However, there are only targeted transformation programs for blood cancer and lymphoma, and targeted transformation programs for other cancer tumors have not yet been developed.

Don't worry about whether this news is true or false.

With Su Wei, it can't be false.

Researchers are best at proposing a seemingly feasible hypothesis and then confirming or disproving it.

And Su Wei is best at proposing a seemingly feasible hypothesis and then turning it into reality.

CART technology has proven cases of cured cancer, which means that this technology has a complete ecological chain.

This is also the best soil for breeding other anti-cancer drugs.

It's just that research and development takes time.

After reading the information, Su Wei already had an idea in his mind.


July is a node for Su Wei. Everyone will be very busy, don't think about having free time.

After the light work spread out, a large number of "athletes" suddenly emerged among the people, instantly breaking the ecology of the sports circle.

Track and field events became the hardest hit area.

Many people have practiced sports for a lifetime, but in the end, they found that they could not compare with the "heroes" who had practiced internal strength for a few months. This is a very discouraging thing.

However, the players on the Olympic list are not much worse than these people because they have been taking Dali Jingang Pills for a long time.

It is foreseeable that this year's Olympics will be a bloodbath.

With the rise of "ancient martial arts science", no one can tell what it will be like in four years.

It is obvious that the helmsman of this land has a long-term vision and knows what kind of changes ancient martial arts will bring to the world, which is why there is an ancient martial arts research group.

Now, Su Wei, Wang Weijian and others are squatting in the villa of Xiahe Xiaozhu, discussing the "ancient martial arts science" that has not yet been included in the scientific system.

On the balcony, more than a dozen people formed a circle.

In the circle, Lu Jirui and Su Wei sat cross-legged on the ground, one in front and one behind.

Lu Jirui was shirtless. Although he was over 70 years old, he had a body of solid muscles that even young men would feel ashamed of.

Su Wei took his palms back from Lu Jirui's back, as if he was going to finish his practice.

There was no way. With his internal strength, it was still a little bit difficult for him to guide Lu Jirui to practice.

Wang Weijian saw it and asked hurriedly:

"Grandpa Lu, how is it, can you remember it?"

"Hahaha, I'm old, my memory is not very good, but it's hard for Su Xiaoyou."

Su Wei stood up and stretched his muscles and bones, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, grandpa? It's just that my skills are low and I can't take you for two more cycles, otherwise..."

The channels of true qi in the human body are not blood vessels, they may be muscles or bones.

The routes of internal force are called meridians. The meridians are ever-changing. If there are only a few, can't you test them out by just trying?

Wang Weijian took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes hard. The lens's power is too strong, and it's a bit hard to see things:

"It seems that the route of the Nine Yang Magic is complicated enough, not to mention the "Wanhua Jue" which is dozens of times more complicated. Human memory is the most prone to problems. If you want to completely topologically figure out these skills, it's a bit unreliable to use a two-dimensional plane diagram. If you want to fully explain the route of the exercise, you have to find a few people who can model."

Novels are all about martial arts secrets, mental formulas, etc.

The ancient martial arts framework designed by Su Wei abandoned the obscure mental formulas and left only the route of the exercise.

It was because it was too difficult to draw a villain that Su Wei gave up the idea of ​​hand-drawing the route of the exercise and chose to teach it in person.

Unexpectedly, Wang Weijian's words opened a new door for Su Wei.

"3D modeling? Is there such a way to play?" Su Wei scratched his head.

The brain is a good thing. Everyone has different horizons and contacts, and different entry points for thinking about problems.

This is the benefit of collective wisdom.

However, Su Wei's secret is absolutely impossible to be exposed.

Lu Jirui took out his shirt and put it on. The only female family member present was Lin Yutong. He was old and had no shame:

"It sounds feasible to simulate the internal energy running route through 3D modeling, but I have to ask Su Xiaoyou to confirm whether everyone's meridians are the same."

Although Lu Jirui was over 70 years old, he had been practicing martial arts for many years and his mind was not confused.

Moreover, he often filmed with the crew, so he was more receptive to some new things.

