"Oh, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet, let me take my time."

This is the second time today that Su Wei has been told not to worry.

That is to say, through the phone, Shen Haoyu couldn't see the stinky face Su Wei put on.

Otherwise he would have to die laughing.

"I just said that with the spread of ancient martial arts, the use of martial arts to break the ban is an unavoidable obstacle. Facing the low-level people who have extraordinary military power and are bullied in various ways, it is definitely unreasonable to use coercive means. Once it causes The consequences of the backlash are not far behind those incidents caused by the inability to ban guns abroad.”

After Shen Haoyu finished speaking, he left some time for Su Wei to think, but Su Wei retorted.

"There are still some differences. There are no religious problems or racial conflicts in our country. Naturally, there cannot be too many anti-social personalities born."

Although there are few such dangerous personalities, they are not without them. Occasionally, kindergartens are attacked and make news.

From this point of view, it should be a good thing for all people to practice martial arts. At least it will give these cowards some courage to take responsibility for their mistakes.

For those who are truly timid to a certain extent, it is unlikely that they will achieve much in ancient martial arts.

"No, you want me to explain to you, so don't interrupt."

"Oh, go on, I won't interrupt."

"Well, as I just mentioned, Wang Weijian has always been worried that a dangerous personality will appear, and then he will use a powerful ancient martial arts to fight from Nantianmen to Lingxiao Palace. However, there is actually a solution."

Shen Haoyu deliberately put it off and stopped here. The crackling sound of a lighter came from the phone.

Su Wei was very polite and agreed not to interrupt, even if he didn't rush him, he still had a few seconds of patience.

After a while, Shen Haoyu finally continued:

"In fact, it is very simple. Give powerful ancient warriors a separate appeal channel, so that they have a more stable and legal choice before considering using force to deal with the problem. As long as this channel is established, then there will be no ancient martial arts related He is also easy to blame for problems.”

When Shen Haoyu said this, Su Wei's horizons were immediately opened.

Wang Weijian bound the strength and privileges of the ancient warriors, and independently opened a special supervision line for the ancient warriors outside the existing supervision system.

This additional regulatory system means great power.

Based on this point, as the top person in charge of the ancient martial arts system, Wang Weijian can rely on ancient martial arts to achieve further status improvement.

And Su Wei, who has great strength, also plays a chess piece in it.

You see, it was precisely because Wang Weijian provided Su Wei with enough privileges that he didn't cause trouble.

Firstly, it illustrates the controllability of ancient martial arts masters, and secondly, it illustrates the inevitability of the existence of a new regulatory system due to the proliferation of ancient martial arts.

After thinking about this, Su Wei couldn't help but say an orthodox national curse.

"You guys who are playing ZZ, you have such a dark heart!"

188. Chapter 188 Power and Corruption

Chapter 188 Power and Corruption

They are all figures in the Guwu side system, and Shen Haoyu knows Wang Weijian's thoughts very well.

In fact, Wang Weijian has already made similar preparations.

It's just that Su Wei is too greedy and doesn't care about interests. No one can step on his head.

To be given the privilege of being an example, naturally it cannot be that Su Wei breaks the rules because of his own desires, but it must be that he has been bullied and Su Wei has to be reasonable.

This kind of thing cannot be arranged personally, it can only wait.

It’s just that I’ve waited until now.

Although the real problem was with Long Chao Charity, not Su Wei.

However, Long Chao Charity can be equated with Su Wei to a certain extent, so there is no need to worry about others not recognizing it.

Su Wei was originally worried that the phone call to Wang Weijian was too aggressive.

Although it was mainly out of concern for Du Yusheng's personal safety, after all, Wang Weijian's status was there. He acted like a big brother and shouted at him, but he didn't know if he had any thoughts in his heart.

After Shen Haoyu explained, Su Wei's anxious heart was relieved.

Now that Wang Weijian has the idea of ​​establishing a feedback system by relying on Gu Wu, the greater the pressure from Su Wei, the more maneuverable it will be for him.

Although Brother Xiao Jian was indeed busy and trying his best to solve the matter of Du Yusheng's detention, Su Wei always felt a little unhappy.

