One-eyed Princess will naturally not show weakness when faced with Isheng's threat.

Even now that she has turned back into a human, she is still the proud One-Eye Princess

"Huh, don't give me a chance"

"Otherwise, I absolutely want you to look good!"

After saying this, One Eye Ji wanted to jump out of the window and leave.

However, Isheng was not happy.

"How dare you say harsh words?"

"It seems like it won’t work if I don’t teach you a lesson."

Speaking of this, Yi Cheng's face suddenly became weird.

This guy actually dared to say such things in front of him?

Isn't that asking for death?

Thinking of this, Yi Cheng's mind moved.

One-eyed Ji was immediately restrained, and then Yi Cheng Cheng pulled her over forcefully.

Ichen pinched One-eye Ji's face and said:

"If that's the case, then I'll put my mark on you!"

Having said this, Isumi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He held her down directly under the horrified gaze of the other party.

The third method and the perpetual motion machine were activated instantly, injecting countless pure energy into One-eye Ji's body.

Isheng I want to make her completely become Isheng's thing.

Since she is disobedient, then let her be obedient.

Following Isheng's actions, One-eye Ji suddenly screamed in horror.


"Damn it, what are you doing?"

"What the hell is this, disgusting, go away!!"

However, it was of no use.

As the saying goes, even if it breaks the throat, it won't come to save you, so she is the one I'm talking about.

Isumi directly exchanged his own energy with Tokidome Hime's.

The energy in her body Isheng forced her out, and then injected her own energy into her. He completely made her his own.

After finishing all this, Isheng nodded with satisfaction.

"Have a good rest!"

"Now let’s see how you make trouble."

After saying this, Yi Cheng suddenly laughed.

He picked up his pants and turned around to run away.

Leaving a tearless one-eyed girl in the same place.............,.............

Next, Isheng was not in a hurry to explore the next world.

Instead, I stayed in my own world and had fun for a while.

The whole world is now prosperous, and the use of games to resolve some conflicts has slowly penetrated into the bone marrow and has been accepted by many people.

And a lot of people are into this kind of thing.

Especially those loli girls from Isheng.

They often run to play games with elves or people of other races.

Then I won back a lot of abilities and magic.

Yi Cheng was also very satisfied after seeing these things. Everyone was having a great time, and Yi Cheng felt relieved.

At the same time, Yi Cheng also took out the Gate of Connected Realms and opened a teleportation channel into the DXD world at the foot of the giant tree where he lived. Because. This allows everyone to go back to play in the DXD world if nothing happens.

Of course, Yi Cheng also has prohibitions.

He doesn't want the powerful guys in this world to come and cause trouble.

Those above SS level are not allowed to pass without permission.

When the space door was completed, Rias and the others also chose to go back.

After being out for so long, it’s time to go back and see my relatives.

At the same time, Gabriel and the others also chose to go back to heaven to tell Michael about the God of the Bible.

It can be said that almost most people have chosen to go back to visit relatives.

And Yi Cheng was also very speechless about this.

It seems that I will have to set off alone in the next world.

Isheng didn't care when he thought of this.

He just took out the shuttle door, got in, and disappeared into this world.

Start exploring a new world............,..............,...

After crossing the shuttle door, when Yi Cheng appeared again, an attack hit his face directly.

Subconsciously, Isheng slapped him in the face.

Immediately, the energy attacking him was shot away by I Cheng.

His appearance did not attract the attention of others, but he continued to fight.

The attack I just received was just in vain.

Yi Cheng looked at the people in the distance and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Interesting, this is that..?"

Looking at the situation in the distance, Yi Cheng was also very surprised.

But when Yi Cheng saw the figure flying towards him, a silly figure suddenly appeared in Yi Cheng's mind.


"wrong! It's Cecilia"

"It turns out to be here!"


Thinking of this, Yi Cheng also laughed directly.

He suddenly appeared at the position where Cecilia was falling, and then steadily caught the silver-haired girl and held him in his arms.

Then his eyes fell on the person over there. on those who fight

"Watt Yang?"

"The Lawyer of Reason?~~!"

After muttering something, Isheng hugged Cecilia and turned around and disappeared.

He had no intention of getting involved. If he picked up a girl as soon as he came to this world, he would definitely take him home first.

After he disappeared, a teenage boy stared blankly at his disappearing back.

Especially looking at Cecilia in Isheng's arms, he always felt as if he had lost something.

Naturally, Yi Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to this guy. He had already discovered Siegfried's figure.

But he doesn’t care!

Now that he's here, sorry, Cecilia is his.

After all, as a captain, he is very greedy for Cecilia.

Speaking of which, several of Isheng's skills are closely related to this world.

The core of the Herrcher of Reason and the Herrcher of Space in him are both products of this world.

But now that he has come to this world, Yi Cheng will naturally not let these things go.

But for now, Isheng doesn't plan to get involved for the time being.

But I wanted to do an experiment.

If he takes Cecilia away, will Kiana appear again in the future?

As for the current plot? Isheng has no intention of getting involved for the time being.

For now, just wait quietly for what you want to see happen.

When Isheng appeared again with Cecilia, he had returned to his own world.

Isumi has memorized the world coordinates of the Collapse World.

The flow of time in each world is different. After Isheng returns here, time over there (Qian De) will probably speed up.

Maybe the next time Isheng appears will be more than ten years later.

But that's fine. When Isheng goes there, he might be able to see Kiana and the others.

When the time comes, Cecilia, Kiana, or they may find a way to get Kallen too.

That would be interesting, wouldn't it?

A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Isheng's face when he thought of this.

Looking at Cecilia in his arms, Yi Cheng took her directly to find Lan Yu Qiancong and others.

Lan Yu, Qian Cong and the others looked at Yi Cheng in confusion.

Didn’t you say you were going to the new world?

Are you back?

And he even brought someone back with him

"ケ.So, you went to the New World just to bring this person back?"

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng shrugged.

"No, she dropped it on me"

"Give her some treatment!!"

"This new world is interesting."

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.)_

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