Because of this, Su Wei can boldly experiment with negative special effects.

Even if the negative special effects of this prescription are locked like now, Su Wei is not worried.

First, this can explain why Su Wei took out this prescription only now.

Second, good words can hardly persuade the damned ghost. The effect of this prescription is not for curing diseases. If there are really people with insufficient skills who try it out of greed, they can't blame Su Wei if they get hurt.

The mechanism of the word spirit does not exceed Su Wei's guess. As long as there are vacant word spirit slots, it is feasible to add new special effects to the existing pill recipe.

This is another way to realize complex effect word spirits after "first forming public cognition and then modifying reality through word spirits".

If necessary, Su Wei can even modify the "Wanhua Jue" in the public cognition through word spirits.

However, this method has certain risks and the possibility of overturning.

A sentence is too long, and people with insufficient concentration may not be able to listen to it.

But if, like this, before the pill is actually taken out for use, the characteristics are added little by little through the Word Spirit to modify the properties of the pill, although it needs to be modified by the Word Spirit many times, as long as it is not too outrageous, the trust level can generally be met on the spot.

Take one pill after half a year of cultivation, and the cultivation speed will double within two hours.

Take two pills after one year of cultivation, and the cultivation speed will quadruple within two hours.

Take three pills after five years of cultivation, and the cultivation speed will be directly multiplied by ten within two hours!

As for why it is set to two hours...

The superficial reason is that Xiaoying only practices for about two hours a day.

The deeper reason...

There are too many pendulums in cultivation. Once this pill is taken out, you can't use the external plug-in.

If you use the plug-in, you have to use it for two hours, otherwise you will be injured!



Su Wei ignored the advice and forcibly took out the popular pill recipe. Shen Haoyu must be the most frustrated.

When the phone rang, Su Wei knew that the army was coming to question him.

After answering the phone, Su Wei spoke first: "I know you are anxious, but don't worry."

"No, do you know what I want to say? Just don't worry about me?"

"Isn't it about the Liuhe Explosive Pill? Don't worry, this recipe doesn't use ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum."

According to the data of the practice study room obtained from Wang Weijian, the number of people who can persist in practicing for two hours a day for more than half a year will not exceed 100,000.

Even if the Liuhe Explosive Pill is spread, the demand in the short term will not be too large.

As for the raw materials, Su Wei deliberately weakened the active ingredients in the pill, more than 95% of which are flour, so there is no need to worry about it.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then he complained like a storm: "Weizi, I found out that you really don't watch the news."

"What's good about the news? It's either me or me, it's boring."

In fact, Su Wei occasionally watches the news when he and Du Xiaoying are live broadcasting water time.

Shen Haoyu wanted to refute, but he couldn't say it when the words came to his lips.

Combined with the original intention of his call, he actually found that Su Wei was right.

"Well, you are awesome, this hot topic is indeed related to you."

Nonsense, Shen Haoyu would never call him about a topic that has nothing to do with Su Wei.

Shen Haoyu didn't realize that he was being tricked at all. He was not in the mood to joke now, but just continued:

"The Liangyi Paste has an accident. Now it is said that this thing causes cancer. There are more than 50 cases so far."

As he was talking, Shen Haoyu suddenly had an idea, and a terrifying hypothesis suddenly flashed through his mind: "Damn, don't tell me that you deliberately arranged this."

The fact that Su Wei asked Li Guangli to stir up the heat was not a secret in the eyes of those who really had connections.

It was just that he did things too without a bottom line on weekdays, otherwise Shen Haoyu would not have such doubts.

Su Wei was already confused, and was even more speechless when asked by Shen Haoyu.

"Xiao Haozi, you have such a stupid brain, you can definitely write a cliché drama for the 8 o'clock drama, maybe you can make more money than you sell medicine."

"It's really not you?"

"I'm just bored and have nothing to do, so I made up some cancer cases to disgust myself?"

"If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. You can't blame me for wrongly accusing you. You see, the popularity of the black jade Liangyi paste can not only promote CART's new cancer drug, but also pave the way for the new pill formula you came up with. You have a big motive, don't you think?"

After listening to Shen Haoyu's explanation, Su Wei's head was full of question marks.

"Do you want to hear what nonsense you are talking about? Let me ask you first, are the dozens of cancer patients you mentioned true or false?"