Lately, it seems like people are always trying to pull off their skin to make a big show.

Not only Wang Weijian, but also the executive of Long Chao Charity who concealed the truth.

Su Wei is not a stingy person. He actually doesn't care if others use his power to achieve goals that have nothing to do with evil.

But, while you are doing this, can you please let me know?

Being kept in the dark all the time will make you look stupid.

Shen Haoyu was scolded by Su Wei, but he was not annoyed at all. Instead, he let out a strange laugh.

"Let me tell you, don't worry too much. Although I don't know the situation on the scene, in my opinion, those people are just chickens and dogs. The really bold ones have been eliminated long ago. Where can I let anyone back? I'll give you a tip."

Even though he was still a little depressed, after the two phone calls, Su Wei was no longer worried about Du Yusheng's safety.

There is no internet connection in Shangoogou, and the perception of changes in the external environment is not that fast.

Du Yusheng injured someone, but he was able to let him go back to report the incident. Most likely, he wanted to talk to Su Wei, the "boss", and ask for some "health loss compensation" for the radiation from the base station.

If that doesn't work, he will have to ask for some medical expenses.

If they knew the background of Longchao Charity, they would have to send Du Yusheng away in a sedan chair.

However, it was too late to do anything now.

Wang Weijian acted extremely quickly. That afternoon, the special operations team set out on a journey out of Beijing.

At the same time, documents were also sent to local areas.

Some people were reprimanded and called to pass on positive energy to the lower levels.

For the local tyrants in the village, all this was like encountering a ghost at night.

In the middle of the night, several off-road vehicles drove into the village. Nearly a hundred men in black with guns and live ammunition rushed down from the vehicles, surrounded the three-story single-family house, and started shouting.

If you are not extremely vicious, you will not dare to fart when you encounter such a situation.

Early the next morning, the group of people from Longchao Charity got on the bus to leave. As for how the small village will change, it has nothing to do with them.


In the afternoon, Du Yusheng returned to Xiajing and prepared to take a few days off.

Those people were mainly for money, so they did not make things difficult for Du Yusheng.

The main reason was that Du Yusheng was too good at fighting. Although he was not a professional in martial arts, he was one of the first people to practice internal strength.

As long as it was not a comprehensive encirclement, even if three or five thugs came, they would not be able to get close.

Putting aside martial arts, he had a lot of strength after taking so many powerful diamond pills.

And those people holding bird hunting rifles were just to show off their strength, and no one dared to really kill anyone.

As the saying goes, it is easier to deal with the King of Hell than with the little devils.

In any place with a little development, with a network, everyone has at least heard of the name of Longchao Charity, and no one would dare to reach out.

It was this kind of isolated mountain village that almost made Du Yusheng die in it.

I don’t know whether to say that he was unlucky or that Wang Weijian was lucky.

Wang Weijian had a big heart. He wanted to build a feedback system outside the existing framework and rely on ancient martial artists.

It’s called feedback, but it’s actually public supervision.

It’s just that the people who are qualified to give feedback are strictly restricted.

As long as your skills are strong enough, you can punish evil through this channel without having to rely on your own force.

This idea is too idealistic no matter where it is placed, and there will definitely be a lot of resistance.

For example, as Su Wei said, if he wanted to post these dirty things that Du Yusheng encountered that had nothing to do with charity on the official website, someone would definitely not be able to stand it.

However, if this idealized model is really done for him, then anyone can improve their social status by practicing martial arts.

This social status does not mean that you can bully others, but that at least you can not be suppressed by some unreasonable existence.

Of course, in the long run, this system will become bloated and redundant, and it will be difficult to move.

But that is not something to consider at this stage.

From Su Wei's perspective, he has never even thought about this matter, and dared not think about it at all.

If this system can really be implemented, everyone's enthusiasm for martial arts will be no less than that for civil service examinations.

And as the godfather of ancient martial arts, Su Wei will also gain an unshakable transcendent status.

After careful consideration, Wang Weijian chose to hide it from himself, and Su Wei could understand it.

If he really informed him in advance, it would be a conspiracy.

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