Miyi Aiyu said directly without any hesitation:

"I want to stay!"

"As long as you can promote me to 1eve1-5"

"No matter what you do, I'm willing to do it!"

After hearing her words, the others looked at each other for a while and then agreed to stay!

Seeing that they were all willing to stay, Yi Cheng nodded.

"very good!"

"If you are willing to stay, then I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Light green onions, start arranging them"

"From now on, these guys will be the core figures of our institute."

"In the future, if there are some people with potential, we can also recruit them."

"For now, let’s get the research institute up and running."

"Just create mechanical life forms to serve as security guards!"

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Lan Yu Qianqing, who was looking at the information at the side, nodded.

Then she took out a device that looked like"990" red from her pocket.

When she threw the device out, in these Under the guy's astonished gaze, the lipstick unfolded directly, and the next moment, robots appeared one by one.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Yu Qiancong also began to give orders to these robots!

The entire research institute began to operate.

Aleister on the other side also Directly announced the change of personnel in the talent workshop.

From today on, the workshop will be completely managed by Isheng.

Although this made many people very confused, no one asked too much.

Only a few people paid a little attention. After a while.

However, because the defense of the talent workshop was too strong, they were unable to find out any information.

It was not that no one else wanted to send ANBU people to test it out.

But they were all warned by Aleister.

At this point, no one in the Talent Workshop dares to reach out.

No one knows what is being researched inside, and no one knows who is in charge of the Talent Workshop!

No one comes out of the entire workshop.

Every time Isheng goes back They left through space movement, so those who wanted to inquire about the situation inside the workshop were left empty-handed.

As time went by, those guys stopped paying attention here.

And Lan Yu Qiancong also started to keep going. Studying the development methods of modern magic and superpowers.

She has figured out both of them, which also made her gain a lot.

In terms of superpowers, Isumi also helped them enter 1eve1- as he said at the beginning. 5.

Of course, only Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsuru Aiyu have entered this level so far.

Dory’s superpowers are still at 1eve1-5., let alone others.

Passed.............,............., a long time has passed since Isumi took over this research institute.

Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsuru Aiyu are also testing their own super power levels in the laboratory. Looking at these two guys, Isumi touched his chin and couldn't help but think.

After such a long period of research, Lan Yu Qiancong was able to improve the two's super powers.

This is also because the two of them have 1eve1-5 qualifications, otherwise it would not be that easy. Now the super power levels of these two people have been improved.

It is also time for them to go out to school.

After the test, in addition to being a scumbag in terms of physical strength, his superpowers have indeed reached level 1e1-5.

After Shokuhou Misaki ran out of the laboratory, she ran directly to Isheng and hugged him.

Then he asked very expectantly:

"Na na, Isumi-kun, I have reached 1eve1-5 now."

"Do you have anything to express?"

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng complained directly:

"What else do you want to express?"

"Now that you are eating me, drinking from me, what else do you need from me to express to you?"

"Are you thinking too much?"

Speaking of this, she also gave her a very disgusting look. She is still an ordinary Shokuhou Misaki!

After noticing Isumi's gaze, Shokuhou Misaki was immediately dissatisfied.


"Damn that guy!!"

"I will definitely grow up."

After saying this, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

This guy is so annoying, he despises her every time.

Damn, hateful!!

I'm about to cry, this is being despised again!

The honey ants on the side love to enjoy He also looked down at himself, and then shut himself up in an instant.

She is not much worse than Shokuhou Misaki now!

Isumi saw the two girls smiling and said:

"Okay, now your superpower development has come to an end for the time being."

"Xiaoqi, remember to exercise more. Your physical fitness is really bad."

"Eat less sweets and improve your physical fitness!"

"I'll leave first"

"By the way, you can leave here tomorrow, go to school on the turntable, and announce your names and super power levels at the same time!"

After hearing Isheng's words, Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsumi Aiyu were both stunned.....

"You want to drive us away? Shokuhou

Misaki suddenly panicked.

After being together for such a long time, she had become very dependent on Isheng.

Now Isheng suddenly asked them to go to school and leave here. Both of them thought that Isheng was going to drive them away.

When they heard At her words, Yi Cheng said helplessly:

"what are you thinking about"

"Letting you go to school does not mean that I will drive you away."

"Now that the development of super powers has been completed, you will naturally go to school. It’s not like you can’t come back."

"Or do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?"

Hearing Yi Cheng say this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief!

"What, I thought you were going to drive us away!"

"But going to school? Seems like a good note."

Shokuhou Misaki also became thoughtful.

Her super power is very versatile. If she learns more knowledge, maybe she can change her poor figure?

After looking at her figure, Shokuhou Misaki said. He curled his lips, obviously very dissatisfied.

This guy Isumi really likes to play with Junko Hokaze. Now Junko Hokaze's figure is very plump and well-proportioned, and has completely grown.

This makes her envious!! She also has such a figure, this guy Isheng will definitely like it very much.

Thinking of this, she is also looking forward to it. 5.8 She has already figured out the personality and quirks of this guy Isheng.

When they first met, this guy was still I quite liked them, but as they grew up, they began to be disliked. They even seriously said that they had passed the shelf life.

It was simply too abominable.

After snorting, Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Okay, let's go study"

"I will definitely surprise you next time we meet."

At this point, she had already decided. When she got to school, she started to study some biological knowledge crazily.

Then she used super powers to change her figure.

She must impress Isheng.

After taking one look at this guy, Isheng also agreed. Too lazy to complain.

When she said this, Yi Cheng knew what she was thinking.

However, I am looking forward to the complete queen bee.

(Please give me flowers, monthly votes, and rewards.)_

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