Although Su Wei is black-hearted and does whatever it takes to stir up the heat, to be honest, he has never infringed on the interests of others.

He thinks he is not a good person, but he is definitely not a bad person.

For personal gain, dozens of cancer patients were exposed. If it is false, it is fine. If it is true, it is really damnable!

"It should be true. After this incident broke out, Wang Weijian even let go of the ancient martial arts and supervised the investigation personally. After all, he was also using the Black Jade Liangyi Paste."

Anyone would feel unhappy if the medicine he had been using was suddenly exposed to have a risk of cancer.

This has been a problem with ancient prescriptions for a long time.

The institute has been researching for more than half a year, but has made no progress at all, which means that it is completely impossible to decipher the mechanism of action of this elixir.

In this case, the adverse reactions shown in clinical data are the basis for all data.

If someone really gets cancer because of applying Black Jade Liangyi Cream, it is possible that not only Black Jade Liangyi Cream, but also all similar ancient prescriptions may be banned.

At least until the Ancient Fang Research Institute achieves initial results, it will not be released again.

"This special code means someone is trying to steal my money!!!"

Su Wei touched his chin, melancholy written all over his face.

Sanjiang extra update (4/10)

I work during the day, take care of my kids at night, and write until two or three in the morning every day.

I know I have less, but being able to add more is a sign of perseverance.

In addition, it's the end of the month. Please give me two monthly tickets. There are still 250 votes left. I also want to try the monthly ticket lottery. Thank you!

145. Chapter 145 Conspiracy

Chapter 145 Conspiracy

Does ancient medicine cause cancer?

On this point, Su Wei can pat his chest and guarantee that it is absolutely impossible.

All the materials of Black Jade Liangyi Ointment are common medicinal materials, and their medicinal effects are imparted through the spirit of speech.

Yan Ling is very rigid, and it is impossible to add side effects to the prescription without authorization that Su Wei has not stated.

After ruling out this possibility, the only possibility is that someone is causing trouble.

Rumors are the best way to destroy an excellent national enterprise, and cancer is the king of rumors.

Controversial and offensive topics are always more popular than other topics of the same type.

Just because everyone will subconsciously feel indignant when faced with topics that may harm their own interests, but when faced with refuting rumors that have nothing to do with their own vital interests, they will only treat them with indifference, say "I got it" and settle the matter. .

"This special code means someone is trying to steal my money." Su Wei touched his chin and said, "How many millions of eye ointments have been sold? With such a large audience, there are several people suffering from cancer. , isn’t it normal? Why does this topic lead to eye ointment?”

"I don't feel right either. I was originally worried that it might be a topic that you couldn't understand, but now that I know it wasn't you, I feel more relieved."

In fact, Shen Haoyu also knew in his heart that it was unlikely that Su Wei had directed or acted in this matter, but if he couldn't hear Su Wei deny it personally, he would feel unhappy.

After all, just like Wang Weijian, he has been taking Dali Vajra Pills, and he can be considered a loyal user of ancient prescriptions.

As soon as this hot spot came out, I don’t know how many people were frightened.

"Get out of here! It's a special code. Even if it is found out that someone is causing trouble in the end, the rhythm will not be so easy. After all, my few prescriptions have not been approved. In other words, Wang Weijian will investigate this matter himself. Is it also due to pressure?”

Since there is no way to prove the safety of ancient prescriptions, this carcinogenic incident is a trigger.

The question "Is the ancient prescription safe or not?" will become a thorn that penetrates deeply into people's hearts and cannot be pulled out.

When Shen Haoyu first received the limelight, he was even ready to stop using Dajingang Pills, but as far as he knew, Wang Weijian had already stopped using Liangyi Cream.

Don't look at what others say, but look at what others do. Everyone will vote with their feet and give their own actual answers based on their stance.

It doesn't take much thinking to guess that Gufang's profits will be greatly reduced from now on.

"Tsk, don't tell me, it's really possible."

"You're riding a horse, this method is so ugly!"

This is not the first time Su Wei has used foul language today.

This matter is indeed very difficult. As long as the cancer patients are real, as long as they have really used eye ointment, as long as their cancer is detected after using eye ointment, it is useless even if you catch the culprit behind this matter. of.

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