The reason why Icarus suddenly went to Isumi's world was just an accident.

Now the entire dimensional world is converging towards Isheng.

The world of Skyfall is no exception.

It’s just that people in this world don’t feel it.

And Icarus is a bit like Rin Tosaka's time travel.

It was just that there was a space storm, and the friction between the two worlds threw Icarus out.

And then because the world moved towards Isumi.

This also caused her to appear directly outside Isheng's world.

Or even fell directly.

Finally he was discovered by Isheng.

After all, it’s because the end point is Isheng...........................

Daedalus took some of his equipment and a few angels and followed Gabriel and disappeared.

Now that she has decided to leave, she will naturally not hesitate.

And the angels she made naturally listened to her.

So these angels have no objection to Daedalus going to other worlds.

Rias and Sona on the other side saw that Gabriel had left.

They glanced at the artificial angels below.

Didn't stay here longer.

After throwing down an extremely huge magic bullet with his backhand.

The two of them disappeared together.

As they leave.

The huge magic bomb also exploded.

In just a moment, the continent below was directly destroyed.

Wait until everything clears.

Only the Lord of Space and a few of his henchmen were left in place.

Look at this destroyed continent.

They were all stupid

"Who are those people!!"


"Why did they suddenly attack us?"

The face of the Lord of the Sky was very ugly.

He had no idea what was going on, but his place was destroyed.

Even except for a few of them, no other angels survived.

What made him even more angry was At the back.

When he wanted to find Daedalus, he discovered that Daedalus had disappeared.

Completely disappeared into this world.

This also made him realize that this matter was not simple.

At the same time, everything disappeared as well as the most precious thing on this road.

The Rule Slate!!

That thing was the foundation of this continent.

It has disappeared now, which means that sooner or later, this floating continent will be silent..

Thinking of this, his face was very ugly.

Not only that, the entrance to the lower world from Sinaps was also directly closed.

Even if they wanted to leave, they couldn't do it at all.

In other words, they could only remain silent. Quietly waiting to die here!!


The Lord of the Sky knows that all of this may have been caused by Daedalus.

The purpose is to bury them all here.

Thinking of the Lord of the Sky is both angry and aggrieved.

However, But there was nothing they could do.

They could only wait quietly for death............................

On the other side, Gabriel has brought Daedalus back to Isheng's world.

A few people including Dairos and Nimfu came here.

Look at the majestic city as never before.

At the same time, there are the rules that come to mind.

This also shocked the group of artificial angels who came here.

Gabriel took Daedalus directly to the institute.

Of course, Isheng knew everything about their arrival.

So I waited here early.

Seeing the blue-haired Daedalus, the corners of Isheng's mouth raised slightly.

"Welcome, Daedalus"

"This will be your home from now on."

Hearing Yi Cheng's words, Daedalus looked at him very seriously.

"Are you the master of this world?"

Yicheng nodded.

Seeing this, Daedalus also asked directly:

"What about Icarus?"

"There she is!"

Daedalus has always treated Icarus and the others as his daughter.

Since Icarus broke in here accidentally, she naturally wants to know what is going on with Icarus now.

Hearing her words , Yi Cheng pointed to the research institute behind him and said:


"you can go in"

"As it happens, my people are unsealing her."

When Daedalus heard this, he couldn't sit still.

He hurriedly rushed inside.

She didn't worry about other people messing around without knowing what the world was like.

Who dares to let people do this? She was moving around.

Isheng was also clear about her thoughts.

But he didn't care.

His eyes fell directly on a certain idiot angel who was looking around.

"Astraea right?" Astraea was very surprised to hear Isheng calling her name.

"Hey, you actually know my name?"


Nimfu twitched the corner of her mouth and quickly pulled this fool away.


"what are you talking about."

She was really speechless for this idiot.

When Yi Cheng saw this scene, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It's fun to bully idiots.

"Do you want to go to dinner with me?"

"I know a place where the food is delicious."

Isheng sent an invitation directly to Astraea.

When she heard the word"dinner", her eyes suddenly lit up.

"I want it, I want it!"

"Please take me with you."

When Nimfu saw this, she immediately wanted to find a place to get in.

This guy is really stupid.

He actually agreed directly?

Astraea doesn't care about Nimfu. Now all she can think about is eating.

So. Without saying a word, he ran to Isheng's side.

He grabbed Isheng's arm with gleaming eyes.

Just when Nimfu was about to say something, Isheng's voice rang again.

"Nimfu, right?"

"Just think of this as your home from now on."

"As for me, I’ll take this guy to dinner first."

"Someone will arrange your accommodation later."

After saying this, Isheng had already disappeared from the place with Astrea.

Nimfu wanted to say something.

At this moment, she couldn't say anything.

She thought Isheng had run away.

Those who saw this scene Nimfu was also a little melancholy.

"Astraea Na Baga!!"

"I was deceived as soon as I came here."

"No, I have to ask Lord Daedalus to strengthen her computing power."

This fool is really easy to deceive.

He can deceive her with just one meal.

She is really afraid that after a while, Astraea will bring a little angel back to tell her that this is her After all , this kind of thing is really possible.

What do you know about someone who can cheat someone with just one meal?

Especially, that guy Isumi is definitely not a good person. She, Nimfu said.

Astraea, who was the easiest to deceive, was taken away.

Nimfu, who was a little hopeless, didn't know what to say.

And at this time, a very cute loli suddenly appeared in front of her. In front of me.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.)

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