His question confused Su Wei.

How the hell do I know whether everyone's meridians are the same? Ask me about everything, what's the point of your research group?

The answer is here, you can't even copy it?

"Uh... this... if you ask everyone, I'm not sure. At least as far as I know, I haven't found any differences yet."

Su Wei has only seen the meridians of a few people, one Du Xiaoying, one Lu Jirui, and then, that's it.

Wang Weijian saw Su Wei's awkward situation and quickly spoke up to help him out:

"Mr. Lu, individual differences are inevitable. Some people have their hearts on the right side. How can we care about so many things at once? Let's just discuss the possibilities under general circumstances."

"That's true."

The meridians in the human body weave an extremely complex energy network. Even the construction of a 3D model cannot be completed overnight.

However, once the complete 3D tendon map of the human body is released, some martial arts can be reproduced in batches in the future without any threshold.

"Roar, the times are progressing. Ancient people could never have imagined that our modern martial arts secrets could be played like this."

Those who can complete this work well and quickly must be the elites of the industry, and they are not available at any time.

Before this, it can only be passed on by word of mouth by Su Wei.

Transmitting skills is a very painful thing for both the teacher and the learner.

Su Wei needs to guide others to remember the route of the skills over and over again. After all, he is just one person and can't do it in two places.

This kind of thing, before thinking of 3D modeling, Su Wei could still tolerate it. After having the prospect of a better way to pass on skills, Su Wei started directly.

"I won't teach you anymore. Take a few days off. It's much more tiring to lead you to practice than for me to rub the ginseng and Qi Dan!"

Su Wei's willful opening made the four martial arts masters blush. After all, they haven't even mastered a "simple" internal skill for so many days.

Wang Weijian didn't say much. The only thing he could do was to quickly transfer people.

This villa may not be big enough to live in...


136. Chapter 136 The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation

Chapter 136 The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation

It's not that Su Wei really wants to give up, it's just that the internal force's route is too complicated. After teaching for several days, the "students" still can't remember it.

It takes too much time to spend on this. Su Wei has many other things to do, so he really doesn't have time to play with them slowly.

Wang Weijian sent someone to say hello, and Su Wei didn't even attend the defense.

After Du Yusheng finished the defense, he asked for leave to go back to his hometown. Su Wei called to ask about his mother's condition. It's really not optimistic.

Although there is no danger to life for the time being, even if Su Wei takes out the new drug information and transforms it into a drug that can be used clinically, it will take some time.

This matter can't be delayed for too long. If Su Wei doesn't get away, if the condition continues to worsen, if he wants to treat it, Su Wei will have to take out a finished product that can take effect immediately, and he will have to use an ancient prescription outside the rules...

It's not impossible, but there are certain risks.

Du Xiaoying was still kept in the dark about Du's mother's illness. Whenever Du Yusheng came back to live, she would be a little bit irritable.

Back at the Benma Garden, Su Wei obediently swiped the access control and took the elevator to the eleventh floor.

To be honest, the ability to fly is really cool, and it's easy to pretend to be a light skill to go to the eleventh floor, but Su Wei can't do it all the time.

It's okay to pretend, but you have to pay attention to the occasion.

In the eyes of everyone, Master Su is a contradictory person.

You say he is low-key, but he talks a lot in the live broadcast room every other day, and he even dares to talk about a 400G hard drive.

You say he is high-profile, but he has so many secrets in his heart, but he can't reveal them. He can obviously go upstairs by "Tiyunzong", but he takes the elevator.

Su Wei needs to consider the acceptance of the whole society, and even more so his own personality.

If he is a flamboyant person in daily life, then shouldn't his martial arts be exposed long ago?

So, it's good to be low-key.

However, whether the abnormality can be exposed is more uncomfortable than wearing fine clothes at night.

Fortunately, everything is developing in a good direction. When everyone in this world knows martial arts and everyone uses Qinggong to go upstairs, then Su Wei's Qinggong to go upstairs will not be considered high-profile.

"Auntie Lan, have dinner at home today, cook more."

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