This guy Isumi also showed her a number of ways to enter her world.

This also made Cattleya extremely depressed.

With this group of elves, Cattleya returned directly to her own world.

Wait until they disappear.

Isheng and Xia Shi continued to turn around and go back to do their own things.

At the same time, he also took away the Lalu Lasi.

Xia Shi looked at La Lulas in Yi Cheng's arms.

She looked at Isheng with some doubts.

"Brother Isheng"

"Do you like this lalulas?"

Yicheng rubbed Lalulas's head and said:

"not bad"

"These elves will also be great after they evolve."

"Wouldn’t it be nice for each of us to have one in the future?"

"And the place we live should also be more lively"

"They're just great."

Hearing what Yi Cheng said, Xia Shi also became thoughtful.

Can it evolve?

In other words, this little guy can become bigger in the future?

"Did brother Yi Cheng awaken some strange xp?"

"Ordinary people can no longer satisfy you!!"

Yicheng's backhand was like a brain-destroying knock.

"How to speak"

"Xia Shi, you are getting more and more naughty!"

"Don't think too much!!"

This guy must have done it on purpose.

He is really talking nonsense.

Lalulas, who was in Isheng's arms, raised his head and glanced at Isheng.

It also shivered even more.


Although I don't know what they are talking about..However

, Lalulas can feel the bad emotions..................... the other side.

As Cattleya entered the world with a group of elves.

Just as Isumi guessed.

When this group of outsiders entered the world, Arceus woke up.

Sensing Mio and the others' aura.

Arceus got up directly from that strange space and rushed out.

Not only it, but even Palkia, Dialga and other elves also took action.

Also acting together was Giratina.

The three gods of the Sinnoh region are coming directly!

Cattleya just returned to her villa.

I was about to say something.

An extreme sense of oppression is coming


"what happened?"

Cattleya looked confused.

‘Click! '

The space above her villa began to fragment.

Immediately afterwards, four powerful elves appeared on it.

With the appearance of these elves.

Mio and others' eyes also lit up.

"Here it comes!"

"It looks like there will be another fight."

As Mio's voice fell, she began to change.

The spiritual equipment appeared directly on her body.

After Kurumi sensed the power of time outside, a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Ah la ah la!"

"No wonder, Isumi-kun asked us to come over."

"really not bad."

After saying that, she rushed out directly.

Others followed after seeing what happened.

Not long after, Arceus and the three super beasts disappeared from the place with a kind of spirit.

Also disappearing together were There are all kinds of super beasts in the world.

But no one knows where they have gone.

Even Cattleya is confused.

She has no idea what is going on!!

But the appearance of Arceus, the two dragons of time and space and the Pluto dragon It also attracted the attention of many people in the Sinnoh region.

Even Cattleya was pulled in for questioning.

After all, those mythical beasts appeared above her villa..........................

As for Isumi, he was not worried about whether Mio and the others would be in any danger.

With their strength, such a thing would never happen.

Now Isumi happened to meet Shiba Miyuki.

There were several people with her.

Miyuki Shiba also walked up to Isumi after seeing him.


"We meet again."

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng glanced at the person behind her


"It seems you brought everyone here"

"Already thought about it?"

"Want to take the mission?"

Shiba Miyuki nodded.


"Points are useful to us."

After she went back, she also told her two sisters about what happened here.

After hearing this incredible thing, her two sisters were also very shocked.

Then after discussing it with the family members, she decided to go there in person. Come and have a look.

At the same time, Miyuki Shiba also brought over the people Isumi named before.

There happened to be a food festival held here, so they hung out here.

At the same time, they also tasted the food from other worlds..

I have to say that the food in other worlds also opened their eyes.

It was really delicious.

Then they happened to meet Isheng.

Now hearing Isheng’s words, Shiba Miyuki nodded directly.

Behind her Shiba Midnight and Shiba Maya both looked at Isheng with curious eyes.

Is this man the master of this world?

What an amazing existence.

When Isheng saw this, he also smiled

"So now I have a simple task for you"


Hearing what Yi Cheng said, everyone present became interested.

Is there a task for them?

It's too casual....

Yi Cheng spoke directly to Xia Shi:

"How about leaving the previous task of 1.6 meters to them?"

"With their strength, they should be able to solve the problems in that world!"

Hearing Yi Cheng's words,

Xia Shi took out his tablet and scanned it at them.

Then the strength of these people appeared in her tablet.

After a quick calculation, Xia Shi came up with Answer

"Not a big problem"

"They all have good strength"

"It would be easy to destroy the giants of that world"

"It just takes a little time"

"Judging from the data, the giants in that world were widely distributed."

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng nodded.

"That's fine"

"Then, leave this task to them."

"Well, 10W points"

"Destroy all the giants in that world"

"Then I will integrate the origin of that world into our world."

Shiba Miyuki and others were also shocked after hearing this.

Invading other worlds?

Is this really good?

Before they could say anything, information about that world appeared in their minds.

This For a moment, they finally understood the situation in that world.

The so-called invaded world seemed to not exist.

Those giants were just like pests in that world.

After looking at each other, Miyuki Shiba said:

"Leave this task to us!"

"We will complete the task perfectly!"

Speaking of this, she also started to look forward to it.

With points, you can become stronger and learn more modern magic. They also want the modern magic developed by Lan Yu Qiancong. Now they have the ability to earn The method of points. They will naturally work hard. This is also the first person to accept the task. In fact, there are more than these tasks for Isheng. Many people have released a lot of tasks after knowing this function. But they are all for fighting. But the points are too few, so no one picks them up. Miyuki Shiba and others are the first to accept the task. (Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.) It turns out that I have already written It’s reached a million words


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