them had never seen before..

When other people saw Isheng coming back, they also came together.

They all began to ask questions about Isheng arriving in that world.

At the same time, they also looked at Jibril and Hubie with curious eyes.

Especially Gabriel, she looked at Jibril asked in surprise:

"Isheng, is this an angel?"

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng shook his head.

"No, she is not"

"This is the Flügel, a race born specifically to kill!"

"Let's get some people together, have a small meeting, and then we'll attack the big boss of that world."

Having said this, Yi Cheng also started to look forward to it.

After hearing Yi Cheng's words, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Is there another fight going to happen?

Thinking of this, everyone also started to call other people over.

At this time, Jibril also said:

"Hey, are you going to fight Lord Ashtel so soon?"

Speaking of this, she was also very excited.

Oh, this is interesting. She actually turned around and was about to beat her old club.

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng nodded.

"That's right"

"Are you still unable to take action?"

However, Isheng underestimated Jibril.

Xiao Ji's face was filled with the word"making trouble" at the moment.

"Hehe, I'm fine with that"

"I have long wanted to beat Azrael."

Speaking of that guy, Jibril's face was full of dissatisfaction.

Now that she has the opportunity to beat her, she will definitely not give up.

However, there are some things she still wants to say.

Jibril looks Looking at Yi Cheng, he thought for a while and then said:

"If we fight with the Flügel, can we avoid hurting their lives?"

Although she is now free from the Flügel, she still can't bear to treat her sisters.

If possible, she hopes that Isheng can let those Flügel go.

Hearing her words, Isheng nodded.

"That's no problem, just beat them all into young girls and then arrest them."

Icheng will naturally not let go of the combat power of the Flügel.

Now his eyes have been set on the world. If he wants to continuously improve his strength, he needs more combat power to help.

What if it happens again ? Encountering that world with exes, the fighting power of these guys is very much needed.

Isheng can't do everything alone!

Although he has such strength, it will be very tiring, okay?

Get Isheng's After replying, Jibril suddenly laughed.

She hugged Isheng and rubbed her

"Then I thank you, Master~!"

This time she called"Master" willingly.

Looking at this Xiao Ji, Yi Cheng couldn't help but curse.

He reached out and pinched her wings.

"Don't you have any expression?"

Jibril was shocked at this moment, and her face instantly turned red.

She didn't quite understand why Isheng knew this weakness of his!!

"No, stop"............................

Looking at Xiaoji who was a little weird, Yi Cheng let go of his hand.

Everyone on the side looked weird!

After teasing Xiaoji for a while, Isheng put away his smile and waited quietly.

It didn't take long for others to arrive one after another.

Gaia, Alaya and the others arrived one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Isheng also told the situation of that world.

Fight with Ashutel, then break through the Elf Corridor to seize the Star Cup, become the master of that world, and then integrate that world into theirs!

Gaia and Alaya are also very clear about Isumi's plan.

The world of Game Life can be considered a quite advanced world.

After hearing Isheng's words, Isheng's will to the world was ready to merge with other worlds again.

The two of them have no objections now.

After all, this in itself is good for them!

And after hearing what Isheng said, after capturing the Star Cup, you can fully control the authority of that world.

This is naturally what they are looking forward to.

It is completely equivalent to gaining the power of a world for nothing.

After this discussion, everyone had no opinions.

Immediately afterwards, Isheng also got a battleship, and then the S+ people with a battleship set off in a mighty manner.

Rias, Sona, Xia Yin and others were also among them.

They had not been able to participate in the battle in the exe world before, but they couldn't miss it this time.

Naturally, Isheng will solve Ashuter's situation.

Then those Flügel were left to Rias and the others to fight.

At the same time, Isumi also brought Agurola and Ophis with him.

They were brought along to prevent other gods from running out and causing trouble.

Yi Cheng knows that in this world, the gods of those races are still there.

Whether it was Kainas who created the elf species or Okan who created the goblin species.

They are all truly alive.

After all, the first among the sixteen races is the divine race.

God knows how many gods there are in that world.

These gods are all born from the concept of planets.

It is also unknown how many gods there are in an entire world.

It was never mentioned in the original work.

There are so many races in this world alone, but what about the gods who created them?

Although Ashutel killed many gods, he even absorbed their marrow.

But how many actually survive?

How many others are hiding in the dark?

These are all things that are impossible to say!

Anyway, it was right to take them with him. What Isheng was most worried about was that he was about to get the Star Cup while he was beating it, and then a bunch of gods would come out and cause trouble.

This is the last thing Isheng wants to see!

Not only did he bring Agurola and Ophis with him, but he also summoned Esther Ichen!

After being fully prepared, Isheng tore apart the space and went to the game world again.

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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