[Brother Civil Engineering has changed his career now, is it still too late? 】

In front of the camera was a piece of rebar that was two fingers thick and half a meter long. Su Wei held both ends, gestured, and showed a sunny smile to the camera.

"There's no way to prove eighty years of inner strength through a screen. How about I show you how to break gold and iron with my bare hands?"

【? ? ? 】

【What the hell? You want to break something that can withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake with your bare hands? 】

[I asked you to prove your strength within eighty years, I didn’t ask you to dig up the roots of earth and trees! 】

[You want to be able to break it crookedly. Every factory that produces this thing has to send in guard dogs. 】

[Hey, can anyone knowledgeable explain what they are excited about? Isn’t it just an iron rod...]

Broken? You guys underestimate me too much!

"Oh? How about we make a bet, just a toaster."

[It can be seen that Su Shen really wants a bread machine. 】

[I will give you a treasure map. I bought a bread machine. Put down the rebar and everything will be easy to explain. 】

There were tons of special effects of gifts floating in the live broadcast room. Except for those studying civil engineering, everyone came to watch and have fun.

Su Wei hasn't shown off in the live broadcast room for a long time, and fans really missed it.

As for the consequences of bending a two-finger-thick rebar, in fact, no one cares.

The standards that have consequences, you score people.

If it were Su Shen, whatever happened would be justified.

Su Wei in front of the camera chuckled: "It's you who want me to prove it, and it's you who told me to stop. How can anything in this world be so simple? It's too late to regret it now!"

Then, with Su Wei's roar, the originally straight rebar bent 180 degrees in a few seconds and turned into a U-shaped rebar.

【Ah this! 】

【It's that simple? Am I dazzled? 】

[I really feel like he’s not trying hard enough. 】

[Either it’s a prop, or it’s an illusion! I don’t believe it anyway. 】

[Let’s face it, Master Su never plays with props. I still have half a brick here that Master Su Su left behind when he opened the bricks a few days ago. 】

[What a coincidence, I also have half a brick, maybe we both have the same brick. 】

Su Wei placed the crooked rebar on the table, moved his fingers, took a sip of water, and then picked it up again.

"I said, why are you panicking? It's not over yet! You can break gold and break iron with your bare hands. It's not broken yet, so don't worry."

[Do you still want to break it? 】

[Oh my god, is this person a real person? He can't be the Terminator who traveled back from the future, so he's wearing a different skin! 】

Stand firm after being beaten, I apologize, I am useless. The previous chapter has been changed. I hope all you serious sci-fi guys will stop arguing with me, a braggart. Thank you.

Mainly because it's the end of the year and the company has become very busy. I have to work overtime even during my lunch break. I really don't have time to check the information in detail like before. After a little bit of tidying up, I started to act stupidly according to my own understanding.

It is my fault.

183. Chapter 183 Su Shen, of course he is talking about myths

Chapter 183 Su Shen, of course he is talking about myths

How outrageous is it to bend a piece of rebar as thick as two fingers?

All you need to know is that even the best fitness guru can’t handle an eight millimeter diameter rebar.

The one in Su Wei's hand can be used as the main frame of a high-rise building. The force required to bend it is nearly twenty times higher than the one with a diameter of eight millimeters.

Such a stick, placed in the world of martial arts, would definitely become a magical weapon that many masters would fight for.

In front of this thing, any dragon-slaying sword or Heaven-Elyseeing Sword is just a stinky brother.

If Quan Jinfa can use this thing as a scale, Ouyang Feng will definitely do it.

In fact, before Yan Ling Er was realized, Su Wei was thinking of another plan.

After all, flesh and blood cannot compete with steel. What breaks metal and breaks iron is iron, not rebar.

With fifty years of internal strength and a physical body that can break open monuments and crack stones, it is still somewhat difficult to compete with this thing.

Su Wei originally wanted to take Du Xiaoying out to demonstrate, just like the last time in the camp, using a clever trick to create a bit of visual shock for the audience.

