My thoughts on my cheap father-in-law.

Isumi agreed.

Although we can slowly wait for that world to merge.

But this cheap father-in-law seems to be impatient.

So Isumi doesn't care about using a fusion card.

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Chido's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Take it out quickly"

"Integrate my world"

"Then I can go on a trip."

Now Chito can't wait.

To be honest, he is tired of being the overlord of the universe.

Seeing him so anxious, the corners of Isheng's mouth twitched a few times. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his hand and took it.

I gave him a special card

"Just go back to your world and crush it, and your world will be integrated into it."

Hearing what Isheng said, Chido didn't hesitate at all.

After getting the card, he threw it to Sastin with his backhand.


"Go back and get this done."

When Sastin heard this, his face was full of helplessness.

Their king really couldn't wait.

But he didn't say anything.

Logically speaking, the whole world belongs to their king.

Now their king He wanted to hand over his world to his son-in-law.

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

After getting this card, Sustin disappeared directly and returned to his own world.

Then without saying a word, he crushed the card in his hand..

The moment he disappeared, Isheng started to wander around with his cheap father-in-law. It will take some time to merge the world, so there is no rush.

After wandering around the dimensional city, Chido felt that Many things here were full of curiosity.

Especially when he saw so many strong men fighting together in the combat zone, this also made him interested.

Without saying anything, he rushed in with his wife. , went to find someone to fight.

I Cheng was left speechless.

Lala seemed to be surprised when she saw this scene.

She hugged I Cheng directly and said very excitedly:

"Now, Isumi-kun, let’s go"

"Went back."

Hearing her words, Yi Cheng nodded.

He did not refuse.

Instead, he took the three sisters directly back to the Tree of Life in Kabbalah.

Lala had completely regarded Yi Cheng as her man.

So she did not hesitate at all. Be polite to Isheng.

This guy even wants to drag his sister into trouble.

Issei is very impressed with this........................

I don’t know how long it took, but Lala’s world finally blended in.

After integrating into this world, Isheng also started to operate.

Now my world is getting bigger and bigger.

If this continues, it doesn't seem very good if the whisper is too vast.

Although there is transportation and any door to get anywhere.

But as time goes by.

More and more worlds are being integrated.

It seems to be a bit troublesome if this continues.

After thinking for a while, Isheng began to divide the layers again.

Take the combat effectiveness of each world as the standard.

Those in the daily world are on the bottom level, and those with some combat effectiveness are on the second level.

By analogy, the last and penultimate level is a world like Xingyue, Honkai Impact, and Game of Life.

The last top floor is where Isumi lives.

The Dimensional City is in the middle of these floors.

Each floor has access to the next level.

Except for the floor where Isumi lives, it is perfectly fine for others to go to other floors.

As long as you pay a fee, you can easily reach any floor.

War in this world is still decided by games.

In addition to the combat area in the Dimensional City, Isumi also deliberately set the penultimate floor, the floor where the advanced worlds of Game Life are located, as a combatable area.

All ordinary people were moved to other floors.

After finishing this, Isheng clapped his hands.

"Then, next is the matter of outer space."

Thinking of this, the corners of Yi Cheng's lips raised slightly.

A powerful force burst out.

Yi Cheng directly merged all the planets that had merged into Lala's world.

Let these aliens live on one planet.

Then a new planet was established. passage.

At the same time, this planet was regarded as a satellite of the world where Isheng and the others were.

When Isheng completed all this, many people saw it at night.

There was another huge far moon in the sky..

Looking around, they can clearly see a huge planet above their heads.

The whole picture looks extremely fantasy.

No matter which layer it is, you can clearly see the planet where aliens live.

But it is still impossible to fight on the planet where aliens live.

All the laws have changed.

Even people who had enemies before can only fight through special rules.

After doing all this, Isumi also Feeling very comfortable

"This is very comfortable"

"Our world is really getting more and more perfect"

"You are right, Mengmeng."

Mengmeng sat quietly next to Yi Cheng.

After hearing Yi Cheng's words, she looked at the huge planet.

She was also very excited.

"Isumi-sama is very powerful"

"The world is becoming more and more dreamy now."

Yicheng chuckled.

He stood up directly.

Looking at the huge planet, he said:

"Let’s build that planet into a technological planet from now on."

"Some things also need to be planned."

"As the world merges more and more"

"Some things must be prepared."

He is now referring to the setting of Hakoba and divided the whole world into several areas.

It is also divided into several layers.

But it is obvious that the world of Isumi is bigger than Hakoba.

More and more worlds are being integrated. The area is getting bigger and bigger.

That's why Yi Cheng created some other planets.

Just thinking about it makes you feel awesome, right?

A huge planet with several moons and so on.

And you can see it when you look up.

This fantasy The scenes are exciting no matter how you watch them.

Not to mention, Yi Cheng doesn’t have to consider the effects of gravity at all.

In Yi Cheng, these things are nothing to worry about!

Many people who come to Yi Cheng’s world see The huge planet in the sky is also amazing.

It is an existence that cannot be seen in other worlds.

Oh, yes, it seemed that you could see it before in the game life.

But after integrating into Isheng's world, you can't see it.

Now Why wouldn't people be surprised if this kind of scene appeared again?

Mengmeng looked at this fantastic scene in front of her. After being surprised for a while, she asked Isheng curiously:

"Lord Isumi"

"What’s next for you?"

"It's quite boring to stay here all day.~!"

Her sister Lala now stays in the laboratory all day.

Nana even ran to the wild to find those monsters to play with.

She was the only one who seemed to have nothing to do when she stayed by Yi Cheng's side.

So she also wanted to find something to do for herself.

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, and please give me rewards.)

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