What he feared most was that the news that Huake Institute said that there was a breakthrough in cancer-specific drugs was fake news to stabilize public opinion.

Although the probability of this was extremely low, once this idea came up, it would never go away.

"Really, but it is still in the clinical trial stage, and it is hard to say whether it is stable or not."

Su Wei was telling the truth. Although the treatments for other cancers were generated by words, this was based on cart therapy. Su Wei couldn't say whether this therapy itself had sequelae.

After the first batch of patients recovered, Huake Institute had been approved to expand the scope of clinical trials.

If nothing unexpected happened, it would be put into use soon.

Du Yusheng looked up and saw that the door of Du Xiaoying's live broadcast room was tightly closed. The sound insulation effect of this thing had been tested in various ways, so it was naturally not expected to be heard by her.

"Can you arrange for my mother to participate in this clinical trial?" Su Wei frowned and asked, "Is Auntie's condition so serious?" "It's not life-threatening, but it hurts. Every time I go back and see her haggard appearance, I can't stand it. Anyway, if the clinical trial fails, the medicine can't be sold. It's better to let her go in and let her succeed or not. If she's lucky, she'll suffer less. If she's unlucky, she'll just make a contribution to medicine." Du Yusheng knew that the principle of this treatment method is to kill cancer cells by transforming the body's own immune system. Judging from the clinical history of leukemia, the risk is indeed not great. "Okay, then I'll ask for you." ... After the investigation report on the carcinogenicity of eye ointment was released, everything returned to normal. The only difference is that Su Wei's reputation has reached an extremely terrifying level. However, based on his previous behavioral tendencies, this kind of fame will not touch the sensitive nerves of some people. Under the pretext of signing the agreement, Su Wei arranged for Du Yusheng and Shen Haoyu to meet and arrange Du's mother's affairs.

After receiving Su Wei's start-up funds, Zong Dejun quickly formed a team.

Su Wei had read his plan, and the program name was tentatively set as "The Legend Continues".

The plan was slightly similar to the style of "The Strongest Brain Flower", but he focused on the "legendary degree" of the guests, focusing on the extraordinary points of the guests.

This idea coincided with Su Wei's plan.

According to Su Wei's idea, since there is a complete set of theoretical systems, the first episode of "Qi Ji" should be a big deal.

Su Wei originally planned to let Zong Dejun invite several "genius" patients to participate in the program.

However, when he learned that the reason why "genius" was called a disease was that these geniuses were autistic, Su Wei gave up the idea.

If the gene fragment of the genius comes with the debuff of autism, it is better not to touch it.

So, the two of them naturally thought of the backup candidate - memory master Wang Liyan.

However, after asking, I found out that Wang Liyan, who had come to Xiajing for a stroll, has now become a national-level special talent.

He is not allowed to go on the screen and wander around...

Yes, with Wang Weijian's identity, he dare not release offensive martial arts casually. Now Wang Liyan has become a mobile scripture pavilion. If he can wander around, it would be a ghost.

In desperation, Su Wei had to find another way.

Ability is not necessarily very smart or very good at fighting to be considered a superpower. After all, it still requires a special feature.

The word spirit is rooted in public trust, and the emotions that can provide the most trust are desire and greed.

Su Wei suddenly thought of Zong Dejun's fat figure, and an inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Director Zong, how about we not invite people with strong memory, but change our thinking and find some people who can't gain weight to do the show?"

158. Chapter 158 Superpowers are quite scientific

Chapter 158 Superpowers are quite scientific

Science is a constantly evolving discipline.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the less you know. Only those who really know know what they don't know.

With the golden finger of the idealist side, Su Wei actually doesn't want to have anything to do with science, because if the words modify some of the most basic and essential rules, it will cause the scientific system built on these rules to collapse completely.

The reason why perpetual motion machines can never be realized is that people have discovered that heat can only be transferred from high temperature areas to low temperature areas.

If Su Wei really uses the words to create a perpetual motion machine, then the words must modify the basic rules of the world's operation in order to support the existence of this perpetual motion machine.