However, the audience this time was very easy to lead, and Su Wei did not need to perform hard. As soon as he opened his mouth, he had already achieved his goal of realizing the spirit of speech.

At this moment, Su Wei suddenly swelled up.

If a pair of fleshy palms that can destroy metal and break iron, coupled with eighty years of internal strength enhancement, can't deal with a small piece of rebar, where will this old face go?

People who cheat are so confident.

Brother Yan Ling definitely has the strength to be trusted by Su Wei.

When Su Wei held both ends of the rebar and began to exert force, the touch from his palms began to remind Su Wei:

"You are still too conservative after all. In fact, you can choose something thicker."

Although the rebar couldn't speak, for some reason, Su Wei seemed to be ridiculed and bent it into a U shape in a very short time as if to vent his anger.

By this time, the barrage had already exploded.

After the ancient martial arts were spread, the upper limit of the potential of the mortal body was no longer what it was before.

On the Internet, some people have successfully challenged the eight-millimeter or even ten-millimeter rebar.

But when it came to Su Wei, it was a little different.

As the saying goes: You got 100 points in the test because the test paper only got 100 points. Su Shen got 1,000 points in the test because the question maker only had 1,000 points.

He acted too relaxed. The two-finger-thick rebar couldn't even cause him the slightest trouble.

And what Su Wei said next was even more outrageous.

What do you mean by "not broken yet"? You got a thousand points and you blame the question setter for being too low-level. You should fly over to teach him how to set questions?

In the camera, Du Xiaoying stared at the bent rebar, her big eyes full of inexplicable doubts.

And after Su Wei drank a sip of water with the ingredients of Dali Jin Gang Wan, he grabbed both ends of the rebar again - there was no way, he was too steady.

Then it was time to witness a miracle.

The rebar, which had been bent to the point of losing the need for rescue, turned back into a straight line in Su Wei's hands.

This operation had already shocked those civil engineering brothers.

There was no more shouting in the live broadcast room. It was estimated that they were all in a hurry to change their careers overnight.

And this was not the end.

Su Wei held the two ends of the rebar tightly with both hands, and then pulled it hard at both ends like playing with a traction machine, his face flushed red.

[Is Su Shen going to tear this thing apart? ]

[No way? Slap me and see if I am dreaming. ]

[If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe it. Let alone steel bars, even if I held a pair of chopsticks at both ends, I couldn't tear it in two. ]

Su Wei didn't let the audience wait too long. With a crisp sound, the two-finger-thick rebar broke in Su Wei's hand.

Careful people can even see that the two ends of the rebar, where Su Wei held his hands, have undergone outrageous deformation.

It only took a few seconds from Su Wei's gesture to the rebar breaking.

This thing doesn't exist in the situation where you pull it for a long time and finally tear it apart.

In fact, the Word Spirit is indeed powerful enough. It is absolutely true that it can break gold and iron.

Su Wei knocked the rebar in his hand crosswise a few times, and then brought the cross section of the fracture close to the camera for everyone to study carefully.

The sound of this thing is scary. It is completely unimaginable that it was forcibly torn apart by the strength of two arms.

The barrage was full of exclamations, but Su Wei himself was a little unsatisfied.

"Hey, I didn't have enough fun. This rebar is too thin. I should buy a thicker one."

[Listen, is this human language? ]

[Su Shen has been a bad person for a long time. Do you still expect him to speak human language? If such a thick rebar is torn apart with bare hands, it is definitely a "myth" if it is not a prop, okay? ]

[I can't figure it out. Why are there so many doubters in the live broadcast room? What kind of people are they? ]

Those who questioned Su Wei before he pretended to be cool were all fools. Those who still questioned after he pretended to be cool can only be said to be iron blacks.

"Hey, some things are really boring if you talk too much. I can only say that you should practice well. As long as you practice well, one day, you will be able to break gold and iron like me."

After giving the audience some chicken soup, Su Wei said hello to the camera and stood up and left the live broadcast room.

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