"Tsk! So smart."

After talking about the edge ball, Su Wei was originally planning to find an opportunity to shift the topic to "science", but the hot search next to the search engine really surprised Su Wei.

# Patient died in clinical trial! CART therapy is to blame #

"Fuck, is it true?" Su Wei was shocked.

Li Guangli is playing such a big game?

Who gave him the courage?

Du Xiaoying only knew that Su Wei was shocked, but didn't know why.

"Yes, cancer can be cured."

It is obvious that Du Xiaoying has seen similar entries.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Su Wei opened the hot topic and took a closer look, only to find out that it was a false alarm.

Although Li Guangli has no taste, he still knows the importance.

The death case in the hot topic happened in the United States a few years ago. Some research institutions in the United States "challenged themselves" in clinical trials, and tried to treat patients with severe illnesses. In the end, there was an uncured death case.

Li Guangli just dug up this matter and gave it a bright title to rehash it.

"I told you, how could it be so easy to kill someone with a cure."

[Oh, it looks like Su Shen knows a lot. ]

[As soon as Su Shen opened his mouth, I could smell a strong smell of pretentiousness. ]

[I'll go first: Brothers, I'm going to start bragging, just listen, don't take it seriously. ]

This bunch of haters are really getting more and more outrageous, they can even write scripts.

Su Wei's face brightened, but there was no time to change his mind, so he had to follow the prepared script and said:

"I can't say I understand it very well, but I do know a little more than everyone else."

Su Wei pinched three fingers together and made a gesture, while the super administrator in the backstage of the live broadcast room had already prepared a pre-station mobilization.

"Isn't the news about this cart very popular these days? I am not talented, but I am very curious. So I went to the database of Huazhong University of Science and Technology to have a look, and guess what happened?"

[The database of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, is that something that ordinary people can enter? ]

[What a curious person, hard drive warning! Foboler WARNING! ! ! 】

"What's the matter? Brother Su Wei, please tell me!"

Su Wei cast an approving look at Du Xiaoying. This person's ability to play supporting roles is comparable to that of the crosstalk queen. On the way!

"Hey, you don't know, it is said on the hot topic that CART therapy can only treat blood cancer and lymphoma at present, but in fact it is more than that! In the database of Huake Institute, the CART technical data of liver cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer and breast cancer are already very complete. Now it's just a matter of clinical trials. I won't tell ordinary people about this news."

[Ding! Yan Lingsan "In the database of Huake Institute, the CART technical data of liver cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer and breast cancer are already very complete" was successfully generated. Current trust: 100%]



The specialist in charge of monitoring the live broadcast room in front of the screen was dumbfounded.

Good guy, I asked you to take other people's assets, but you took your own, right?

But should he cut off this live broadcast? He didn't seem to have any substantial evidence?

The super managers' hands were on the mouse, but the phone didn't ring. What was going on?

The news was reported one level at a time, and the people at Huazhong University of Science and Technology were also confused.

"We have complete technical information on the four major cancers in our database? How come we don't know it ourselves?"

After checking.

Wow, it really exists!

Where did it come from? Is there any need to ask? It must have been uploaded by Su Wei without anyone noticing!

Where did he get this cutting-edge information? Wow, it must have been copied from somewhere else.

But why did he say that this information was researched by us?


We haven't heard of any research on CART targets for the four major cancers internationally, right?

Isn't that what we researched ourselves?

Hey, I told you to hide it and wait for death!

Kindness, great kindness!

Su Shen is indeed very tricky. With a wave of his hand, he reminded us and cleared himself of all charges.

It's this bad habit of bragging and pretending to be cool.

Bah, what should I change?

Do you have any idea?

Who dares to stop Master Su from showing off? Drag him down and beat him up!

Is bragging against the law? No!

If bragging is against the law, then change that one!

Put him on the podium and let him show off!

Su Wei knew that these materials were generated by the Word Spirit, but others didn't know.

Overnight, another group of people were summoned to work and worked overtime.

Just to thoroughly understand the information, turn it into their own things, and then grab an international debut.

In this world, many people regard Master Su as the biggest enemy of 965, and there is a reason for that.

In Xiajing, a tough guy waved his wings and caused a storm in the entire medical community...

After checking the information for several hours, I consulted professionals.

At present, ARGT can only treat blood cancer because only the target of blood cancer has been found. If the target of the above cancer can be found, ARGT has the possibility of curing solid tumors.

This is all I can do. If it is not right, please forgive me.

Alas, I am exhausted as a writer.

138. Chapter 138 The memory master has a photographic memory

Chapter 138 The memory master has a photographic memory

Some people are alive, but they are already dead, and some people are dead, but they live forever.

Su Wei felt that his life was not only full of legends, but also a little dramatic.

"Me? Was I reported?"


Shen Haoyu on the phone was already laughing wildly.

Even if he couldn't see Su Wei's expression, he could imagine the scene of Su Wei tilting his head and looking at a question mark.

"I told you to show off in the live broadcast room, but this time you failed?"

"Hey, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. I really can't figure out some people's brain circuits. So what should I say now?"

"Don't you want me to ask your opinion? How do you want to solve this matter?"

Su Wei was stunned for a moment.

This wave of face is really big.

In response to this report, if the response is that there is no such thing, it means that Su Wei is "bragging".

But if it is said that there is really such technical information, why can he, Su Wei, tell others after reading it, and can he not be arrested if he tells others, this is definitely 500,000!

No matter how hard the reporter thinks, he can't guess that these technical information were given by Su Wei.

Of course, Su Wei would never admit that he was bragging!

Master Su is upright, honest, and reliable, so how could he be bragging?

"How about... just keep saying 'under investigation'?"

This should be the best solution.

No denial, no handling, guess whether Su Wei did it or not.

Damn, who is this Su Wei? How come no one cares about him being a 500,000 person?

"That's a good idea. By the way, there's one more thing. Your eye cream had revenue of over 10 billion last month,"

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