The integration of the world is what Isumi is most concerned about.

This is what he needs to do most now.

Only by integrating more worlds can Isheng's strength become stronger.

The opening of Dimensional City has also brought more people here.

At the same time, their worlds also got the coordinates of Isheng's world.

Maybe I don’t know how many years later, those worlds will be completely integrated into Isheng’s world.

This is just a matter of time.

When Asia heard what Isheng said, a flash of expectation flashed in her eyes.

It would definitely be more exciting if more worlds were integrated into it.

She really likes this world now.

Recently, she has been playing around in Isheng's world.

There are many others like her.

Like Kato Megumi and Eiriri, they also ran around and played in the worlds they integrated into.

It's precisely because of this that Isheng doesn't see them here often.

Isumi didn't mind them running around.

Anyway, in this world, they will not encounter any danger at all.

Not to mention, the whole world is still watching Alaya and Gaia.

Nothing will happen at all.

Not to mention, Kato Megumi and the others’ current strength is considered very good in Isumi’s world......................

Time flies, and the next day arrives in the blink of an eye.

It was dawn in the entire dimensional city.

It's extremely lively here.

Those who came to participate in this food festival also made preparations at their stalls.

The giant Emiya and many elves with good connections are constantly preparing their dishes.

I Cheng's lolita also got together and made a lot of things.

At the same time, Erina and her Totsuki students were also occupying each stall.

Those who had just arrived here could smell the strong fragrance from a distance.

This fragrance even spreads to the bottom of the Dimensional City.

Many people in Academy City also smelled this smell.

So people who knew about this event also came here to hang out.

Kato Megumi, Eiriri and the others are rarely back here.

After so many years, they have grown up and become very mature.

They were also amazed when they looked at the dimensional city of Icheng.

Speaking of which, this was their first time hanging out here.

Following them were Yukinoshita Yukino, Yuigahama Yui and others.

These guys also settled down here in Isheng.

He even has a very good relationship with Megumi Kato and the others.

Now several little sisters are hanging out together in the dimensional city.

The happiest people are undoubtedly foodies like Yuyouzi.

After Yuyuko followed Isheng, Isheng gave her a card with enough points in it for her to spend no matter how much she wanted.

So now Youmu can be considered relieved.

At the very least, after Bai Yulou has a son-in-law, he no longer has to worry about the deficit.

In the past, when Yuyuko and Yakumo Murasaki played together, their Baitama Tower often had to borrow money from others.

Youmu now feels that Yuyuko should have followed Isumi long ago.

Only in this way can we live a life of adequate food and drink.

If you play with Yakumo Murasaki, you will starve to death sooner or later.

Just think about that Reimu.

When Reimu was in Gensokyo, ever since he became a miko, he was hungry nine times out of ten and drank plain porridge for every meal.

Now that he has integrated into this world, Reimu doesn't even listen to Yakumo Murasaki.

She would rather run out and work for Mystia than talk to Yakumo Purple.

One can imagine how deceived Yakumo Murasaki was.

Thinking of this, Youmu felt great.

At the same time, he silently took out the card given by I Cheng and paid Yuyuko's bill, then followed Yuyuko leisurely.

In this life, the needle cannot poke you.

Should I let Yuyuko spend more time with Lord Isheng?

Well, that's a problem.

Youyouzi can't be allowed to just eat every day.

Master Youyouzi is now considered married.

It's time to fulfill your wife's responsibilities.

At the same time, he also had less contact with that woman, Yakumo Murasaki.

Although Yakumo Murasaki also followed Isumi-sama, her status does not seem to be as high as that of Yuyuko-sama.

Youmu expressed his disgust.

After you have money, you don't have to worry about your mochi being eaten by Yuyuko-sama.

What a great day.

Youmu said that he now supports Isumi-sama..........................

In addition to Yuyuko, Artoria and the others were also very happy.

Because there are so many delicious foods.

So they also enjoyed eating very much.

For these foodies, nothing could be happier than now.

So as soon as they come here, they just buy, buy, buy.

And those who cooked the food also thought it was great, looking at their points that were slowly rising.

Everyone is in pain and happy.

I am very tired because I am too busy.

There simply wasn’t enough to sell on the stalls.

Isheng's world is very big.

There are quite a few people integrating in.

And all of them are big eaters.

So they eat a lot.

The things they make are not enough to sell.

While Erina was busy here, she was also secretly observing the enemy's situation.

Although the little boss and the others only opened one stall, their cooking speed was not slow at all.

Fortunately, they rely on the large number of people for Yuanyue.

The food made by people at other stalls may not be as delicious as the ones made by the little bosses.

But the taste is pretty good.

Many new people here are willing to spend money to buy it.

Especially some couples.

After learning that the food they cook has special effects.

Everyone seemed to have awakened to something strange.

For example, a certain Paramecium classmate likes to bring Mei to their place to eat.

Looking at the stall with very good business, Erina was delighted.

This time, you should be able to pay off the money, right? ?

However, just when she was thinking this.

Fei Shasha's voice rang in her ears.

"Something bad has happened, Erina-sama."

"Those who have not strengthened have collapsed from exhaustion."

Hearing this, Erina suddenly felt bad.

"Isn't it? ?"

"This has just begun, are you already exhausted?"

Are you kidding me?

How long has it been since the food event started?

Are you already exhausted?

Can we still do business?

After hearing this, Feishao had to explain hurriedly:

"But everyone started processing the ingredients early last night"

"I have been so busy that I haven’t had a break yet!!"

"Erina-sama, you’d better think of a solution quickly!"

Those who have not taken strengthening potions are just ordinary people.

In addition, this event is very urgent.

When you come here, you are either studying or processing ingredients.

It is already very good to persist until now.

When Erina heard what Fei Shao said, she immediately reacted. After thinking about it, she didn't hesitate, and directly bought some strengthening potions for Fei Shao to take over and drink for those people.

The points earned, All of a sudden, it was all spent.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.)

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