There are many strange people and things in this world.

Some people have strong spatial imagination, and some people have super logical reasoning ability.

Some people can hear ultrasound or infrasound beyond the range of human ears.

Some people can find the one with a grayscale difference of one degree from a large number of color pictures.

Some people have absolute pitch, and some people can remember everything they see.

The meaning of the existence of genes is to customize each person before leaving the factory.

This subject is enough for humans to study for a thousand years and still not reach the end.

For Su Wei, CART therapy is just the beginning of his life.

CART therapy is to transform immune cells through gene modification, and after culturing and multiplying to a certain number in vitro, it is re-injected into the human body to play a role.

Does it sound amazing?

Let's think divergently.

People develop from a fertilized egg, and cells that can differentiate into all tissues are called "stem cells".

There are "stem cells" in everyone's body.

Modifying immune cells is to cure diseases. If we directly use gene modification to treat stem cells, then cultivate them and introduce them back into the human body, can we make the experimental subject have certain characteristics?

For example, if we can know the gene fragment that determines super memory ability, use this gene fragment to modify stem cells, cultivate them and introduce them back into the human body, can we make people have super memory ability?

Does it sound familiar?

Yes, it is the superpower potion!

This idea actually popped up the moment I learned about Du Yusheng's family genetic disease.

After getting the flying superpower after getting the bug of the word spirit, Su Wei had a preliminary plan in his mind.

After meeting the memory master Wang Liyan, he had a relatively complete set of ideas.

The outrageous degree of ancient martial arts and the outrageous degree of immortal heroes are completely incomparable. The gap between them is like the gap between immortals and mortals.

Between immortals and mortals, a system is needed to transition.

This system should not be too far away from the ancient martial arts city, but it should be outrageous enough.

Su Wei's initial idea was superpowers.

Controlling wind and water, electricity and fire, sounds outrageous. If superpowers can be popularized, it is not too outrageous to cultivate an immortal in the midst of thunder and fire.

But compared with ancient martial arts and immortal heroes, superpowers lack a reasonable system to support them.

The most common superpowers in the public's cognition are mutations and awakenings.

Whether it is mutation or awakening, the most essential label is "uncontrollable".

Su Wei does not need this kind of "uncontrollable".

If you can't be "only me", at least you have to be "only me".

Even if you want to develop superpowers, you must be within the framework defined by Su Wei.

It is impossible for them to bypass the control of the Word Spirit and awaken on their own, because this awakening is too threatening to Su Wei.

And genetics is undoubtedly the most suitable framework for the existence of superpowers.

As a genetics expert, he constantly does some new genetics work and slowly tinkers with gene enhancement drugs.

Then there is a "mutation study" to "discover" the superpower gene fragments and make the corresponding "superpower potion". After the introduction, the corresponding superpower can be obtained to a certain extent or within a certain time limit.

In this way, the variables can be controlled to the maximum extent.

Word spirits need to gain trust.

And a harmonious and stable social foundation can provide the most and most universal trust value.

The essence of trust is the number of people. What Su Wei needs is not a small number of fanatics, but a wide range of trust.

The essence of science is the summary and prediction of objective laws, and because of its objectivity, it is the easiest to gain people's trust.

If you have to become a god, being a god of science should be the most convenient and fastest route.

An idealistic golden finger that can modify the rules based on trust, in order to gain trust, must package itself as a materialistic methodology.

This is really ironic.

Shen Haoyu and Wang Weijian were busy with meetings every day, and Liuhe Explosive Pill became a wild child that was not loved by grandma and uncle.

However, given that the average cultivation level is low and the controversy over the ancient prescription causing cancer has not passed, the demand is not high for a while, and it is not a big problem to delay it for a few days.

It is a wise choice to stay away from Wang Weijian's circle, so that Su Wei can devote more energy to how to use the words to make profits.

As the work in his hands came to an end, Su Wei touched his chin and had a new idea.

So, Su Wei found Zhou Yulong, who had not been in contact for a long time.

152. Chapter 152 Give me some "extraordinary things"

Chapter 152 Give me some "extraordinary things"

"Oh! I just picked up the phone and received a call from Boss Su. Isn't this a coincidence!"

"Director Zhou, what are you busy with recently?"

If you ask who is the most successful director in the entertainment industry in the past six months, Zhou Yulong dares to admit that he is second, and no one dares to admit that he is first.

Everyone knows that Director Zhou has big capital.

You can spend as much money as you want, do as much special effects as you want, and choose from dozens of scripts. You can shoot whatever you want and find whoever you want to act.

If you run out of money, just make a phone call and the funds will be in place immediately.

They don’t care about whether they will lose money or not, and they can even ignore it for several months in a row.

Which capital is so bold? Even if you have a mine at home, you won’t do this!

Oh, Academician Su.

That’s fine.

“Hey, that’s what you’re asking. As a director, what else can I do besides making movies? What instructions does Boss Su have?”

"Director Zhou, this is too formal. We have a serious cooperative relationship. Don't dare to use the word 'instruction' casually!"

"My fault, my fault!"

Zhou Yulong is in the entertainment industry and is very sensitive to news.

It is impossible for him not to have heard about the recent ancient prescription causing cancer and the special thanks from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

But he is not sure why Su Wei came to him at this time.

The two have not been in touch for a long time, so naturally they have to exchange pleasantries, and Su Wei also learned about Zhou Yulong's recent situation.

In fact, although he said that he was not making money, in fact, Zhou Yulong's martial arts TV series during this period did not lose much money.

If there is a theme for this year, it must be the "Year of Ancient Martial Arts".

As Su Wei decentralized the profits of Shenzhi Huanqi Pill, the number of ancient martial artists ushered in a surge, and the popularity of ancient martial arts was the same.

Zhou Yulong originally made martial arts films, and the scripts Su Wei received were basically related to ancient martial arts.

Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly.

Want to lose money? I'm afraid you're dreaming!

Zhou Yulong brought several apprentices and pulled four teams together to shoot together. It was a bit busy, but it was worth it.

After six months of training by him, several newly signed rising stars have been rolling up in both acting skills and net worth.

After he persuaded Su Wei to set up an entertainment company and was rejected by Su Wei, Zhou Yulong invested in his friend Miao Feifei's Feixiang Entertainment. This wave of money was really profitable.

The second phase of Jingmen's film and television base also developed rapidly under this circumstance. Now its scale has exceeded that of the film and television base in the city center and has become a new film and television holy land.

Su Wei doesn't mind people around him making money by relying on him, provided that you are reliable in doing things.

Even a person like Li Guangli, who has no taste, has made a lot this year.

After asking about the crew's recent situation and chatting for a while, Su Wei finally stated his purpose.

"Director Zhou, I'm here to ask you to recommend someone. I want to do a variety show or talent show. I wonder if Director Zhou has a suitable candidate."

"Variety show? Boss Su, please tell me the requirements first, and I'll see if there's anyone suitable."

Zhou Yulong and Su Wei have known each other for almost a year, and he knows him very well.

According to Zhou Yulong's understanding of Su Wei, Su Wei always has a very clear purpose in doing programs. As long as he can meet his needs, making money is as easy as breathing.

The shooting of "Wu Yang" is to promote the name of national martial arts, while TV series such as "Wudao Yongchang" are to popularize the basic knowledge of ancient martial arts.

So now, what is the purpose of doing variety shows or talent shows? Is it to tinker with a "World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference"?

When Su Wei first met the memory master Wang Liyan, he had an idea in his mind, but he never had the opportunity to put it into practice.

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