Isumi was not surprised to meet Yakumo Murasaki's family and Yuyuko in Mistya.

After all, a certain Yuyouzi likes to eat the little broken bones in this shop.

Didn’t you see that Mystia was hiding aside and trembling?

While cooking, she also had to guard against someone eating her too.

Mystia is too difficult.

Youyouzi did not stop the movements of his hands.

After seeing Isheng's arrival, she also took out a hand and waved.


"Isheng-kun, would you like some grilled eel?"

Although he asked Isheng if he would like some, he had no intention of giving it to Isheng.

He even speeded up his eating.

Seeing this The corners of Yi Cheng's mouth twitched a few times during the scene.


"Here comes a person from another world, I'll take her for a walk"

"Mystia, bring me some food, thank you."

After saying that, Isumi found a place to sit down.

Erina also hurriedly sat down.

Erina looked at the people around her and shivered.

There must be no normal person here except her.

And at this time, Mystia's weak voice also sounded.

"that...Would you like something to eat, this guest?"

Hearing this voice, Erina looked up quickly.

Then she saw the petite girl wearing an apron with wings on her back looking at her with pitiful eyes. She also looked at Yuyuko intentionally or unintentionally, She seemed to be afraid of that ghost.

Seeing her like this, Erina was relieved.

At least there was someone more cowardly than her.

After glancing at the things in this simple shop, she hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Let's have some grilled eel."

She didn't look down on the things here because the shop was too simple.

The fragrance in the air was something she had never smelled before.

This also made her curious.

She is very confident in cooking.

But, here It was another world, so she lost this confidence.

Not to mention, what she had learned throughout her life was only sold for 50 cents.

However, what happened next made her look confused.

Isheng suddenly faced Mi Stia said:

"Mystia, here is a piece of knowledge that is suitable for you"

"do you need?"

"Only 500 points."

Isumi said this and stretched out his finger to draw in the void.

Suddenly, a piece of lonely knowledge appeared in front of Mystia.

Erina was confused, because this is what she was selling.

"Ah this?"

"500 points?"

Meow meow meow.

Didn't she just sell it for 50? Why did she backhand it for 500?

Mystia's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this.

After taking out the card in her hand and looking at it, she made sure that she could afford it.

She nodded without any hesitation.

"I want!!"

"Do you have knowledge about cooking from other worlds?"

"It seems like it can be learned from."

Mistia who said this directly bought this information.

And Yakumo Lan and Youmeng also said

"Please give me one too."

The two of them also bought one copy directly.

They were also very curious about the knowledge of cooking in another world.

After hearing this, Isheng naturally didn't mind.

In just an instant, Isheng sold three copies of Erina knowledge of cooking.

This is very comfortable.

Erina witnessed all this.

She was completely stupid at this moment.

"you you you you!!"

"You profiteer!!"

"Why should I buy it for 50 and sell it for 500?!"

Erina was very excited.

Damn, this is outrageous, okay?

I obviously bought it from her for 50 cents, but this guy actually sold it for 500?

Who in the world has such a black heart ? Businessman.

After hearing Erina's words, the people in Mystia's store didn't react at all.

On the contrary, they were not surprised.

Because Isumi seemed to be like this when he bought their things.

After buying, he would put 10 times the price on his back. Sell ​​it at the price.

Isheng immediately curled his lips when he heard her words.

"Do you really think I don’t need to earn it?"

"It’s only natural that it’s so expensive!"

Isumi didn't care at all about Erina's words.

He is so dark anyway, what can you do? When

Erina heard what Isheng said, she almost cried in anger.

She wanted to say something, but she could only hold it back. Yes.

Because what Isheng said makes sense!!

But she still felt unhappy.

After all, who only gave her 50 points for her things?

Just when she was depressed, Mystia helped her do it. Something comes up

"That, please use it."

It was still a very weak voice.

Isumi was not polite, picked up what she made and tasted it. The unhappy Erina frowned and also picked up the grilled eel on the table and started eating it.

But when she took a bite, her eyes widened!

This was a new version of the boat that she had never eaten before.

The heat and seasoning of the grilled eel were almost perfect.

She had never eaten like this. Delicious grilled eel


Erina was excited and suddenly felt like she was on a roller coaster.

Reached the peak in an instant.

Her eyes also narrowed, and then she kept stuffing the grilled eels into her mouth.

Mystia's grilled eel has no spines.

So Erina ate very quickly.

Completely immersed in the ocean of delicious food.

What she didn't notice was that everyone in the restaurant stopped when they saw her like this.

Everyone had strange expressions on their faces.

The same goes for Isumi.

Although when I watched anime before, I thought it was exaggerated to see her like this.

But now it seems that it is not an exaggeration at all.

Yakumo Purple looked away, her eyes falling on Mystia

"Did you take any drugs?"

She is nowI wonder if this Miss Nightbird has dropped something.

After hearing Yakumo Murasaki's words, Mystia was immediately startled.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Are you kidding? She didn't do anything like that.

Yakumo Zi looked at her suspiciously.

Then she pointed at Erina and said:

"Then tell me"

"What happened to her!"

Other people in the store also looked at Mystia strangely.

They all thought she had dropped something.

Especially Yuyuko.

She even licked the corners of her mouth.

This time, she was frightened.

"Don't...don't eat me..."

"I...I really wasn't drugged."

Mistia was about to cry.

She obviously didn't do anything.

Why did it become like this?? When

Ichen saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times.

He couldn't help but explain:

"Don't scare her, she didn't do such a thing"

"This is just this guy's natural reaction"

"She comes from a food world"

"Everyone in her world is like this"

"Oh, by the way, her cooking knowledge, if you learn it"

"This effect can also be achieved."

Hearing what Isheng said, Yakumo Purple's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"I see!"

Then she looked at Yakumo Lan and Youmeng calmly.

Well, when she gets back, she will ask these two people to prepare a big meal for her and Youyuko.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.)

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