And the consequence of this is: either heat can be transferred from low temperature to high temperature, or exceptions are added to the law.

Just like Su Wei's ancient prescriptions.

Until today, Su Wei still believes that the ancient prescriptions that cannot be explained by science are the most perfect among all the achievements of the Word Spirit.

Like "super memory", "genius", "never gain weight", even thunder and lightning, magnetic control and mind reading, etc., as long as Su Wei wants, he can take out the corresponding prescriptions.

But he can't do this.

If everything Su Wei takes out cannot be included in the scientific system, then his existence itself will become a problem.

Using genetics to bind the superpower system is not only a choice to limit the superpower system within a reasonable framework, but also a means for Su Wei to appease the world.

"Look, everything related to me is actually quite scientific, but you can't study it."

After not showing up in the live broadcast room for several days, Su Wei decided to go and express condolences to his old viewers. After all, this was his base of trust.

Du Xiaoying's makeup today was a little unrestrained. Last night she said she was going to have her hair done. Su Wei went to bed early and didn't see her again when she came back.

As a result, when I pushed away the studio, I discovered that this girl had a double ponytail, one side dyed red and the other side dyed blue.

Su Wei was stunned for a moment and exclaimed: "Damn it, you dare to cosplay this thing, aren't you afraid of being accused?"

Live broadcasting is a commercial activity. If cosplay is used for commercial activities, you may be sued for infringement. It depends on the generosity of the copyright owner.

However, Du Xiaoying, who has never been very smart, is particularly smart on this issue.

"Brother Su Wei, please don't scare Xiaoying. I've never heard of a cosplay ambulance being sued."


Su Wei took a closer look and saw that the pure white nurse uniform represented the white body of the ambulance, and the red and blue ponytails represented the flashing lights on the ambulance.

Isn't this the cos ambulance? Even though I, the King of Heaven, am here, I don’t dare to ask her for copyright fees.

It's just...the ambulance's pair of headlights are a bit dazzling.

"It's a great performance, and it's all very presentable."


Su Wei sighed secretly, pulled up a chair and sat down: "What video are you watching? Take me with you."

"I'm watching people lay bricks!" Du Xiaoying said honestly.

What was shown on the screen was a short video of some self-media self-proclaimed "martial arts masters" showing off their martial arts value.

Three red bricks were tied together and hung up. A young man who looked like a boxer punched the bricks, causing the red bricks to break and break into two pieces.

After watching the video, Su Wei touched his chin and was a little shocked: "Holy crap, is this person a fan of mine? Has he practiced to this extent?"

[Those bricks are props. If you believe them, you will lose. 】

[I am a brick maker at home. If the red bricks in the video are real, they would be harder than tree trunks. Don’t believe it! 】

[I tried it, but there was no way I could use it to lift it. I couldn’t hit even one brick within half a year. If there really is someone in this world who can do it, I only believe in Su Shen. 】

Su Wei's surprise was of course feigned.

It took him ten years of strength and the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms to barely break a small tree trunk.

If the red brick is really harder than the tree trunk as the barrage said, then it can only be a prop brick.

"I have never tried hanging red bricks, but I have broken a thigh-thick tree."

[The father of the ancient martial arts sect has come to an end. Will he teach these false masters a lesson? 】

[Sister Xiaoying is so innocent. If you believe this, I will cry to death. 】

【Break the big tree? Su Shen, did you damage public property? 】

Su Wei smiled and cursed: "Hey, brother, can you stop focusing on such weird things all the time? I'm not Jia Quan, is it my turn to do things like crackdown on counterfeiting? Most of you here are Xi Jinping. Martial people should have some discernment of their own.”

Du Xiaoying sat next to him, his head full of questions.

In fact, as soon as he saw the video, Su Wei remembered his Yan Ling Er.

Eighty years of internal strength is followed by "breaking gold and iron with bare hands."

It is really difficult to achieve this thing before the spirit of speech is realized.

Today’s Internet users are well-informed and have high IQs.

A brick-breaking video can be found out using prop bricks. Su Wei, who "breaks gold and iron with his bare hands", can play with props?

To be honest, it's a bit confusing.

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